Where's my .wad?


Nov 24, 2003
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I want to make a map of my neighborhood (so I can shoot my neighbors and whatnot) but I need some textures in a .wad. (Correct?) Does anybody know where I can find these? I found various textures, but don't I need a .wad? I got halflife via Steam so I don't even have a halflife.wad. Where the wads at?? :farmer:
Sorry I should have posted this in the mapping forum. Can I move it there?
But I have no .wad files, that's the problem....
The wads are packed into a .GFC file. Every Game you download through steam will be in a .GFC. Go grab GFC Scape and and take a look.
Oh. Duh. I get it now. Thanks for the help. By the way, where can I find some other .wads? Half Life's textures are too industrial for my neighborhood. Is there a site that has more natural .wads? Or do I need to find the textures and compile a wad?
better to find/maek your own textures then compile a wad which is REALLY easy,, just get the program WALLY texture editor (google it) and it will import most filetypes, automatically create mip-maps (:D) and let you browse-create wads
I downloaded GFC Scape, but it errors out when i run it. Are there any other files I need to run it? All that came in the d/l was GFCScape.exe and Readme.txt. I run Windows XP Professional.
Ah do you have .net installed? if not

Runtimes: (Required)

.NET Framework v1.1 (23,698 KB Executable) - GCFScape is written in C++ .NET and such as requires the new .NET runtimes. These runtimes come with latter versions of Windows XP, but many users may have to D/L them separately. The .NET runtime is also available as a Windows Update. v1.1 is required.

That's probably it. I'll try it when I get home. Thanks for the help Kyo :thumbs: I fix computers for a living (wouldn't know it by my posts!), and by the time I get home I'm so sick of researching problems, I really appreciate being able to just ask a question and get an answer vs. searching and researching until brain starts oozing from my ears... So yeah, thanks!
wow Kyo, I had the exact same problem as pvtlon, you seem really experoence on this valve hammer program
hey kyo, it says there was an error on the page when I went to the given website, do you know what the problem might be?
You guys are talking about HL1 right?

Cause if your talking about Source then you don't use .wad's you use materials.
Another Problem

Hey, I had this same problem too. I got GCFScape and tried to find my .wad. But the problem came when I couldn't find any .wads. All I saw were .vtf and .vmt's. Any solutions?
hammer wad help please?

hey... i have the half-life 2 collectors eddition... u know the 1 that has the shirt with it lol.... neway i want to create counter-strike: source maps...and use the counter-strike textures... but the .wad's are no where to be found... i have GCFScape... im using Valve Hammer Editor 3.4 + 3.5 patch... if that helps... please help... thanks

also the hammer editor in SDK in steam when i load it with counter-strike: source it crashes when hammer loads n displays that annoying Send error report message
one_mad_driver said:
also the hammer editor in SDK in steam when i load it with counter-strike: source it crashes when hammer loads n displays that annoying Send error report message
This is what you have to use. Run the SDK's Reset Game Configurations and Refresh SDK Content tools and try to open Hammer.
thanks but...

i tried that... like 5 times...and then i tried it backwards... still nothin... same error... it also changed it to the original HAMMER editor... the original that came with source SDK... any other ideas?... thanks anyway
one_mad_driver said:
i tried that... like 5 times...and then i tried it backwards... still nothin... same error... it also changed it to the original HAMMER editor... the original that came with source SDK... any other ideas?... thanks anyway
How strange.

...You do have a legal copy of CS:S and the other stuff, right? Downloaded legally through the only Steam client that is officially supported, as opposed to some crack that lets you play for free? (This is a more common problem than you'd think. "OMG MY ILEGAL SOFTWAREZ DONT WORKZORZ!!~@#!1!")
The Dark Elf said:
You guys are talking about HL1 right?

Cause if your talking about Source then you don't use .wad's you use materials.
listen to this guy

oh and btw where have you been ?
illegal omg!

Raeven0 said:
How strange.

...You do have a legal copy of CS:S and the other stuff, right? Downloaded legally through the only Steam client that is officially supported, as opposed to some crack that lets you play for free? (This is a more common problem than you'd think. "OMG MY ILEGAL SOFTWAREZ DONT WORKZORZ!!~@#!1!")

yeah its totally legal... i bought the half -life 2 collectors eddition for $119 from a shop... nothing illegal at all im not like that... ok well maybe a little... but not with good games!:cheese:
one_mad_driver said:
yeah its totally legal... i bought the half -life 2 collectors eddition for $119 from a shop... nothing illegal at all im not like that... ok well maybe a little... but not with good games!:cheese:
Strange indeed. There's no logical reason for Hammer to crash from a fresh install with default configurations unless something is seriously wrong with the sourcesdk.gcf, which should never occur because Steam is supposed to verify GCFs anyway.

Perhaps someone else can assist. I don't understand.

Raeven0 said:
Strange indeed. There's no logical reason for Hammer to crash from a fresh install with default configurations unless something is seriously wrong with the sourcesdk.gcf, which should never occur because Steam is supposed to verify GCFs anyway.

Perhaps someone else can assist. I don't understand.

i kno its freaky ... i can get hammer editor to open but only when its on the game "half-life" but half life 2 and counter strike source it crashes for... i dont understand AT ALL... lol... thanks for ur help its good to know that theres some 1 that will assist people with a REAL problem...
one_mad_driver said:
i kno its freaky ... i can get hammer editor to open but only when its on the game "half-life" but half life 2 and counter strike source it crashes for... i dont understand AT ALL... lol... thanks for ur help its good to know that theres some 1 that will assist people with a REAL problem...
Hammer-from-Source-SDK can't do Half-Life. If Half-Life is appearing in the game list, you have a serious problem. :P

Hammer-from-Goldsource-(3.4/3.5) can make .MAP files, which can be converted to the Source (HL2) format. It can't open Source material files or Source FGDs, though, and will definitely crash if you try to load them.

Raeven0 said:
Hammer-from-Source-SDK can't do Half-Life. If Half-Life is appearing in the game list, you have a serious problem. :P

Hammer-from-Goldsource-(3.4/3.5) can make .MAP files, which can be converted to the Source (HL2) format. It can't open Source material files or Source FGDs, though, and will definitely crash if you try to load them.

ok thats really weird... this is stuffed... steam screwed me around then... i mean thats the only answer... i downloaded n installed SDK ... FROM STEAM...and i havent done nething... n its how it is :S... so yeah thats g**... yeah so ill download SDK from some 1 that wont f**K it up :D... i hope lol... im starting to get over the whole map making thing cos of steam SDK... oh well ill keep trying for a little while...
You're making an imaginary mod too? We should combine forces. I can lead.
Pesmerga said:
You're making an imaginary mod too? We should combine forces. I can lead.

what do u mean... i wanna make a level called cop shop... in counterstrike source... but ur prob not talking to me

and in half life 2 deathmatch im making a map called office assult.... a mix between counter-strike source OFFICE and ASSULT.. but i want the actual C-S:S hammer to work so i can make these maps for CSS... but it wont work ;(
mindless_moder said:
listen to this guy

oh and btw where have you been ?

i don't know where he's been but wherever it is, he's still there. this thread is almost 2 years old now LOL

Phisionary said:
i don't know where he's been but wherever it is, he's still there. this thread is almost 2 years old now LOL

it may be 2 years old... but its still a help n it is some where that i got help like 3 weeks ago... so yeah ... still need that help tho lol
Well, I think its awesome your keeping a thred, this old alive. Porps to that,

"throws a high five and waits for someone to recieve..."

blackflag486 said:
Well, I think its awesome your keeping a thred, this old alive. Porps to that,

"throws a high five and waits for someone to recieve..."

recieves high five and plants 1 below and waits for some 1 to re-recieve and plant him one