Which Game Over screens are firmly imprinted on your mind from your youth?

DKC 3 is the worst Donkey Kong Country :(

Nab an emulator and play through the first two immediately!
Baldur's Gate was pretty scary back, so watching your hand turn into a skeleton was never fun.
The game over screen was kind of graphic.

Same for when you actually won the first Doom.

I was only ten, give me a break.
Not so much a 'game over' screen but nonetheless a horrifying thing -- death in Sonic 2.
One of the scariest things I remember is the 'game over' screen from System Shock 1, in the final cyberspace battle. That is, the screen gets filled pixel by pixel with Shodan's face. Like everything else in that game, the picture is pretty rubbish but has this low-fi charming horribleness to it. The game then just ends with this blinking face on the screen as the dynamic midi soundtrack hangs on its last note.

Not that you see it so long as you're running the game properly. First 20 times into that boss battle I was shocked that they gave you 2 seconds to kill the final boss. Turned out to be a rendering problem, and you're supposed to have about 50 times that (I was playing in 2003) :p

the one from super return of the jedi on the snes, where the emperor laughs at you.