Which side of the conflict do you like to play as the most?

Which side of the conflict do you like to play as the most?

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BFHQ tells me USMC, but really, i'm happy wherever I get put default. That is, unless there is a HL2.netter on the other team :thumbs:
I like the USMC's vehicles more (with the exception of the attack chopper and buggy) so I'll go with them.

I play whatever team I get plopped onto when I join the server though. I despise those people that hop to the winning team at the end of the round....soooo lame.
Whatever team im on when it starts, unless some of me buddies are on the other- then i'll join that team.
I prefer the MEC and China's assualt rifles to the m16a2, but the US has, of course, the blackhawk, and hummvees, and the fast buggies.
Also i often prefer to listen to english some of the time, as people take more notice of your requests, so US is good for that.
J_Tweedy said:
Whatever team im on when it starts, unless some of me buddies are on the other- then i'll join that team.
I prefer the MEC and China's assualt rifles to the m16a2, but the US has, of course, the blackhawk, and hummvees, and the fast buggies.
Also i often prefer to listen to english some of the time, as people take more notice of your requests, so US is good for that.

I actually have the US voices off for one reason:

Being able to hear the enemy nearby when they use their radio calls. If there's a medic nearby dropping health packs or reviving or anything you can hear them and find them. If it was all english then you couldn't tell if it was your team or not making the calls.
China, weapons = good

USMC weapons = teh suxxorz
I like MEC's AK-101 the most, that thing + medic = Pure pants.
USMC because of the superior weapons (yes I love the m16a2)
The AT rocket launcher for the USMC is far better than for MEC, because you can actually steer the rocket a bit after shooting.
Shakermaker said:
MEC all the way. Kumbula!
ditto, i play medic and the ak101 owns all other medic weapons, even the unlock...i prefer the arabic too, KUMBULA!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
15357 said:
China, weapons = good

USMC weapons = teh suxxorz
I think it's the other way around, the chinese have the strongest exept the for the shotgtun, but the least accurate while the us has the weakest but most accurate, BUt mEC is IMO the best, good accuracy and good power.
So for me it's
I like to mix it up, but i do prefer being MEC, but i stay on the side im allocated to, the MEC weapons are far superior, but they lack a bit on the vehicle side of things, but i love the T-90 and the AK-101, and im a tank and medic whore, so im happy =D
Unfocused said:
The AT rocket launcher for the USMC is far better than for MEC, because you can actually steer the rocket a bit after shooting.

You can steer all of them. Just gotta hold down fire.
In Battlefield Vietnam, for some reason I always wanted to be US. Like, I would leave the server if I was stuck on the other team. I have no idea why.

But in BF2 there is literally none of this. I don't care what team I'm on at all. Glad for that too.
I prefer the USMC because I play Sp Ops a lot and the M4 easily owns both of the other faction's carbines.
vegeta897 said:
In Battlefield Vietnam, for some reason I always wanted to be US. Like, I would leave the server if I was stuck on the other team. I have no idea why.

But in BF2 there is literally none of this. I don't care what team I'm on at all. Glad for that too.

Maybe because that m16 owned so dam much- i know i far preferred it to the ak47.
RipperRoo said:
You can steer all of them. Just gotta hold down fire.

? why don't I have to hold fire while using the USMC kit?

thx for the tip.
Unfocused said:
? why don't I have to hold fire while using the USMC kit?

thx for the tip.
just the way it is...dunno why lol
MEC. Their semi-auto shotgun is much better than the Chinese and American pump actions. You actually have a chance is you miss with the first shot.
I like to be able to hear the USMC voices, as for weapons I use the support PKM what ever side I am on; but the MEC buggy has the better mounted machine gun.
I cant think of much that the CPA has better..
The only thing that shits me about playing MEC is when people spam radio messages.
The USMC have got this one beautiful, black bird...
swiss said:
I like to be able to hear the USMC voices, as for weapons I use the support PKM what ever side I am on; but the MEC buggy has the better mounted machine gun.
I cant think of much that the CPA has better..
you can go into options, and you can have EVERYBODY speak english. It's how I have it set up....
I wish they had the XM8 in BF2, rather than an M16. The game uses made up factions as it is, they should have tossed in a slightly futuristic weapon. I can't stand american weapons at all. They all suck, every one of them. The MEC weapons are awesome, and the Chinese ones make me laugh because they are more hideous than russian weaponry, which is hard to do.
CyberPitz said:
you can go into options, and you can have EVERYBODY speak english. It's how I have it set up....

Sometimes I am aware of the enamy's presence, because I hear them shouting in the other language.
CyberPitz said:
you can go into options, and you can have EVERYBODY speak english. It's how I have it set up....

I'd like it if it had like arab and chinese accents on english though, just for some distinction..

On second thought, I don't want to hear Chinese accents, Asian accents make me cringe.
DreadLord1337 said:
I'd like it if it had like arab and chinese accents on english though, just for some distinction..

On second thought, I don't want to hear Chinese accents, Asian accents make me cringe.
Yeah, the distinction is nice. I used to always use their talking to distinguish if the enemy was around the corner or something. But now I usually travel with a 6 player sqaud, so they can revive me if I get gunned down.

But after soem time, you get used to it, and realize *I don't have any teamates around..* and then it's them.