Which is worst?

Which is worst?

  • Constipation

    Votes: 18 60.0%
  • Trots

    Votes: 5 16.7%
  • or both?

    Votes: 7 23.3%

  • Total voters
Oh, constipation then. Never had it but I really don't want to.
Constipation by far. It so ****ing uncomfortable!

EDIT: Imagine having both at the same time.
Could you get both? At least with Trots it comes out though! Wait why am I discussing this on a forum?
This thread could possibly fail so watch out

Could you get both? At least with Trots it comes out though! Wait why am I discussing this on a forum?

as for now, i reckon both.
Think about it

One minute u cant shit, the next it all comes out in a big rush. Then the process repeats itself

that would suck
Never had constipation, don't want it either. Needing a huge shit and not being able to do it has gotta be pretty un-awesome.

Least with the shits, you fart/strain, it comes out and your fine again for a while.
i hate pooping.. its such a waste of time.. and it smells.. and .. can be messy.. lol

oh yeah.
not pooping is awsome..
If it were at the same time.. UUUGH


Could you get both?

Yes - something I discoverd only a month ago. Here is a story about me and my poo:

We have no cooker in our new flat (long, annoying story) - so it's been microwave meals, take aways, and LOADS of toast and sandwiches for nearly 5 months now. Needless to say this is a very poor diet and as a result for a few weeks I was gridlocked completely - proper 'you have to dig it out with a stick' constipation. That was pretty nasty - straining on the loo for 30 mins just to get a turtle's head poking out, only for it to retreat away when you gasp for breath.

Anyhoo, one evening I had a vicious curry that went right through me like the red stuff in Superman 3 - only to be met by the plug of all poo plugs. It was horrible - hot, sweating, shaking, stomache making foul noises, really really badly needing a shit and not being able. It didn't matter how hard I strained, there was a few feet of condensed shit in the way. 20 minutes or so later and the hot (as in chilli, stinging hot) liquidy poo started to pass around the blockage and slowly worked its way towards the light (bare in mind for the whole time i'm grunting, gnashing teeth and feeling like I might faint). Worst of all it came out like someone holding their thumb over a hose pipe really tight - occasionally spurting off in a random direction. By now it was poo froth straight from hell!

Trust me, both is worse.

The End.