Where's the attention at?


Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
Why are Plan of Attack's forums here so slow? I mean, POA is an excellent MOD continually being updated. Come on, I know you guys got something :p
It's about as generic as CS:S. I still play it from time to time but it doesn't warrant discussion.
There is nothing to talk about, it's just nothing special. Fun, but nothing special.
Its fun. But it gets annoying. They need to make a few gameplay TWEAKS and it would be an GREAT game. But they dont. Makes me sad.
Would be great if it had a few more weapons and it was still in beta 3
it sucks, the weapons have way too much RECOIL and no accuracy, and the damage is rediculous, i shot a guy 15 times at a guy with a desert eagle. He didnt die

or the machine gun, i shot all 100 bullets trying to hit a guy but missed everyw shot... he was standing still
The only accurate weapon combination is the default gun and a sniper rifle over lvl 3. Everything else wont hit anything