Which is worse?

Which is worse?

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Jun 5, 2004
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I know they're both bad, but which is worse?
Food coming out of your nose is worse than food coming out of the usual place just a little more wet.
Vomiting. You don't have to taste diarrhea, it just feels gross.

cuz you can vomit everywhere but needs a toilet for the other
Diarrhea for sure. Theres a HUGE difference between vomiting in public and shitting yourself in public. I know what I'd rather do anyway.
Haha awesome thread!

Quite a hard choice to make, i would say it isn't the vommiting that's bad, it's actually quite refreshing but it's the few seconds before you vommit that feel terrible.

Having the shits, depends to what degree sometimes you can have watery poo and no other discomfort, other times your stomach feels so bad and churns like you've been eating a bag full of maggots.

If i HAD to have one now i'd prob go for the vomiting, as long as once the chucking up ended i felt good.
Having the shits ****ing sucks.

You never know when it's going to come out.
vomiting is awsome

its like BUUUUAAAARGGGGG!*splish splish splash*
vomit can be aimed at people, and if you're really drunk, lit on fire.

vomit - 1
diarrhea - 0
Puking is worse. I hate it when you get bits stuck up your nose and they wont budge, then you sniff and they go flying down the back of your neck. Plus it makes your breath smell for like a day.

Having the shits is pretty easy. Just sit and thats it xD But it sucks when your stomach hurts like hell. And being scared to fart sucks also. But puke is still worse, especially when you're bladdered and your body is still trying to puke but theres nothing left to puke, that hurts :(
I've never had diarrhea when it comes unexpectedly and uncontrolled, like vomiting. Just when I'm doing my business on the pot. Vomiting is always like that though. So I voted vomiting.
Anyone ever have food poisoning?

It feels like a regular everyday fart. It isn't.

Voted Diarrhea
But puke is still worse, especially when you're bladdered and your body is still trying to puke but theres nothing left to puke, that hurts :(

I voted vomiting for this reason. Man that's a lame feeling.
Vomiting. Tasting your food backwards = bad.
vomiting because of the crappy build up. Once I had to sit by a bowl for 3 hours, knowing I was gonna throw up but it didn't until way later on.
Vomitting feels worse when it's happening, but Diarrhea feels worse when you know it's coming.
There's no option for both at the same time...

...that was not a fun experience.
Having the shits is pretty easy. Just sit and thats it xD But it sucks when your stomach hurts like hell. And being scared to fart sucks also. But puke is still worse, especially when you're bladdered and your body is still trying to puke but theres nothing left to puke, that hurts :(
Agreed, especially about being scared to fart. It's actually really bad for me, because for some reason all my farts are silent nowadays (inb4 "LOL I GUESS HE RECEIVES IT GUISE"), so if I do have diarrhea and I fart, I have to judge how long it takes for the heat to dissipate before I conclude whether or not it was just a fart.

vomiting feels good, but fells horrid after.

Diarrhea feels horrid during, and meh after.
Just been watching lotsa Robot Chicken, so I gotta go with vomiting. Worse - in an AWESOME way that is.
Im rather surprised. When you have diarrhea, it comes out every 2 hours or so. When you puke, you feel better... (for me anyway)
I had a violent stomach bug last week, I was vomiting 3 times an hour, and was shitting liquid. And I couldn't do one without the other joining in.

So I spent most of last week frequently running to the toilet with a bucket in my hands. At quite a few points I wish I just died.
I had a violent stomach bug last week, I was vomiting 3 times an hour, and was shitting liquid. And I couldn't do one without the other joining in.

So I spent most of last week frequently running to the toilet with a bucket in my hands. At quite a few points I wish I just died.

Make sure your mum doesn't wash the bucket with some kind of strawberry washing up liquid. My mother did that, and it was horrible barfing into it.
I have only ever thrown up once when i was a kid crossing the Nile in Eygpt, and i was fine after that. I have had diahorrea quite a few times and i pretty god damn iritating, remember, i went to Turkey 5 times, and had the runs 5 times. But id say vomiting is worse, because the taste.

Shitting Fire is worse

But imagine the smell when you have the trots, and imagine what you see on your toilet roll...
If there is a toilet near, vomiting is worse.
If you have to do one or the other in public, vomiting is still worse imo.

I remember having food poisoning 2 times in my life.
The second time was particularly bad. I vomited 6 times in a 5 hour period, my chest felt like it was about to burst, it completely drained me, my whole body hurt, the acid burned my mouth, oh and the constant nauseous feeling was terrible.
Compared to that, diarrhea isn't so bad.
I haven't had diarrhea in a long time, but if I remember correctly is lasts longer than vomiting, and is therefore worse, even though the actual feeling of vomiting is worse. (It passes after a few seconds, though.)

Just to make things clear, we're talking about real diarrhea, as opposed to just a loose stomach, right?
in my opinion vomiting is much worse

...and this is coming from someone whos had the shits all day :(

been ill all f***ing week
I've had both at the same time, firing out both exits, and I can say I feared the vomiting more
I've had both at the same time too. Really isn't a nice experience.

Vomitting is still worse. I mean, it comes out of your mouth ffs. Wouldnt be so bad if it came out your ass too :P
If I have diarrhea, I can sit on the toilet with a nice book (to be burned and replaced afterward, of course) moaning all day. But I just can't seem to find a comfortable position to vomit in. Sure, you feel slightly better after you vomit, but you always have to grab that damned bucket.

Getting a bad case of diarrhea in public would be more embarrassing, true, but I always seem to manage to sprint to the bathroom just in time. Perhaps I'm just lucky, but I still thinking vomiting is worse. And don't even get me started on the dry heaves..
Anyone ever have food poisoning?

It feels like a regular everyday fart. It isn't.

Voted Diarrhea

Yeah, ive had food poisoning... was in Greece at the time and ate some bad sausages :( Not pretty

I reckon diarrhea is worse. Vomiting cancels out diarrhea cause if you vomit, then you chunder out whatever may possibly give you diarrhea in the future :p

Unfortunatly, my logic sucks
I have never had uncontrollable diarrhea, but I'd still rather vomit. Sure, it feels awful when you're about to, but once you have it's fine...not to mention how 110% less disgusting it is than diarrhea.
I remember possibly the first time I really vommited (outside of infancy), I would've been like 8. I was blowing chunks for about 5-10 minutes, on and off, and I actually got to tears at one point. Also I had a friend staying over and he laughed at me for it later >_<

Point being, vomitting feels ****ing horrible. Diarrhea is gross more because of the end result, but in general it doesn't feel all that bad. Except for the burning, but that's only in one part, so... anyway I'm going too far into this.

Stand by my vote anyway :)