Where Would You Rather Live?

RPG or Modern?


    Votes: 26 51.0%

    Votes: 18 35.3%
  • I'd Rather Just Not Live At All.

    Votes: 7 13.7%

  • Total voters
Sulkdodds said:
If this 'RPG world' was like an RPG in that there was little risk, total job security, no true death due to resurrection and a man could live comfortably on slaying murlocs all day long then hell yeah.

Otherwise, I think I'd rather live now.

no sex, no booze, you have to run if you want to get anywhere (unless you're rich, and even then it's on a lion, wtf what if I want a sportscar?) and you change your clothes once a week and absolutely never take a bath ..not too mention that if you're unlike enough to be designated a "NPC" you have to spend enless hours just standing there waiting for someone to talk to you and even then they're just interested in quests and leave as soon as your done giving instructions
I never said anything about medieval times, I said RPG Worlds.. It's totally different. I also never said anything about the gameplay like RPG world, It would be like real life, just with magic and the such - Like in morrowind, the shopkeepers wont just stand there forever, they will have lives and needs. Also, you can take a bath and change if YOU want to... Just go in a river, take a bath. Also you can buy clothes if you want to, if you like being dirty, then you belong there.... And yes, you will be able to have sex....
Dog-- said:
I never said anything about medieval times, I said RPG Worlds.. It's totally different. I also never said anything about the gameplay like RPG world, It would be like real life, just with magic and the such - Like in morrowind, the shopkeepers wont just stand there forever, they will have lives and needs. Also, you can take a bath and change if YOU want to... Just go in a river, take a bath. Also you can buy clothes if you want to, if you like being dirty, then you belong there.... And yes, you will be able to have sex....

Oh, well, that changes everything. RPG sex for everyone!
Danimal said:
Cyber... In real life? D:

Damn straight.

"Where is the elf? Bring...bring her to me..."

*heavy breathing*

edit: Wow, 1,111 posts. I can never post again to keep this anomaly alive.