Which newspapers do you read?

Daily Mails makes me sick. It should be banned.

My mam buys the Mirror.

It doesn't really matter when all you have time for is reading the headlines before running for the bus.
It doesn't really matter when all you have time for is reading the headlines before running for the bus.

it matters when the headlines differ from 'oh dear, Hitler's invading, we're in trouble now' compared to 'HUZZAH! death to the Jews, Hitler our saviour is here!!'

ok so maybe that was a slight exageration, but you get the idea.
I read
The Star Telegram
The Dallas Morning News
The Grapevine Sun

and my school's newspaper.
The Sun, The Province, National Post...
its strange, I work in a newsagent on weekends. And its true that quite a lot of Polish / East europeans buy the Mail as well as many old people.

I often glance through it ( i read all the papers whilst at work), and there will always be something like:
1 Million Illegal Immigrants
Enter Britain Every Minute

Or something exagerated like that.
Usualy the Irish Independant pretty much because they're the only 'good' paper in Ireland to print a tabloid version (same articles and everything as the broadsheet though) and broadsheet papers are so damn awkward to hold and of course real tabliods are piles of crap.