Which Counter Strike would you choose??????

Which CS would you choose?????

  • Counter Strike Source

    Votes: 232 75.3%
  • Counter Strike 1.6

    Votes: 27 8.8%
  • They both are a waste of time

    Votes: 40 13.0%
  • Whats a poll??

    Votes: 9 2.9%

  • Total voters
Definately CS:S. Or maybe a waste of time. Just depends on your preferences. But 1.6ers are either too poor for CS:S, or just don't want as much competition.
Maelstrom116 said:
The thing that pisses me off most about Counter Strike: Source is that the hit boxes are so jacked up. Someone wasn't even close to me when they shot me, somehow with a magic bullet, I was killed with a head shot. :eek:

Yeah, it's called a 'pwn'
Tantalus said:
But 1.6ers are either too poor for CS:S, or just don't want as much competition.
Or don't like how it plays.

Those were some terrible assumptions.
Yeah, it's called a 'pwn'
No, it's called crappy hitboxes. Everyone knows that it's an issue, it has been since Beta.
Yes, not a pwn, pwn is if you just kill someone easily or something. Counter Strike needs to work on there hitboxes more than anything.
source. after years and years of hl1-cs it is SO refreshing to play something "new" with the old gameplay.

it is true that most css players are not (yet) as good as the average 1.6 player, but there's nothing wrong with that. cs 1.6 is HORRIBLY frustrating for everyone who hasn't played cs for years.
with css, the weaker players finally get a chance to actually play the game, instead of just watching the leet pwners from the deadcam.

css rocks .. only the netcode needs to be improved. it is too jumpy.

Spectre01 said:
Every time you shoot a gun it feels like you're a 10 year old who can barely hold it. In source you can actually kill someone with an AK that's 3 meters away from you withought waiting 3 seconds between each shot.

cs 1.6 is HORRIBLY frustrating for everyone who hasn't played cs for years.
When I first starting playing CS a few years ago, it wasnt very frustrating at all.
it wasn't very frustrating for me either when i started playing beta 5. most players where somewhat equally skilled, everyone stood a chance. there were no pros.

today, the average 1.6 player is enormously skilled and experienced. new players are nothing more than target practice. the community isnt particularly friendly either ("omg f* off b00n","olol, look at his score, he must be retarded - and ugly, too!!11").
perfect premises to scare new/weaker players away.

Maelstrom116 said:
Yes, not a pwn, pwn is if you just kill someone easily or something. Counter Strike needs to work on there hitboxes more than anything.

This just shows your ignorance. A 'pwn' is the opposite as when you kill someone easily.

And me and my friend got on the LAN and checked the hitboxes. They aren't that bad.
I like CS:S more, just because I hated 1.6. I have no idea why. CS:S just appealed to me much more. CS:S does have issues, like the 100 feet x 100 feet hit boxes and the grenade damage issues. (The grenade lands right at your feet, and it only takes away fifty damage. :|) Am I the only one who hates that you can't move while your being shot at? It's like being a sitting duck. :\
ray_MAN said:
Am I the only one who hates that you can't move while your being shot at? It's like being a sitting duck. :\
Well, when you get shot in real life, you don't just keep running as if nothing happened. You get stunned.
Yeah, it kinda sucks, but it's realistic.
Tantalus said:
This just shows your ignorance. A 'pwn' is the opposite as when you kill someone easily.
That comment shows just how nub you are... Actaully, to tell the complete truth, pwned is the same as owned, someone just misspelled it and it caught on. Now it's used more offten than 'owned'. People trying to give solid definitions for stuff like pwn and own make me laugh... because there arent any real definitions for them.
Tantalus said:
And me and my friend got on the LAN and checked the hitboxes. They aren't that bad.
Of course their going to be fine on a LAN, theres no lag at all. Try a server with 12 people in it, then check out the hitboxes.
Yea, I agree. Even if being shocked is realistic, if you don't know where the person is that is shooting at you, you might as well be dead.
1.6 is full of hackers and little 2 year olds running around calling people ******s?
It can be very irratating, little high-pitched voices cursing at other people and calling people a noob when they suck :flame:
LOL yeh i had an argument with some of my friends about how 1.6 suxxors and one of my points was that its full of hackers and lil chillens.....also have u noticed that the hackers name them selves after wat type of hak they use like SpeedyGonzales and even more stupid shitlike headshot harry? lol just a speculation...and as for anyone that said CZ was good well i just have one question for you.....did ur mom do a lot of cocaine right before you were born? CZ was the worst CS ever ....well its not as bad as it used to be...does anyone remember the auto ban on CZ in the first month were ud get auto banned from a server if you got too many Headshots in a row?
Funny thing is that when 1.6 phases out more, and CSS gets more popular, then more hax will be made for it. Also, along with that popularity, a broader range of people will play it, not just young-adults with access to better computers, but the 'little kiddies' to spam your voice-com with their prepubescent blather.

All in time my friends...

Hopefully in that time CSS will also get balanced out and patched to be more stable. I look forward to the day it's worth it to convert.
Yes it is inevitable. With any computer game, possibly consol not sure though because I havn't looked. But yea, any game has hacks, and with any game theres people that suck, and blame others for hacks then they get the hack then its like a big revolving circle of hacking.
The Circle of Hackage
Prefer dm style games personally, but can see its appeal. Waste of my time though.
WhiteZero said:
That comment shows just how nub you are... Actaully, to tell the complete truth, pwned is the same as owned, someone just misspelled it and it caught on. Now it's used more offten than 'owned'. People trying to give solid definitions for stuff like pwn and own make me laugh... because there arent any real definitions for them.

I thought it originated from "pistol-owned," as in one player used a tremendous amount of skill and/or luck to kill another, better equiped player. In otherwords, a much higher degree of 'ownage'. Of course nowadays, autosniping noobs will claim to have pwned you, but just be content in the fact that they're idiots.
CS:S. I absolutely could not STAND 1.6 (or any other version for that matter). When my friends played old CS I would find some other game to play. Not only that, but most of the community are a bunch of idiots. You could be on top of the server with a 30/4 K/D and there's still some idiot screaming, "OMG!!!!11 N00BZ0RS!"

I play a lot of games online. A lot... too many really. And the only community I really can't stand is the old CS players. So much so, that I can't play it... I just can't. It seems like most of the more polite/mature people have moved on to CS:S. While only pros (who fear the loss of their glory by moving to a new engine) and little children (who have no idea how to upgrade a computer so they wait patiently for their new DELL laptop mommy buys them) still play

I bought the HL2 silver pack, just because of HL2, thinking I would never even touch CS:S. Then a friend convinced me to play... so I did... now I am a regular CS:S addict.

I even went back to give CS 1.6 another shot, thinking maybe I missed something wonderful all these years... and I was wrong, I didn't miss a thing. VIVA LA SOURCE.
I've actually been playing alot of 1.6, atleast when I feel like having a good time with people. I've noticed that everyone one Source is too serious, 1.6 is straight up chaos, and it's fun, probably because its good to have conversations and joke around instead of being serious.
There both kinda gay. Too many fags with no lives spend hours on those games and perfect there skills of 1 shot hs every time. I always loose it isn't very much fun.
Maelstrom116 said:
I've actually been playing alot of 1.6, atleast when I feel like having a good time with people. I've noticed that everyone one Source is too serious, 1.6 is straight up chaos, and it's fun, probably because its good to have conversations and joke around instead of being serious.

See it's the exact oposite with me. I get on 1.6 and it's all just idiots screaming, "NOOB! NOOB! NOOB!" or "HACKER! HACKER!!" Meanwhile, I have a fun time playing CS:S, but I guess there's always some fool freakin out while everyone else is goofing around, "DUDES TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!" I dunno, I guess you need to find my servers, and I need to find yours.
CS: Source. For example there are bots. And there are bots. And there are also bots. Have i said about bots? And the... PHYSICS.
colson said:
There both kinda gay. Too many fags with no lives spend hours on those games and perfect there skills of 1 shot hs every time. I always loose it isn't very much fun.
So... their 'fags' because they own you? :rolleyes:
Besides, you'll find people like that in every game you'll ever play online; so how can you possibly limit that comment to CS?
CS: Source. For example there are bots. And there are bots. And there are also bots. Have i said about bots?
There are bots in CS 1.6, just not offically. Infact, the person who developed the CS 1.6 bots was hiried by VALVe to make the CS:CZ and CSS bots as well, if I remember correctly.

But... you like bots? *cringe*
Human Player > Bot
Well, if I'm bored I like to play Source with bots, so much fun. Playing awp map when they can only have knives HAHAHA instant death
The Zbot is the best bot that I have ever played with, and I have tried many bots with counter strike.
They are simply amazing. They chat with each other and respond to calls for help and such, they work as a team and do a good job at it, and they HAVE a field of vision!! That's right, they don't always "know" where you are. You can hide in a corner and wait for them and they might walk right on past with out noticing you so you can get the surprise kill, unlike all other CS bots where the minute you come into their possible line of fire they turn and paste you to the wall. They actually think to check in corners as possible hide out places where the enemy could be.
These bots were so amazing, it was like playing with a very cooperative team of human players.(minus the "n00b" calling and profanity)
The only problem is that they are pretty hard to find, so I can't provide a link for you atm.
Well, that sounds just like the bots on Counter Strike:Source, they'll walk past me and not shoot, they talk to each other and work as a team. Pretty cool I thought
CS:Source of cource,grafics,gameplay,AI and just about everything is better then 1.6.
wrong, the gameplay is worse. The crappy half arsed physics in source ruin the game. Either DO IT or DONT, the half way physics are shite. I get pissed off constantly pussy footing around cinder blocks or barrels to stop myself being propelled into corners and shot. It looks nicer true...but after a while a shiny skin doesn't impress me. The ragdoll indeed can be entertaining for half hour, then its all the same...and you are simple if you get kicks out of a game just watching dead bodies move.

The gameplay is what makes counter strike. Source has the worst hit boxes in any online game, with what i'd consider poor weapon skins. Therefore i stick with 1.6. Why?

Well the gameplay is awesome. It has all the elements which mean provide a good game 90% of the time. Which is why there are twice as many people playing 1.6 than source. You may think 1.6 looks awful. Well my weapon skins/ player skins/ detailed textures for 1.6 from the Counter Strike Realism Pack FE (final edition) makes the game look 2002/2003. Another reason why when i played source it felt like a step back with these low res skins. If source stays how it is, it won't get any bigger...but its early days yet.
Maelstrom116 said:
Well, that sounds just like the bots on Counter Strike:Source, they'll walk past me and not shoot, they talk to each other and work as a team. Pretty cool I thought

Um, not in the least. Have you ever tried playing with hard bots? They always know when they can shoot at you and do if they aren't already shooting at somebody else. As for team work? Yeah right. Sure they go in a group, but do they play like a squad would? Does one go in before the others into a new room and check to see if all is clear, and if it's not, let the others know about it and try to get into the room under cover of some sort or find a way around? I don't think so.
WhiteZero said:
But... you like bots? *cringe*
Human Player > Bot
i know human player>bot but when my net gets crap i play bots.