Which PM should i delete to free up my personal message box?


Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
No names will revealed (you goddamn perverts)

Please keep boobies off the forums Feel free to email me boobies whenever you want but not on the forums

I feel rediculous for doing this, but could you send the link of the "webcam gurl" video?

Heheh... Thanks...

I feel so dirty.

i am not asking you for emporio's website. don't send it to me, and no thanks

This infraction is worth 3 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:
What's the use of it if it is just like a floppy hose? That's not cool. That's not with it.


Your thoughts?
All the best,

Holy shit is that second one mine? I remember something like that from yeaaars ago.
The final one. I don't know who would send harassment like that to anyone, for any reason, or why anyone would want to keep it around.
The last one. Doesn't it keep a record of your infractions somewhere else, anyway?
Last one.

Why is there no poll?
I'll PM you the answer, Mr. Fusion.
If you want, I'll PM you another message which you can then delete.
why are you keeping any of them?

I could just publish all your PMs here in the thread, allowing you to delete all the existing ones.
Pi doesn't have the GUTS to post all Mr. Fusion's PM's!!
You don't have the guts to tell Pi he doesn't have the guts to post Mr. Fusion's PM box.
*checks tub gurl...*
*Checks goatse*
*checks 2girls1cup*
OK, you're jerking me around.
The first one of course. It's obviously written by a faggit.
BHC said:
Pesmerga said:
Sorry I'm just going through a rough phase... I don't really mean a lot of the stuff I say, I just... it's just an outlet.



No no, don't apologize. I do it too, it's a great way to relieve stress. Also adds some spontaneity to my daily board readings. Hell, I know a thing or two about rough phases, trust me. Hope things go better for you duder,


Oh me.
In answer to your question in the closed thread: I would compare Hexen to FEAR or Crysis or even Unreal. It was good at its time but it wasn't one of the 'greats' and won't be remembered as such (actually I will defend Unreal to the grave but most people didn't like it much).

Basically if you like playing Doom now, then give it a whirl. It's like Doom in a fantasy setting, so you get spells and whatnot, not simply guns.
You know who you are.
Hi on the old sinepisodes.net forums you posted a random thread.You said you got the idea from a hl2 mods forums.Can you remeber the name of that mod?Thanks in advance for any help.
I don't have that game yet but I'm gonna download it for this weekend

if u wana b on at dat tiem n play

Higlac said:
Hi, I just wanted to get the OK on whether I could start a thread about all of the racist jokes that everyone knows, yet noone wants to tell. I just figured that it would be a good idea to ask before posting potential infraction material.

Do not start a racist joke thread.

I'm not a racist, I just figured it would be good to get all those jokes out of the way before people got offended...
I'm not supposed to show it to anyone, and I don't have it anymore. That PM is quite old.