which bink video is your favorite and why does that segment of HL2 excite you??


Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
First of all congratulations everyone for getting this far, we are at Nov 1st after this weekend WOOT!!!!

My favorite is the striders video in which you are getting lowered on a elevator/platform and you see people running accross the street etc.

The main thing I actually get excited on this one is first of all the Citidel. I dont know what it is about that building but I cant stop looking at it. It was awesome that you have this building eating away at the city and this is the only video that shows this in action. I can't wait to the progress that the citidel makes over the course of the game!!
Traptown and Ravenholm, its simply the physics that is really cool and I can't wait to get my hands on em! Hell yeah!
When the gunship crashes and burns right in your face...
It was NOT scripted, either... pretty damn cool if you ask me.
i have yet to see ravenholm (11 hour download) but my favorite so far has definetly got to be traptown, i love the grav gun.
Coastline 2k4.
The music, the action, the rocket launcher ownage, the grenade-manipulator ownage, the quick shotgun reloading... :)
Can't wait!
Coast and Ravenholm are my favorates, Trainstation comes in at a close third. :)
DigiQ8 said:
Ravenholm and Tunnels !

man i really wish i had the ravenholm video, maybe someday when i have 11 hours to waste, i will download it.
Gotta be trap town. It was the first one I saw (apart from g-man demo)... and when you see Gordon push that table against the door, then watch as the AI works out it can't get in so it moved to the window - then - I realised HL2 was gonna be summat special... and it better had be too, I watched that bink bloody ages ago :frown:
Grrr.. i replied in the wrong thread.


I find the best bit of videogames are when you get to fight in urban environments. I love to kill in houses, hotels, appartments and etc. So i choose Tenements.
Esquire said:
Grrr.. i replied in the wrong thread.


I find the best bit of videogames are when you get to fight in urban environments. I love to kill in houses, hotels, appartments and etc. So i choose Tenements.

Yuo probably like max payne or max payne 2 then??

because he is teh Hawt.
I dunno I just think G-man is cool, and can't wait to see how the story unfolds.
PLEASE SPECIFY WHY these particular videos are the ones you like?? some of you have some of you have not. Like some people may like coast because they like to drive vehicles in games....blah blah blah
Oops, I forgot to say why I love those two movies I poted before...

Barricade: Cos it shows how sophisticated the A.I is, how sometimes you will fight in groups, how you will fight in groups, tactical combat and it shows a pretty damn good gunfight at the end.

Traptown: This vid really shows off the physics, it shows how you can use your environment can be a major part in combat and also you get to see zombie, cutinhalf, hit you!
I forgot! The Train Station vid because of the intensity of it, I got shivers down my spine when that guy looked up into my eyes! He doesn't just look at you, he looks at you.

Aww... to hell with it, I love all the videos cos it is HALF-LIFE2!
Everything its like theres a little somthing from every good fps moment since the original half-life, im esspeacialy looking forward to the big city battles towards the end, striders etc, although the entire game leading up to it will set the feel for it, so its all good !
Can we even trust that what's in those original binks is even in the final game? My impression is that a lot of it wasn't really representative of the actual game. It was more a fantasy of what Valve wished it could be.
call me crazy...but i like the Intro. I saw it after all the others, and fell in love all over again. wke up and smell the ashes put a chill down my spine and made me want to play right then and there. It would make the best commercial too...
I was going to say either Ravenholm or Coastline, but I thought to myself: I don't really have a favorite. I love them all. They all excited me. I'll take the option of "all".
blahblahblah said:
Tunnels, because of the hydra. RIP hydra. :(

yeah RIP Hydra :(
hmm. aside from the bink with the Hydra in it.. i dunno if i have a fav video.. simply because they all are amazing in their own way.. i guess the one with the Hydra becomes that much more special because we won't be seeing them in the game..
Ravenholm - Because of the physics, and to see the headcrabs roll around ragdoll-style. :)

Tunnels - Manhacks. And of course the Hydra, may it rest in peace.
User Name said:
I was going to say either Ravenholm or Coastline, but I thought to myself: I don't really have a favorite. I love them all. They all excited me. I'll take the option of "all".

Agreed completely.

....You may want to chop that sig down a few notches too........