Wheres the crowbar???????

true, i missed it aswell

although the physgun is cool :D
Why would you EVER want to use the crowbar in DM? Someone is just going to a) pop u in the head with a gun, or b) grav gun you with a nearby toilet.

WhiteZero said:
Why would you EVER want to use the crowbar in DM? Someone is just going to a) pop u in the head with a gun, or b) grav gun you with a nearby toilet.

Humiliation, of course!
The crowbar is good. I can remember when I made several people feel like real dolts back in HLDM. When two of you just spawn so you only have the crowbar and pistol, the other guy runs around trying to shoot you (and misses really badly), so pull out your crowbar and advance on them. They'll probably quickly pull out their crowbar and try and smack you back while advancing (hopefully ducking). When that happens, pull out your glock and hit 'em in the head a few times. Great fun :)
I get the time to whack someone over the head from behind all the time....it happens when they pick something up with the gravity gun and look for someone to throw the object at :p
nothing better than beating someone in the head with the crowbar...it will be/is missed
i second this. but it can be put in any map so just wait, the crowbar pwnage WILL be back
Using that argument, nobody would ever be killed with a knife in CS...
Using that argument, nobody would ever be killed with a knife in CS...

Wrong i use the knife in CS sometimes. Tho usually i die when that happens but i still use it.
yeah, um, that was my point. Whitey asked why anyone would ever use the crowbar...
Mr.Wotsit said:
It's back in 1998. Where it belongs!

Sheesh, the crowbar was the leet way to kill people, back in the day.
actually knife is quite cool in CSS - right click is instant kill. look on the console, it wont even say the damage done. it will just say killed. its a good way to kill someone if u are following them, or walked up behind a sniper...

but for hl2:dm, i prefer teh grav gun because i would rather sneak behind someone with a radiator and make them fly across the room :D

crowbar would kinda be a useless weapon that may delay changing-weapon time, if u ask me. but i wont really complain in valve plan to add it on.
Its THE Crowbar... We cant yust leave it?! Its the very symbol of Half-Life... Come on... Whats more fun then to whack sombody over the head =P.... Plenty of times ive found myself in a position to knock sombody over... But... No crowbar...
ascii said:
Using that argument, nobody would ever be killed with a knife in CS...

Terrible comparison. CS isn't nearly as crazy fast paced as DM is.
Well i guess grav gun is the next symbol of HL. Forget the crowbar. :p
But seriously I miss it too.
m00b said:
Well i guess grav gun is the next symbol of HL. Forget the crowbar. :p
never say that. *frown*.

anyway its not like it was actually taken out of dm, they just dont have any maps with the crowbar in it..somebody make a map and drop a bunch of crowbars on spawn points will you? :D
I do miss the crowbar, but I think the grav-gun is the new crowbar, I mean that was the first time I ever told anyone to "Eat Car!" whilst madly zaping a car down th highstreet killing the poor people who tryed to take on the mighty car lol