Which Game do you think is more advanced? Far Cry or Doom 3

Which Game do you think is more advanced? Far Cry or Doom 3

  • Doom 3 is definitely more advanced than Far Cry

    Votes: 72 87.8%
  • Far Cry is definitely more advanced than Doom 3

    Votes: 10 12.2%

  • Total voters


Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
Which Game do you think is more advanced? Far Cry or Doom 3?
I see this leading to a flamewar about Hl2/D3/Farcry/stalker and midget pr0n.
I'd say D3 for the vote but i think HL2 beats em both really.
midget pr0n r0xx0rZ joo!!111!!!oenoen1!!e1!kkthxplzdieirl. Sorry I couldn't resist

Well I haven't played Doom3, and I don't know what kind of physics and so forth they are planning for it, so I can't really compare the two since I've only played one.
This is just D3 and FarCry, not STALKER and HL2. Its just Far Cry and doom3 apparently can be compared because their indoors look somewhat similar. Even though Doom 3 is better than Far Cry IMO.
Well like I said, I don't think you can really compare them when you haven't played a finished version of both.
Have you guys seen the e3 2003 trailer? That gives an Idea of how it looks.
I actually think Crytek's engine may be more powerful than D3's engine.. :O
I didn't vote for either though, as I haven't seen D3 firsthand or anything.. all I know is, Crytek made one whizz bang of an engine, it's not even fully used in FC..
I personally thought far cry looked tons better than DOOM 3 looks. Doom 3 doesnt have large open areas like far cry does, and Far Cry makes them look really, really good.
From what I've seen Doom3, from what I've played Farcry.
I hate Doom III... ironically, I chose doom III... simply because there is no way far cry can surpass Doom III in graphics department. Playability though... it's likely it can.
I think they are both good at different things. Far Cry looks better in outdoor areas, while Doom 3 may look better indoors. Doom 3 may also have better lighting, but I'd have to play it (err.. the FINISHED version) to tell.
Yeah.. you really need to provide a catagory for a poll like this.

I'd bet there will be a lot more D3 games than CryEngine games.
:naughty: Considering the anticipation of Doom III, I say Doom III. Because with all its hype, more than FarCry's there has to be some super cool stuff in it.
I hate Far Cry's engine really. Its a bunch of hacks, and then all the reviewers are like "oMg this GamEs EnGiNe SmOkEs HaLf LiFe 2 and DoOM 3 !"

Doom 3 is really the more advanced one compared to Far Cry.
I voted D3.

I dont actually know for sure but from what ive seen/read of the D3 engine it looks more advanced than the FC one, that does'nt go to say that the FC engine is poor...it is probably the best engine out atm.

Ive read that the UT engine is one of the most advanced engines but UT just does'nt use it to full potential.
Intel17 said:
Doom 3 is really the more advanced one compared to Far Cry.

what do you specifically mean by advanced? if it's graphics your talking about they're both pretty good but I'd wait to see how well doom 3 runs on most computers before making any judgements such as this. i can't really see this arguement being made until you can play them both on a comparable system. any major company can make an engine that looks really nice these days, but making an engine that looks nice at the same time as being highly playable and optimized for a wide range of systems is the greater accomplishment.

there's more to a game engine than just graphics and you can't really tell how "advanced" an engine is just by watching a few videos and reading some interviews.
I think Far Cry will support the most graphical features (SM3.0, 3DC, HDR).
But I suspect that Doom III will run better, contain less bugs and has far better mod-support.
I voted for Doom III.
Arno said:
I think Far Cry will support the most graphical features (SM3.0, 3DC, HDR).
But I suspect that Doom III will run better, contain less bugs and has far better mod-support.
I voted for Doom III.

Cryengine was named one of the least buggest engines. And very easy to use.
People who like far cry better than doom 3 are the same type of people who like Brittny Spears better than Led Zeppelin

'tis my opinion 'n nuf'in more
Eywanadi said:
People who like far cry better than doom 3 are the same type of people who like Brittny Spears better than Led Zeppelin
That's just wrong.
But, some people don't like Doom III's scary ambience.
So, what's wrong with liking Far Cry better than Doom 3?
Nothing is wrong with that.
Tredoslop said:
That's just wrong.
But, some people don't like Doom III's scary ambience.
So, what's wrong with liking Far Cry better than Doom 3?
Nothing is wrong with that.

Agreed. :)
Tredoslop said:
That's just wrong.
But, some people don't like Doom III's scary ambience.
So, what's wrong with liking Far Cry better than Doom 3?
Nothing is wrong with that.

Because farcry is still quite a scary game in the right enviroment.

Fair enough the first 4 1/2 levels are'nt scary but soon as you enter that cave on the 5th level and you see a cut-scene of a trigen (which came as a shock to me, i never read up on this game) you get scared.

Ive played them both...yeh farcry just does'nt cut doom3 in scary factor but it still does scare you, sometimes...and it makes you jump almost Everytime a trigen pounces onto you. They move so damn quick.
Doom 3, I think. Far Cry has alot of cool environments though. :)
Can we make new registrars have to go through some sort of test before they can post stupid topics?

They have a questionairre at http://agsforums.com/yabb that people have to get correct before they can sign-up for the forum... just a suggestion.
Cant we have a questionaire for people that troll?

If you dont like the thread then why feel obliged to post in the damn thing? just ignore the thread, it isnt your bandwidth or space the thread uses so why does it bother you? o.o
There is alot of debate where people call far cry is better than doom 3 so what is worng with having a poll to see if that is the case ??? or are you just pissed at the results ;)
i think the crytek engine has a lot going for it, except for the level editor, i hated that thing...

D3 just looks pretty to my mind, we shall have to see how mind blowingly wrong i am.
hard to say, but i picked doom3 for some reason. not really sure why :o

That avatar of yours is cool. I saw a flash of something im like am i seeing things lol. I starred at it for mad long going wth did i see. hehe
I picked Far Cry...It's got the real-time shadowing stuff that Doom has, but also really, really, really, huge levels.
since far cry is out it is better than Doom3..... :hmph:

Doom3 looks good but there's no putting them side by side to compare...... :smoking:
Raziel-Jcd said:

That avatar of yours is cool. I saw a flash of something im like am i seeing things lol. I starred at it for mad long going wth did i see. hehe

Thanks , I know it's a bit dull with the black and white colors. :)

And what do you mean with flash? It's just a still black and white image. Might be your eyecorners playing tricks on you :p
The indoors of Far cry are a LOT like Doom 3. But we've seen like literally 30 screenshots of Doom3 that we just can't make a proper comparison...