Where will YOU be when HL2 comes out

Assuming it's released at Midnight-oh-one, I'll be at home restarting Steam for the unlock. If they decide not to unlock it until later in the morning or the afternoon, I'll probably be at work when the news hits.
I'm gonna park my ass next to my computer, that's what I'll do. :)
I'm buying it from Amazon so i'll be in school thinking to myself how i could set my dog on the post man if it doesn't arrive
drunk. Wait, thats a condition, not a place... damnit, I cant think of it now. I'm drunk.
hasan said:
why the sad smiley? I WISH they give us such lectures.
all the teach us at this point is pascal, which is kinda lame.

neways, I think I will be at home, although I don't know if I'll have time to play cuz it's most likely gonna be a religous holiday for me. :D
Maybe I will just be at home, only God knows, I hope I'd be home the moment it's released!

LOL, its just an expression for tusedays thats all. I start at 9am, and fiinish at 7pm. Long day :thumbs:

I hop, it releases on Monday, I have one houre lecture in the monrnin, :D
I'll hopefully, pick it up in the morning (That is, if it is released in the morning and not waiting on the UPS guy to drop it off at the EBGames store at say, 2 or 3 PM). If not, I goto work at 1 until 10 PM. I'll just pick it up either during my lunch break or the next morning.

Yea, my work hours suck. 2nd shift blah.
swiss said:
I was just wondering where u think u will be on Tuesday 16th of November ( presuming thats the release date) when the game comes out. Are u gonna skip work? bunk off school? spend the whole day in front of the PC? Just how much do u guys think HL2 is gonna have an affect on our lives during that week?
I personally think I wont buy the game till the following weekend, coz i know if i got it on the Tuesday I wouldnt do ANY work for the rest of the week; but I doubt ill be able to resist the temptation to buy it.
Lets hear ur opinions.
um, lets see, i think i will be at my computer waiting to get the unlock files. :)
All you Americans should phone up your schools and say there's a Bomb scare :p.

I don't know what I will be doing. If have my Mock GCSE's at that time I'll be doing them, otherwise I will try and pursuade my mum if I can have the day off. She will say no though, I know she will.
Well here's my schedule for tuesday. I will most likely wake up around 8 or so and try to activate the product. I have my first class at 11 so I may grab a few minutes to play before class. My first class ends at 12:15 and I go to my next class at 12:30. That class ends at 1:20 and then I'll probably grab some lunch and then go back to my room. I'll probably finish my homework early and then play until my hand hurts.
wake up, go to work, come home, run, skip the gym, take a shower, play HL2 until midnight :p
...At school, more concerned with my future.

......Until 12:20...When I'm out of class, and going home. Shut the doors, lock them, close windows, kill lights, leave dog outside, ignore everything, etc...etc...Hl2? =p
If VALVe unlocks HL2 (Steam) at 00.01 am (PST), I will in the university (00:01 PST = 09.01 MET/Germany), but I'm not sure. :E

Actually I hope, VALVe would unlock HL2 at the same moment, when japanese HL2 fans can buy their HL2. :bounce:
*click* damn. *click*... damn. *click* damn.
*click* damn.......
Ill be home, having used yet another vacation day.

Hopefully, valvewill announce when on nov 16 they plan to unlock...I.E 12 am/8 am ect
I plan to go to school on the 16th, then walk down to EB after school (15 minute walk), then get picked up by my dad, and then go home and play.

Maybe I'll get lucky though and I'll not have school, somehow.
having taken a day off, in front of a store, then running in, grabbing the first visible copy of hl2, then at home the rest of the day.
I'll be in GAY school. ;( But when I get home it all begins from there. :D
If the game came out 2400BST(GMT) then ill probably just have a very late night and be totally spaced out in the morning. Like that would be anything new. Although its 2400PST isnt it which will end up about 0600 here so i doubt ill play it till about 12-1300BST(GMT). pfft.
In lectures at University probably (Sh*t!)
But if they still have stock that day after the stampede, I'll just pick it up and buy it.

I originally reserved a copy a long time ago, but that was in my home town, the closest time to get that one would be over the weekend after.
I thought that the reserved copy would of been the CE (I wanted the DVD). But because the normal edition will be DVD as standard, I just pick it up on the day.
lll leave school early, waiting for unlock
deekey777 said:
If VALVe unlocks HL2 (Steam) at 00.01 am (PST), I will in the university (00:01 PST = 09.01 MET/Germany), but I'm not sure. :E

Actually I hope, VALVe would unlock HL2 at the same moment, when japanese HL2 fans can buy their HL2. :bounce:

If VALVe unlocks HL2 (Steam) at 00.01 am (PST), I will be in the university (00:01 PST = 09.01 MET/Germany), but I'm not sure. :E

Actually I hope, VALVe would unlock HL2 at the same moment, when japanese HL2 fans can buy their HL2. :bounce:

I can't edit my own postings?!?!? :sleep: