Where's Gordon (the game)


Sep 1, 2003
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Ok everyone's seen the Where's Waldo books right? Well here's the idea, i have taken an old waldo picture and replaced him with gordon freeman. naturally you have to find him. i am kind of hoping for other people to add to this topic by putting gordon freeman in different environments, like having him there when Kennedy was shot. Go ahead guys, have a blast :p
in the middel between the pink and green clothed ppl
Well, might have been fun had FriScho not given it away in the very second post!
that's why people have to create their own :p

and why are you reading other people's post before looking? you know someone's gonna post the answer:dozey:
Originally posted by Kyle2
and why are you reading other people's post before looking? you know someone's gonna post the answer:dozey:

Its not like I have to concentrate to read you know! If the text is there on the page then my brain reads it without giving me much of a chance to ignore it, especially when its the second post and only a sentence long! lol
Gordon is between a couple(Old people)ones a granny in pink and the other is her son(Well, he's younger) in green
Heh, never knew Gordon had such a big head :D Ppl please stop posting answers it's just no fun :|

Edit - Anyone tell me where gabe is?
lol nice, hey i got one!

now, its a little blurry, but im sure youll be able to find him ;)
he's near the bottom left. right near the side, by those people. [next to the dude w/ the gray shirt]
comon guys! lets not say where they are. just say that you've found him and that the author of the image is very hansome :p :p :cool:

ok, find the Lambda logo.