Which candidate would you vote for?


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The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
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In the US presidential election 2008, that is.

Wait for the poll, please.
I would vote Obama probably. Can't see what the big deal about Ron Paul is, sounds like your standard conservative with some special positions regarding taxes.
Dennis Kucinich:

His platform[27] for 2008 includes:

* Creating a single-payer system of universal health care that provides full coverage for all Americans by passage of the United States National Health Insurance Act.
* The immediate withdrawal of all U.S. forces from Iraq; replacing them with an international security force.
* Guaranteed quality education for all; including free pre-kindergarten and college for all who want it.
* Immediate withdrawal from the World Trade Organization (WTO) and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
* Repealing the USA PATRIOT Act.
* Fostering a world of international cooperation.
* Abolishing the death penalty.
* Environmental renewal and clean energy.
* Preventing the privatization of social security.
* Providing full social security benefits at age 65.
* Creating a cabinet-level "Department of Peace"
* Ratifying the ABM Treaty and the Kyoto Protocol.
* Introducing reforms to bring about instant-runoff voting.
* Protecting a woman's right to choose while decreasing the number of abortions performed in the U.S.
* Ending the war on drugs.
* Legalizing same-sex marriage.
* Creating a balance between workers and corporations.
* Ending the H1B and L1 Visa Programs
* Restoring rural communities and family farms.
* Strengthening gun control.

Sounds like my guy...
Two people actually selected guiliani.

Friends, there is no hope for humanity.
Yes, I voted for Rudy Guiliani, what's wrong with him? I think he is moderate, intelligent and educated Republican...
By the way, I usually support Democratic party. But it doesn't matter, I'm not American.
Yes, I voted for Rudy Guiliani, what's wrong with him? I think he is moderate, intelligent and educated Republican...
By the way, I usually support Democratic party. But it doesn't matter, I'm not American.

Because his typical speech goes something like this:

"Hi, 9/11 my name is 9/11. I am running for 9/11 because I believe 9/11, 9/11, and that we should 9/11. This country needs better 9/11. On 9/11 when I was 9/11 with 9/11, 9/11 said to me, 9/11 your 9/11 is some of the best I've ever 9/11'd. I told 9/11, no I'm no 9/11, I'm an American 9/11. But when the 9/11's attacked 9/11 on 9/11, everything changed. The 9/11 is no longer 9/11, instead it is now 9/11. We need strong 9/11 because if we 9/11, the 9/11 will 9/11 our 9/11. So vote for 9/11 because I was 9/11 on 9/11 with 9/11. The 9/11 want to kill you in your sleep.
Yes, I voted for Rudy Guiliani, what's wrong with him? I think he is moderate, intelligent and educated Republican...
By the way, I usually support Democratic party. But it doesn't matter, I'm not American.

Have you watched any of his debates?


Watch the whole video, Giulliani's response at 2:47 in particular. He seems to think that Pauls point is stupid, which it's not. It's entirely viable, and i'd say true, but he refuses to see the validity in it. He then goes on to act like an imbecile and an immature child, and directly insults Paul whilst riding on the cheers of the audience.

That's where I personally lost support for him.
Because his typical speech goes something like this:

"Hi, 9/11 my name is 9/11. I am running for 9/11 because I believe 9/11, 9/11, and that we should 9/11. This country needs better 9/11. On 9/11 when I was 9/11 with 9/11, 9/11 said to me, 9/11 your 9/11 is some of the best I've ever 9/11'd. I told 9/11, no I'm no 9/11, I'm an American 9/11. But when the 9/11's attacked 9/11 on 9/11, everything changed. The 9/11 is no longer 9/11, instead it is now 9/11. We need strong 9/11 because if we 9/11, the 9/11 will 9/11 our 9/11. So vote for 9/11 because I was 9/11 on 9/11 with 9/11. The 9/11 want to kill you in your sleep.


Is McCain the one with the Youtube Video of him debating against himself?

And Edwards is the one with the "I'm so Pretty" YouTube video, ey.
Well, John Edwards is more recognizable by his smile. It's the "I'm being photographed and I have a boner" smile.
I am voting for Ron Paul. My second choice would be Dennis Kucinich, since the only thing I really don't like about him is gun control. And is the least likely out of the democrats, in my opinion, to go to war against any country, such as Iran.

Oh and heres another reason not to vote for Guiliani,

I don't understand why so many people like Ron Paul. The man is against abortion and same-sex marrige.
Obama seems to genuinely care about the U.S. people and you really need that in a president.
where's the option for george bush? I want him to run for a 3rd term!
I don't understand why so many people like Ron Paul. The man is against abortion and same-sex marrige.

Yeah, but he doesn't believe its up to the government to decide if its right or wrong, thats up to the states.

I'd be voting for Paul.
Yeah, but he doesn't believe its up to the government to decide if its right or wrong, thats up to the states.

I'd be voting for Paul.
Obviously the government should decide in such important matters.

I'm not in any way trying to trashtalk Paul. I respect him, and he is by far the most appealing GOP member I've ever heard of. But I still find the democrats better, as many of them both got the foreign policy and the social issues right.
Obviously the government should decide in such important matters.

I'm not in any way trying to trashtalk Paul. I respect him, and he is by far the most appealing GOP member I've ever heard of. But I still find the democrats better, as many of them both got the foreign policy and the social issues right.

Well much like himself, I believe in small government.
Hillary Clinton FTW. She's a moderate Democrat who has a sense for our countries security yet not at the cost of our Civil Liberties. She's also interested in reviewing several of our foreign policies to see if they're bad merely by choice interpretation or if they really do present us several flaws.

She's also going to fix the mistakes of the Bush Administration while also, maintaining an adapting military and social policy. I'm going with Hillary. :D
He's a libertarian. Don't you ever put the words liberal or democrat near him. Or conservative or republican for that matter.
Because his typical speech goes something like this:

"Hi, 9/11 my name is 9/11. I am running for 9/11 because I believe 9/11, 9/11, and that we should 9/11. This country needs better 9/11. On 9/11 when I was 9/11 with 9/11, 9/11 said to me, 9/11 your 9/11 is some of the best I've ever 9/11'd. I told 9/11, no I'm no 9/11, I'm an American 9/11. But when the 9/11's attacked 9/11 on 9/11, everything changed. The 9/11 is no longer 9/11, instead it is now 9/11. We need strong 9/11 because if we 9/11, the 9/11 will 9/11 our 9/11. So vote for 9/11 because I was 9/11 on 9/11 with 9/11. The 9/11 want to kill you in your sleep.
Yeah, he joined the Republican party so he could actually have a chance of winning.