Which layout are you using now?

What forum layout are you using?

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It's nothing special, basically just a ripoff of the blue theme


Apparently I don't know the difference between a horse and a ****ing greyhound. :|

I also use blue.
Ennui why cant you be as close minded as the rest of us and choose a side in this war?

Because I think they're all good and I've been struggling with the light vs dark color scheme decision ever since I was 11 and learned HTML. So far I still love both of them for their own aesthetic reasons. All of these layouts please me, so I use all of them. Not to mention that I wouldn't give a shit what the rest of you use even if I did have a serious preference.

Also my signature colors look great in this layout.
I don't like the way that woman is eyeing that dog c*ck.
It's as if she wants to do something ... bestial with it.


Anyway I'm sticking with Blue.
I would've thought the new one was awesome if I was 14.
I'm using default at home and blue at work. I put down default, since im at home right now, but if I was at work, where I usually spend most of my hl2.net time, I would have picked blue.
I'm using default at home and blue at work. I put down default, since im at home right now, but if I was at work, where I usually spend most of my hl2.net time, I would have picked blue.

Blue or die.

Defaultfags go home! (or in this case, go to work)
Blue. Everything else is fugly.
HL2.net with blue is one of the places that I can stand being on for a long time in a poorly lit environment, but goddamn the default is a lot better for that purpose. Heh maybe I'll do blue during the day and default during my lamplight sessions.
Lol I just noticed that the Scout is slightly brighter on the front page versus the default forum header.

I guess I'm going to test-drive the theme for a little while after all. Maybe if it's gaudier it'll make me browse less at work :P
I'm using default, but I like Blue better.

I'm just punishing myself for my excesses.
^ Are you mocking my remarks, or are you doing the same thing as me?

Well played, either way.

numbers wins without realizing he was playing the game.
I am disappoint in your lack of familiarity, yes he is the great korean king, numbers.
Tan, the new one is too distracting for my eyes.
I never knew there was a default. The banner kinda sucks if it isn't fixed width, and the text on it is grainy.

Blue is my favourite, as the default theme needs a bit more fiddling with - the dark <div> around the main table looks a bit sucky. Also why purple on the Date/Time/Post bar etc? The Edit/Quote/Reply buttons are nice though.

It looks a lot, but not as good IMO, like gam3rs.org did.
I've noticed some problems with posting/editing with the new default.
lol fixed width, hell no. 1680x1050 on a 22" is perfect for these forums.
I use tan, because thats what was default when I joined, and I had no idea that there were any other colors.
I'm sorry for your traumatization as a [strike]child[/strike] newcomer.
Looking at the polls, so far, it looks like most people on this forum should kill themselves.
Poll shows some people aren't old gits who have to have EVERYTHING exactly the same their entire life and embrace change!

Some of you must have a banana at 3pm each day and do the sudoku at 5:30pm till 6pm when you polish your shoes.

Break the routine dudes, stop being old lolol.
Isn't it your tea time Glenn.

You're the one who's married (I think), old man.
No one will marry me :(

Polls have shown people who use the blue theme are most likely to be divorced by the age of 26 and a half.
I guess I'm neutral with this. But no one cares about my opinion so **** it.
I've been using Default for upwards of 24 hours now and think I could get used to it.
Currently trying default. Not bad, but I'm not a fan of the big bright quote/reply buttons