Wheres the good players ?


Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
Ive been playing alot of HL2DM and i found myself superior too the other guys on the servers. Ive been trying to get a server with only good players but i cant find any. Where do they play ?
Dunno, there are so many n00bs playing its unbelievable.

You should try and take me on.
Heh. Just heh.


Everyone thinks they are superior at HL2DM .. tis funny .. the amount of threads on this :)
i've noticed that too... possibly a lot of new fps gamers around due to the release of hl2 :D
short recoil said:
Dunno, there are so many n00bs playing its unbelievable.

You should try and take me on.

I remember i had you on my MSN list but no more, whats your msn again. we should play :D
Oh yeah, me too. No to be a bragging little PRICK, but where are all the GOOD players?!?! *sigh* I grow so tired of being so superior!

*end sarcasm*

If this is such a big deal, I would recommend trying to get out more.
Me and a friend who always seem to be the best by far on most servers are starting a HL2DM clan, we want really good players to make a force to be reckoned with. If any one here thinks you are decent, and we can assemble 3 other members with us 2, we can be on our way. Sadly before you ask...i did ask Chris D but he turned me down...apparently he's got aerobics? (might have made that up)

interested? PM, and no silly people who are seriously awful, cos you'll get found out! :rolleyes:
yeah i'm up for that, i can 0wnz0rs at HL2DM :D
ComradeBadger said:
Heh. Just heh.


Everyone thinks they are superior at HL2DM .. tis funny .. the amount of threads on this :)

Most are created by YOU! ;)

j/k buddeh.
Hectic Glenn said:
no silly people who are seriously awful, cos you'll get found out! :rolleyes:
crud. there goes my chances.
Hectic Glenn said:
Me and a friend who always seem to be the best by far on most servers are starting a HL2DM clan, we want really good players to make a force to be reckoned with. If any one here thinks you are decent, and we can assemble 3 other members with us 2, we can be on our way. Sadly before you ask...i did ask Chris D but he turned me down...apparently he's got aerobics? (might have made that up)

interested? PM, and no silly people who are seriously awful, cos you'll get found out! :rolleyes:

I'd love to, but I have to wash my hair.

Seriously though, how good are you wanting? I mean I'm hardly ever miles ahead everyone else, but unless there are other people who are SUPER good, I don't usually finish ranked lower than 3rd or 4th. What do I do?

try some of these..k9s has a bunch of noobs but good players filter through there a lot also

visit us post for clan wars/2v2s/whatever

[email protected]
contact me anytime :sniper:
bi0, k9 is still around? Eh are you still with them or pH?
He's [=ONE=] silly :)

I played with *db*Nix against [pmers] in HL2DM .. good times :D

And Smoke-Break was wh0ring up Retro Park early today.. I'd say that K-9 are still about.. hell, JGoD thinks I'm crap.. I'll show him \o/
Badgie, Badgie, Badgie, [=ONE=] isn't op4 silly head. Thats why I was asking :-P

Snarkpit has good games. 4u snarkpit or something in the hl2dm find server thing. Wireplay servers and hlccl servers good as well apparently, but I have yet to play on them. Seem to be down whenever I look.

UK btw..
At certain times the wireplay server have a ton of good players to go up against, and sometimes it's just nub bashing. Same goes for snarkpit, although I haven't been playing a lot recently.

Wireplay server are normally up all the time, but are down atm for maintanance i believe. should be up again soon.
.syL said:
At certain times the wireplay server have a ton of good players to go up against, and sometimes it's just nub bashing. Same goes for snarkpit, although I haven't been playing a lot recently.

Wireplay server are normally up all the time, but are down atm for maintanance i believe. should be up again soon.

What .syL said.Most new people get scared off after they have been imploded by a nade for the 10th time.I warm up in other servers,then go to wireplay/snarkpit for the real challenge.

lol 'warm up'I sound like an olympic althete.
Friend, I've been wondering this too. Even though I'm in an HL2DM clan, I still wonder where all the good players went. I mean, the last time I played I went 7-1 no problem, with a final score of 61-8. But hey, if you'd host a server or something then I'd come. I play as BSE-Voracious or BSE-Quebeth(which is what I'm using more recently).
Garfield_ said:
Ive been playing alot of HL2DM and i found myself superior too the other guys on the servers. Ive been trying to get a server with only good players but i cant find any. Where do they play ?

They left DM when hacking and spawn camping became the Rule of the day. Or when Clans have built in hacks for thier servers. When people play games without cheating to win people will come back.
Hectic Glenn said:
Me and a friend who always seem to be the best by far on most servers are starting a HL2DM clan, we want really good players to make a force to be reckoned with. If any one here thinks you are decent, and we can assemble 3 other members with us 2, we can be on our way. Sadly before you ask...i did ask Chris D but he turned me down...apparently he's got aerobics? (might have made that up)

interested? PM, and no silly people who are seriously awful, cos you'll get found out! :rolleyes:

Halflife2.net clan Deathmatch Corps are recruiting. Check the post in the clan section :)
hmm... I get my ass kicked by people all the time, and i do not suck.
there is some really freaking good players out there.
Combine Elite said:
They left DM when hacking and spawn camping became the Rule of the day. Or when Clans have built in hacks for thier servers. When people play games without cheating to win people will come back.

I'm yet to see any blatent cheating in HL2DM. I play everyday, and am pretty sure I have never seen wallhacks/aimbotters.
I'm sure I've played against you on some UK servers..I think when we both played on the same server...we were both in the top 3 players...Usually either one of us in the top 1st place.
If your the same player, Then you could definately give anyone here a challengeable game...I had to try all the "tricks up my sleeve" to keep up with you..And more often than not you gave me a good thrashing!

I have'nt played DM for a while though, so I'm probably a bit rusty, But my fav weapon is throwing explosive barrels at people..Or catching players pulse weapon "balls" and throwing them back.
I'm not bad, and I play on Dustbuni's server. It's chock full o' newbs (but not for long). Come join me.

I'm also guildless. Looking for a guild with more mature players who just like to have fun and kick some arse.
Where are all the good maps? I've played a bit of DM recently and can't believe some of the tripe that's about. Reminds me of Doom.
WySiWyG said:
I'm yet to see any blatent cheating in HL2DM. I play everyday, and am pretty sure I have never seen wallhacks/aimbotters.

Wallhacks as well as disguising yourself as a HeadCrab, even think I saw a speed hack. But the most disgusting thing I see is the campers. Gosh any numb nad can sit there and peg off the peeps spawning in. Admins should have the right to ban campers like in CS .
oni_666 said:
I'm sure I've played against you on some UK servers..I think when we both played on the same server...we were both in the top 3 players...Usually either one of us in the top 1st place.
If your the same player, Then you could definately give anyone here a challengeable game...I had to try all the "tricks up my sleeve" to keep up with you..And more often than not you gave me a good thrashing!

I have'nt played DM for a while though, so I'm probably a bit rusty, But my fav weapon is throwing explosive barrels at people..Or catching players pulse weapon "balls" and throwing them back.

I like the close ones. Gg.

I'm in KillerCreation TDM most of the time, learning how to not shoot team mates.

Add bo0da to xfire if you have it. 0=zero
Combine Elite said:
Wallhacks as well as disguising yourself as a HeadCrab, even think I saw a speed hack. But the most disgusting thing I see is the campers. Gosh any numb nad can sit there and peg off the peeps spawning in. Admins should have the right to ban campers like in CS .

Headcrab fixed ages ago. I get told I speed hack all the time, and campers never win the round. Campers are not really cheating, just too used to playing CS.

Combine Elite said:
Wallhacks as well as disguising yourself as a HeadCrab, even think I saw a speed hack. But the most disgusting thing I see is the campers. Gosh any numb nad can sit there and peg off the peeps spawning in. Admins should have the right to ban campers like in CS .
If they do well, it's because they're allowed to, so then their tactics obviously work. If they realize it's not working, they'll probably change or just continue loosing ;) Not really a problem IMO. Just something I target whenever I run into it on public servers.
It would be fun with more HL2DM clans, there are some really skilled players, but about 90% is total N00bs! I find mysef superior on almost every server I play on. I guess that there will be more clans, when HL2DM gets a bit polished up and more oficial maps are released. HL2Dm is just a little little baby comapred to Counterstrike, I belive that HL2Dm will grow!
Can't compare CS and HL2DM in any way except that they are both Valve/Steam and online multiplayer FPS games ;)

and there are 4 ladders on HL2CCL with clans and lots of players on ESL and CB to play versus, so it's not all bad =)
Of course you can compare these two games when talking about MP games. And no HL2Dm is not bad, but it could be even better if they released some new stuff, like.....A patch! And perhaps a new playmode.There should be one more playmode where teamplay would be more important, something more challenging ;)
A duel mode also IMO. But you can always use FFA for that. Then there is no playermodel restrictions like in TDM. Shouldnt' be in TDM either for that matter. Just have blue and red versions of all models. Both Combine and Rebel.
netrex said:
A duel mode also IMO. But you can always use FFA for that. Then there is no playermodel restrictions like in TDM. Shouldnt' be in TDM either for that matter. Just have blue and red versions of all models. Both Combine and Rebel.

Yeah they need a 1v1 mod. Need a spectator option for that like in q3. People spec the two fighting, winner stays on, loser drops to the bottom of the specs, 1st to ten or w/e.
I don't think there is such a mod out now :/ But I'm sure all this and more will be in AG2 whenever it will be released.