Which MP3 Player to get?


Mar 16, 2007
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Well here's a few of my choices ^^

but I'm guessing I can have your input as well. I'm really going all out for Sound Quality. Oh and I forgot to mention the COWON S9 can play FLAC as well which is awesome.
Got some good headphones?

I wouldn't get a player when you don't like the interface.
If you had something with wifi would you use it a lot? Maybe not more than as a music player but consistently and not get bored with that feature? Gotta decide if it's a music player only (for SQ) or MP and wifi device.
I would love to get an iTouch, but it is expensive.

I currently own a 4G Sansa Fuze, and I'm happy with it; it's able to have expandable memory with mirco SD cards, so I can stick an 8 or 16G card in there and I'm good to go. The interface isn't really sucky either - it's fairly easy to navigate and it's small & easy to carry. It's not too expensive either.

Here is the description on Amazon.com.
You seem to be heading towards an MP3 player with more features than just FM radio, playback, etc.

If you want the best basic MP3 player, go for Sansa Sandisk (2/4/8 GB versions). If you want more fancy features, then I don't have any advice on that.
I have an 8gb Creative Zen Mosaic. It's got great sound quality, good features and is very reasonably priced. Definitely worthwhile. Very small though, so no SD card.
Some don't like the appearance though I don't care. I quite like how it looks and anyway it's normally in my pocket :P
Apple products are all way overpriced though. iTouch would be good at 2/3rds the price.
Why don't you just get one of the iPod classics with like 160GB space? Unless you really want wifi with it...
The Creative Zens are pretty good. Look through their selection and see what you'd want. I got the Vision W and it was a pretty darned good item.
I have a ipod with all my music on it. Love that I don't have to switch out songs because of space. And since I do have a large collection with me I do like the scroll wheel to go through it all. Battery life is great as well.
iPod Classic 120 GB. I previously has a Nano with 8 GB, which was a pain in the ass, because that could only hold one third of my music (one fourth if I'd had it today), so it's really nice to have a new one. I really recommend it.

How much music do you have, BTW?
I have one of those Sony Walkmans and I agree about the interface, it's so freaking annoying. Battery life isn't the best either.
As someone who owns an iPhone, I highly recommend waiting for ZuneHD.
Apple products are all way overpriced though. iTouch would be good at 2/3rds the price.

in canada it's about the same price as the other leading mp3 players that offer the same features

oh and itouch is good at any price :) I love mine
The Cowon S9 would be perfect if it had Wi-Fi. I've been thinking of getting one myself.
Great sound and video quality. It has plenty of features and it looks nice and clean.
Battery life for audio playback is 55 hours and 11 for video. Pretty impressive stuff.