Which candidate would you vote for?


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Me? I'd probably do an anti-election movement like I did back at school when they were picking school presidents.


"It's not like you can change anything."
Don't vote for Ron Paul, guys! His supporters will spam you if you ever forget thinking about him.
I'm truely worried about most of the candidates. They are saying some pretty good things. Alot of things that everybody wants to hear....Whats the difference now then before, though? Oh well, silly elections!
Fred Thompson. I know he hasn't officially announced his candidacy yet, but everyone knows it's coming. Besides, if he's not a good president, at least he has the acting chops to pretend to be a good president.
I'd vote for Hilary just to see Bill as the "first husband"... lol... she's not a bad pick for president, besides.

Though she is anti videogame violence, which we all know is bull.
Barack Obama believes in high government spending and thus believes in further destroying the economy. China will outpace us soon enough.
Just imagine, Hillary as P and Jack Thompson as VP...
/wakes up from nightmare
If violent video games are outlawed, only outlaws will play violent video games.
Fark Giuliani. He wants a National ID card.

It should be Obama vs Paul.
Fark Giuliani. He wants a National ID card.

It should be Obama vs Paul.

I'm pretty sure Obama voted for the national ID card, since it unanimously passed in the senate . So you might as well fark him too.
lol, John Edwards doesnt even get a joke vote

If that's the case, fark him.

I don't even think realID was debated in the senate, at least as much as it should have. The bill was put bunched up with funding bills, I think, so it would be passed. So there might be a chance obama doesn't like it.
I don't even think realID was debated in the senate, at least as much as it should have. The bill was put bunched up with funding bills, I think, so it would be passed. So there might be a chance obama doesn't like it.

Wiki says that the realID bill goes into effect in December of 2009. That scares the shit out of me.
I think it's pretty strange that you haven't got a national ID card already.
Most countries already have it, as far as I'm aware. I don't see what the big deal is.
Wow now even I'm impressed, after the latest Republican debate ABC is surely pushing the envelope for obvious bias, bought and payed for anyone?.

Kucinich is good, but Ron Paul has better chances in terms of popularity...also, has Kucinich ever won a presidential debate? RP does it "multikill" style, so I guess even if Kucinich has better, or maybe the same programs as RP, the latter is gonna win anyway.
Ron Paul's neo-liberalism and isolationism is nearly as bad as Giuliani's war mongering, IMO.