which is the best game engine?

Well to make myself clearer I say that because I've used the first cryengine, and imo that was way easier to make content for and build levels. Cryengine 2 looks exactley the same with more features so I'm naturally assuming it will be just a better version of the first sandbox.
Source is very powerful and very easy to implent new things into.
I also like the CryEngine 2
Source and then the Painkiller engine for much the same reason: outstanding graphics that can scale very well. A crap computer can play them with pretty good settings; a decent computer can play them at really high settings, and the frames per second does'nt take a hit. They both use the Havok engine for physics (although I believe Source has improved on this). Also, with the newly introduced portal technology in Source, it's the shizzle. Any game engine can be a ball of fire, but not any game engine can be a ball of fire on slower computers.