Which do you enjoy more (for those who played both) CS:S or BF2?

Which do you enjoy more (for those who played both) CS:S or BF2?

  • BF2

    Votes: 38 58.5%
  • CS:S

    Votes: 16 24.6%
  • neither; both are good/bad

    Votes: 11 16.9%

  • Total voters


Companion Cube
Feb 22, 2004
Reaction score
As in the topic. Mods, please do not move this, as I want it in this neutral section, not the bf2 or cs:s subforums.
Definately BF2. That game is simply amazing. Besides CS:S is just CS with some new graphics. It is still a very old game and BF2 is much better. It offers better gameplay, actual teamwork and isn't full of 12 year old F tards shooting team mates. Besides, the graphics and gameplay on BF2 is a whole lot better, CS:S is crap compared to BF2.
Bf2 currently, but I really like cs and css to, and will probably play that long after bf2, but currently bf2 is tha baomb.
BF2. I honestly never liked CS, or CS:S. I've played CS a bunch of times, and it just never appealed to me. BF2 on the other hand...
CS owns so bad, it's just the perfect game for me. Not a fan of CS:S but 1.6 owns.
BF2............. all the way with its endless tactics.

CSS is perfect but very old style. Valve need to change weapons/ add more weapons and update the game's rule / add more rules to the game
I would say BF2 because all of the different choices that you have when chosing your weapons (categories) and the way you are able to parachute from high places and not die, and the graphics are better, CS:S isn't as laggy or take as long to get into the game as BF2, but my overall choice was BF2
BF2, bigger maps, more tactics and better teamwork, better graphics.
BF2 is the better game, but I enjoy CS:S more. Ya, I'm confused by that statement too. ;)
BF2 is more fun when it gets going, but CS:S can actually get going consistently (and it's nearly as good when it does), whereas BF2 does 1/4 times. The new patch might have fixed that, but I've not checked.
bf2 for me although cs is definately harder imo to get good at, playing cs:s definately helped me in other mp fps's, bf2 is alot easier and more varied though...
Actually when I played the bf2 demo with some of you guys, it was quite difficult for me to reach you, to do some teamwork. That's because we died in different moments and respawned at different locations. Even when I knew where someone was it was sometimes a bitch to get to him across the large map.

Shooting was also a bit strange in BF2, as either the weapons are over-inaccurate or it was the lag.

I enjoyed the demo, nevertheless CS:S is still no.1 for me.
jimbo118 said:
bf2 for me although cs is definately harder imo to get good at, playing cs:s definately helped me in other mp fps's, bf2 is alot easier and more varied though...
I disagree, BF2 is all about teamwork, CS is all about you being good. It is easy to get good, but in BF2 you have to get good with your whole team, otherwise your clan will never be any good.
BF2 for me, something about it is just more appealing than CS:S
I've played CS since the biggining, and it was the best thing since sliced bread. Then 4 months before CSS beta came out, and i lost ALL interest in it..played Nautral-Selection instead...then CSS came out, and I played HTAT for a while..then dropped out of that, and played Plan of Attack...then went back to CSS...now am playing BF2. I really HATE that damned game, but for some reason I keep going back to it. I voted BF2 because I don't hate it.
Foxtrot said:
I disagree, BF2 is all about teamwork, CS is all about you being good. It is easy to get good, but in BF2 you have to get good with your whole team, otherwise your clan will never be any good.
i didnt really mean clans tbh, just individually, i find that if i dont play cs:s for awhile and i go back i'd get whopped, it took me a good 3 weeks or so to get good with cs:s yet with bf2 i found it very easy to get good and come 1st in games pretty much right away with or without a squad, hence i find bf2 easier.
BF2 is better, but i still dont really like it.

With that said UT2004 and GE easily shit all over both of them.
BF2 definitely! Takes too long to load up a game, though...CSS was pretty cool, but there weren't any expansion packs...
yes it has to bf2. just cant get into counter strike. it is such a boring game.
Foxtrot said:
I disagree, BF2 is all about teamwork, CS is all about you being good. It is easy to get good, but in BF2 you have to get good with your whole team, otherwise your clan will never be any good.
No, just no, Cs is way harder, firdt of all teamwork isn't that hard to learn, and cs also requires alot of teamwork, and for the rest teh weapon controll in cs is a lot harder to learn then the weapons and vehicles in bf2.
CSS hasn't changed in forever and the gameplay is getting really, really old for me. Not to mention the lack of teamwork and abundance of lamers in 90% of the servers. Some have that exact problem with BF2 but I seem to find pretty good servers most of the time.
Owning noobs with a glock on internode servers is much more enjoyable than trying to work together with smarktards on Bf2 internode servers.
Sparta said:
BF2 is better, but i still dont really like it.

With that said UT2004 and GE easily shit all over both of them.

funny I just cant get into UT2004 ...I've tried, bought it played a half-dozen times and havent touched it since ...I dont know what it is, I just cant get into that game ...maybe it's the run and gun aspect

CS:S is extremely polished compared to bf2. The games have far more differences than similiarities, so it's not really fair to compare them.

I just cant get into CS:S for some reason, I've always preferred Day of defeat to CS
CptStern said:
funny I just cant get into UT2004 ...I've tried, bought it played a half-dozen times and havent touched it since ...I dont know what it is, I just cant get into that game ...maybe it's the run and gun aspect

CS:S is extremely polished compared to bf2. The games have far more differences than similiarities, so it's not really fair to compare them.

I just cant get into CS:S for some reason, I've always preferred Day of defeat to CS
I undertand your reaosns for not getting in to cs, but dammit I never got in to dod.
I can't explain why exactly.
But I just don't like the feel of the weapons, somehoe their recoil is over the top and moves in unnatural why. I gues i'm used to ut and cs, but I don't know, I got the same with the previouse bf's, only I felt like I was shooting air in them
ya the infantry in bf1942 was just sub-par

I like CS's game mechanics it's just that it's a bit repetative (not that dod isnt)
I hate how addictive BF2 is.

I....can...stop....NOOOOOOOOO....no i cant, who am I trying to kid?

Because i play for competition.