Which game (half-life/addons) has the best ending?


Dec 22, 2003
Reaction score
HL's ending was the best IMHO, mostly because there were two ways to end it, and it left many possibilites open rather than making everything "clear cut". BShift's ending was original, I liked where you saw Freeman being dragged down that hall. OP4 was my least fav ending because it somewhat copied off of the original (meeting with the g-man, and coming "under his wing" so to speak).
Halflife's one for sure, I could not stand Oposing forces end boss and Blue shift just kinda trailed off in my opinion....
I agree... HL was the best. Opposing Forces was a bitch to finish, and Blue Shift just sort of ended... nothing spectacular about it.
Cylleruion2012 said:
I agree... HL was the best. Opposing Forces was a bitch to finish, and Blue Shift just sort of ended... nothing spectacular about it.
op4 was hard to finish?? the only dificultie i had in op4 was to figure out how to kill the fuc**** squid... nilathak was just a huge baby with a even bigger head (nothing original imo), and blueshift i can't even remember since i finished it in less than a weekend (but hey, i got a original for free heh)
I was like 11 when op4 came out, I was none too good at it... I didn't finish HL until i was 12 or 13 -_-;;

Blueshift though was SIMPLE... and way too short...
i never knew half life came out until about 2001 i was about 8 years old wen half life came out (1998) i think that the Half life ending was the best.
In 1998 when Half-Life came out, I was... erm... 9? I knew about it (I was an avid gamer even then) but I didn't own it until I was 11 (I got op4 too) and for a while I didn't like it, since I hadn't been allowed to get it due to the rating... my parents are strange about things like that, I was allowed to play Starcraft and Unreal but not HL.
I had to cheat to beat baby-alien nahahaalaalalasa (I didn't really care, I just wanted to finish the damn thing.)

OP4 was much funner in my opinion. I fought that damned thing for at least an hour or two trying to figure out how to beat it. Finally shot some rockets in his vagina-portal.
good times (the literal endings of HL and OP4 were very similar. G-man in space, just ones in a chopper and ones in a train.)
IMO The ending of BlueShift was the best, as it was the most realistic and sneakey. Status: Out of range, No Further Comment. You can tell the fury of the guy who wrote that lol.
marty905 said:
i never knew half life came out until about 2001 i was about 8 years old wen half life came out (1998) i think that the Half life ending was the best.

I think you need to learn to make sentences.
damn, you people are young. I was almost 16 when it came out. HL ending is good, I don't recall what happened to old shephard. I kind of liked how blue shift just ended, no big flashy ending, just thankful to be alive.
would you guys consider it a bad thing if hl2's ending is yet another confrontation with the g-man?
"No regrets..Mr Freeman, no regrets."

Hell I liked them all , I really dont know how you can say Op4s ending was horrible, like alot of things on the internet the expansions seem to be cool to hate. HL2 wont be a confrontation with the Gman , although I wouldnt mind that much.
volume said:
I think you need to learn to make sentences.
Ahh don't be a tightass. :D :cheers:

If HL2 had another G-man ending I wouldn't be too sad. I don't think that it will though, since it looks like our blue-suited friend is going to play a much larger part in HL2.
probably what's going to happen is that hl2's ending will be a talk with dr.breene as opposed to the g-man
I liked HL1 the best as the ending, but blue shift is second, even though it only took me 4 hours to beat the whole thing. OpFor ending was just old and boring.
DimitriPopov said:
I really dont know how you can say Op4s ending was horrible, like alot of things on the internet the expansions seem to be cool to hate.
yeah, seems like the popular view to put down Op4 in every way (especially when it was so similar to half-life, it makes no sense).
I think Op4's ending was pretty good:
trapped out in space for eternity... it's the creepiest ending of the lot.

Blue shift's was also good, although a bit anti-climactic. It was nice to see one end without the G-man, as a change of pace.

Halflife still had the best one, with G-man's speech.

The actual worst one, IMO, was the alternate "death" ending.
I was kinda disappointed that I couldn't fight those grunts.
Half-life without a doubt.

Gunaman chronicles coming second actually Opposing forces ties it for second
I actually liked Blue shift the best, I sat down and played that game in one sitting and i felt that it actually had a proper ending, unlike hl which finished with out feeling like the story was completed, i suppose its good in a way since we now have hl2 :)
Half life- the others just followed in its footsteps.
then i must be ancient, i was 20 when half life came out.
I never completed op4 , I couldnt work out how to beat the boss so I got pissed off and deleted my save file :(. A few weeks later I was told how to beat it. But I couldnt be bothered to start again I didnt like op4 much, blue shift was the best with the best ending too :)
Fat Tony! said:
I never completed op4 , I couldnt work out how to beat the boss so I got pissed off and deleted my save file :(. A few weeks later I was told how to beat it. But I couldnt be bothered to start again I didnt like op4 much, blue shift was the best with the best ending too :)

here I uploaded my quick save (I have the endings for hl and opforce quicksaved after I finished them again last week.. in case I felt like watching them again)

this is the end sequence for OPforce, place the file in your
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\*[email protected]*\opposing force\gearbox\SAVE\

directory (or if you arent using steam, place it in your Opposing force save directory)
if it asks you to overwrite, just click yes.

then to watch it, start up opposing force and load the quick save
Mechagodzilla said:
Blue shift's was also good, although a bit anti-climactic. It was nice to see one end without the G-man, as a change of pace.

Maybe my understanding of the term is incorrect, but I don't think the BS ending wasn't anticlimatic at all. It seemed to be an appropriate ending for the game.