Wheres the publicity?

seriously though,you people are complaining about all the Halo 2 fan boys and trying to get them to be interested and get them to buy HL2 and really your just as bad as them cause they think Halo 2 is "god" and they want you to be interested and buy Halo 2 and probably the reason consoler gamers have never heard of HL is most likely cause they own bottle neck PC's(im a own a console and thank god my PC aint a bottle neck)and played playstation and nintendo back when HL was released and probably never paid attention to it.
The sales model of PC and console games differ drastically.

For some reason console games makers and stored love to sell all their copies in one weekend, like film releases so they can say "Hey look we sold the most games in an hour ever"

Vivendi like Spetember and November releases for PC Games, they always have. It means you can release the game and get a player base before you start advertising it in time for the christmas rush.

Add in steam which will have a fair amount of traffic in one instant when all the preloads need activating. Valve and Vivendi will be very happy if their sales peek is spread out across a couple of months rather than just a weekend.

Halflife boxed sets still sell from shelves in stores now five or six years on. Console games don't have that kind of shelf-life. When's the last time you saw a copy of the first TombRaider PS1 game on a game store shelf? And that was a later released game than HL.
i already saw some advertisement of HL2 when i enterd the gamespot or gamespy site, you know.. one of them full page ads and you click on top (contineu to the page you wanted..) that kinda thing, so the advertisment will be kicking off 100% i think after the 15th or 16th (my 2 cents)
Yeah it probably makes much more sense to start advertising after the game is released...... because then it is in the stores so people won't be looking for it saying "where's half-life 2!!!!! ****!!!!".....

Also...then like there will already be lots of people playing it... enjoying it.... and loving it... (i hope....)
Top Secret said:
I've noticed that word-of-mouth tends to work against PC gamers when it comes to talking to ignorant console gamers.

"Hey man, have you seen Half-Life 2 previews yet? It's going to be so sick... I saw this directx 9 video showing off the HDR tech and the physics, so awesome."

"Half-Life? Is that for the GBA? Oh, dude, Halo 2 is going to comeout sometime soon, it has the best graphics in the world."


Hehe, this one made my day... go more depressing.
theotherguy said:
HL2 really should have went full out with TV commercials and stuff

I can see it now, 3 miniutes of striders smashing and flinging stuff about in the glory of hl2 physics (drifts off into a daydream) :naughty:
Mountain Man said:
The reason you're not seeing a mainstream media blitz about Half-Life 2 is because neither Valve nor Vivendi has Microsoft's marketing budget. Keep in mind, promoting Halo 2 is as much about promoting the Xbox as it is the game itself.

Hit the nail right on the head there. It was their flagship release with the Xbox (Halo1) and I'm sure we will see some sort of Halo2 / Xbox bundle very soon for the kiddies for christmas.

Lets call it the Battle Bundle X-Treme. Halo1, Halo2, an Xbox, two controllers and Microsofts stamp of approval.
fantasiser said:
i have to point something out
and word of mouth does shitall convincing anyone how good halflife is if they havent seen anything about it before ANYWHERE.
and the people who read PC reviews in magazines are people that are probably going to get halflife 2 anyway

Sorry but wrong- I work in the media. Word of mouth is the best publicity there is. Consumers are much more prone to buy what their friends say, and that includes virtual friends in forums, more than a commercial. There is great public apathy towards the media. If you want to be truly successful, you get the users to sell it for you. And that's what these forums and others, and lans and phones calls have been doing for years. Often, the ads you see are for games that don't have this support or are for games that must overcome past poor receptions *cough Halo cough*

Also consider the expense for the return. One series of national television ads in prime-time costs millions. The return on even the most successful games doesn't often allow that kind of margin for adverts.
Ive seen alot of ads in the local magazines, and webstores. And I think I saw couple of posters in stores also.
But, I didnt even know that Halo 2 was coming before I started to read this forum (about 1,5 weeks ago)
Stop fretting my little pumpkins, Half-Life 2 will start well with many sales... then will just get better and better. It WILL be the biggest selling game ever. It also has a massive mod community which means that 3 or 4 years down the line you'll still be able to download add-ons to extend your playing time.

My local Game is still selling Half-Life generations at £20, and people are still buying it.

Dunno what you're all worried about.
I remeber seeing commercials for The Sims and the expansions. Hmmm isn't The Sims the #1 selling PC game of all time? Probably because they advertised.

I've also seen ones for EQ2 recently.
deltron zero said:
I remeber seeing commercials for The Sims and the expansions. Hmmm isn't The Sims the #1 selling PC game of all time? Probably because they advertised.

I've also seen ones for EQ2 recently.

Probably, but one of the reason to the Sims' popularity is mainly because the game appeals to pretty much everyone, to both sexes (actually more to girls) and to younger kids due to the non-violent themes in it.

Of course, bear in mind it's EA who is the publisher of the Sims, and they have enough money to advertise it all over the solar system.
anti_authority said:
Like seriously? How come there is no, if at all, any publicity towards Half-Life 2?

I was flicking through the news channels and I saw a report on Halo 2, and how some people might be missing from school/work because of its release. Which is true as 1/2 the die hard Halo fans weren't at school because they wanted to play. (Our mall also stayed open till 12AM to sell copies to happy customers) There was also another report on GTA:SA and how Sony and Microsoft are battling for the console gamers. But no Half-Life? Yes theres the trailers on the net and once it comes out I'm sure it will win awards. But theres nothing in the papers, or on the TV? Like this is a great step in the gaming world, like physics man! Outta this world real time physics!

I just wish Half-Life would get the recognition that it deservies. Anyone agree?

Like valve has nothing to do with the physics dude.
dude, the world is full of assholes... yust be and enjoy. Wgo gives a **** about Halo 2? If you like HL2, it dosent matter what anyone else says... forgive my spelling please.
i´m having my doubts about the 16th of november release date.
Somethings wrong i agree no adds no word from valve or vu.
The only good news is Vampires bloodlines is out on the 16th says so on Troikas front page.
wabamak said:
ya today this guy was braggin about how he got halo 2 and im like o ya? half life 2 is going to pwn, and they all like wtf whats pwn and half life 2?

i tried describing to them then the teacher came and said "Ya, i waited in line yesterday to buy a copy of Halo 2 lasr night for my son too!"

i hope commericals come to spread cuz then the consle games will triupmph

You're so cool.

Dude, you.... pwn! :O
Spitfire88 said:
lol this is the most beautiful city in the world, Paris :p
i dunno...i've been to Paris and...well...oh, we don't need another american insulting the french, now do we? *sigh*
Hort said:
Sorry but wrong- I work in the media. Word of mouth is the best publicity there is. Consumers are much more prone to buy what their friends say, and that includes virtual friends in forums, more than a commercial. There is great public apathy towards the media. If you want to be truly successful, you get the users to sell it for you. And that's what these forums and others, and lans and phones calls have been doing for years. Often, the ads you see are for games that don't have this support or are for games that must overcome past poor receptions *cough Halo cough*

Also consider the expense for the return. One series of national television ads in prime-time costs millions. The return on even the most successful games doesn't often allow that kind of margin for adverts.

tho the odd time u do have the hard head friend who totally ignores what u say about HL2 and is always daydreaming about Halo2...i know this because i have such a friend :eek:
MoJo|Night said:
Does the pope sh*t in the woods?
well, i'm not really an authority on Papal policy, so i couldn't say.
aeroripper said:
Kind of like trying to explain to americans that canada has provinces, not states.

Yeah, I AM an American, and even I am embarrased of us sometimes... *cough* we re-elected bush!?!? *cough*. I once even had some dumbass in California (where I used to live before relocating to Oregon) that INSISTED that Canada was a US state! He even said that he had been there, and most people spoke spanish (I am assuming he heard french and thought it was spanish in his pointy little head)) just like in LA, so this was his proof!! Oh well, I guess every country has em (but somehow, our idiots get on tv more!)
yes there are Half-Life ads but they're on gaming sites.

Like people who dont even play games know what Halo 2 is. Like in class we stopped to talk why students(even a few teachers) were missing from school yesterday or why everyone was up at 12:01AM waiting in line. My teacher though Halo was a rock band seeing as those would be the only fans up at that hour. But when we told him it was a video game he could see that happening too. Being a dedicated Half-Life fan myself and a friend said to wait till Nov 16, then they will see a game thats by far better then Halo 2. And what happened? we got flamed ;:)(
anti_authority said:
yes there are Half-Life ads but they're on gaming sites.

Like people who dont even play games know what Halo 2 is. Like in class we stopped to talk why students(even a few teachers) were missing from school yesterday or why everyone was up at 12:01AM waiting in line. My teacher though Halo was a rock band seeing as those would be the only fans up at that hour. But when we told him it was a video game he could see that happening too. Being a dedicated Half-Life fan myself and a friend said to wait till Nov 16, then they will see a game thats by far better then Halo 2. And what happened? we got flamed ;:)(

We will always be outnumbered :-( BUt alot of H2 fans we're dissapointed :p
i made a quick video, with slow motion scenes, fanding to different scenes with text on black backgrounds, some physics demonstrations, picture upgrades, and a sheet load of other stuff, to a scarey/mysterious music and it rawked. like im sure that ad played on tv or in a pop up(on non games sites too) would get people askin and spread the word a little better.
When HL2 starts winning ALL the Game Of The Year awards...then it'll get FREE publicity.
Mmmm, it was said that other to make money for Valve, they wanted to make the best FPS ever. In my eyes, valve is just going by no ads, it is a waste of money if all goes well, mods should get out the publicity for them, for free. One of my friends are like Half-life2? Cool. Did you know that you can board the enemies ghost on Halo 2? Isn't that Friken sweet. They do get annoying when they do that. It is fine, just think of it that Valve is trying to get a budget, but to also make there fans happy, i don't know about bungie, but i know microsoft is just trying to earn money IMO, this was all IMO
I saw a HL2 ad today when I was waiting for a video to stream on www.happytreefriends.com :p

P.S.- If you liked the Itchy & Scratchy segments on The Simpsons, you'll love that site ;) Although it's a little too violent at times :eek:

Edit: I found the ad, here are some shots
like see those two little ads are what im taking about, if you saw those in a news paper or on a sign or something like that im sure you'd get currious
That's cuz everyone is so ignorant to HL2...

Last week I asked a few friends what they thought about HL2 and they went like "wtf is HL2? Do you mean Halo 2? Halo 2 has graphics that look almost like real life!"


and just yesterday when Halo 2 came out my friend said "Man, Halo 2 is so sweet..." and went on and on about stuff like you can MOVE and actually see everything go past you almost every 3 minutes.
I remember when Half life came out.. there was no publicity at all from what I reckon..

seems like the less u hype somethin, the more unique and original and special it becomes.. valve doesn't need to spend their time and $ on publicity.. they got enough demand for their product.. anymore and they'd be diggin themselves a hole.

i like the fact there no publicity.. all those kids can be playin their Halo2.. but i'll be the one playin a game (IMHO) 1000x better
I can just imagine a tv ad for hl2, showing off some gameplay with awesome music, showing off the physics and all. People will be like "WOW", screw Halo 2 im getting that =P

but that will never happen, oh well those n00bs will be missing out on the best game ever :)