Which one earlier?


Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Which one will come out earlier? Halo 2 or Half Life 2? Halo 2 is on November 9th :p ) (i have xbox and xbox live) I think Half Life 2 will come out before Halo 2. WHat do ya think?
easily hl2 i think it will be released september at the latest
I hope it does, and then all the H2 fanboys can see how many thing H2 lacks compared to HL2 .......
if it doesnt come out by then ill be craking some sculls!
Desolator said:
if it doesnt come out by then ill be craking some sculls!

I know you will be stressed, but there is no reason to take it out on a set of oars :(
If HL2 gets delayed till november, I won't buy it. I'll be buying Halo 2 instead. No matter how good it is, I can wait at the very least till october - after that screw HL2.
Sep. 1:st is my bet aswell, it just seems realistic. (Althougth I'm hoping first August but that means HL should go gold within 5 days...)
Yes sept 1 is the date HL2 will release, mark my words!


D3 was said to be released by august 3, and it has.

assuming valve has bug-freed everything and HL2 goes gold by mid-august, HL2 will come out ASAP.
Half-Life 2 for sure i dont think they will pass september this time.
My bet is on Sept. some time...but I wouldn't put money on it...

I wouldn't be surprised if it was October or so.