Which 'Barney' makes it into Half-Life 2

Maybe Gordon is mute because he lost his nads in a lab experiment, thus he's embarrassed to talk. As he's mute, I wouldn't trust him too much in a firefight - he wouldn't be able to shout orders. Maybe Gordon uses sign language, but we never see it as we never seen him from outside his body (except in some expansion packs).

Anyway, back on subject...

I'd rather fight alongside Barney than Alyx. I dont know why, but I sense something a little predictable with the Alyx character.

Check out the very flattering pic of Barney in the allies section. Its like one of those photos when you have your eyes half closed.
el Chi said:
I don't think you'll be able to - in the Barricade vid, Gordon fights alongside him, and I'll bet that's not the only time. Therefore, to stop people shooting Gordon in the face, or have Barney having a mute staring contest with him, where previously (that is to say, in HL2 single-player) Barney was quite the cunning linguist. I think the equivalent would be fighting as a resistance member.

I think Cybersh33p was talking about fighting alongside him, el Chi...
tmmccree said:
Check out the very flattering pic of Barney in the allies section. Its like one of those photos when you have your eyes half closed.

:laugh: yeh he looks stoned lol
I love Barney, he's gonna be the coolest guy in HL2.
I think Barney looks a tad older, does anyone disagree?
No I think he does too...

And is it just me, or has he been forgetting to shave?
It's set 15 years later :|
Nah, he hasn't been forgetting to shave, it's just manly stuble in a lumberjack stylee.
Im not sure is Valve gave the timeframe or not, it is speculated to not be too long because of the age of people, but if they did give a solid timeframe, somebody please quote it for us.
Then why does the G-Man look younger?

And ooooookay... so where did HL2.net get the "15 years" figure from? Hey Muuuunnnnnnrrrroooooooo...
Well I'm not sure he does, really. But I'm sure it'll have summat to do with his origins, blah blah blah.
It could just be a side effect of the new model... but then, he still doesn't look any older to me...
I actually think BArney looks about the same age, but just more detailed, but not so much with the G-Man he looks more gaunt, but then that was always what they were going for, it's just that now they have the technology.