which SKU are u going for ??

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Which SKU are u going for ??

  • Single play only at wallmarts or costcos

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • tradition singplay and multiplay with free mods (buy the tf2 or other standalone product later on if

    Votes: 99 93.4%
  • go for Subscription (e.g. $9.95/month) and owns everything

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • i won't buy anything from valve cuz they are not like the old hl anymore

    Votes: 4 3.8%

  • Total voters


i make this thread because the other thread are too long to read. Some people are just confused with the SKUs thing like the one quoted here. Let's have a poll to clear up everything.

Originally posted by ThrasherX9 Hmm... I don't like this idea at all. First of all, it's pretty complicated, especially for just the average joe gamer that sees three different HL2 products at his local Walmart or what have you. And I'm totally lost on all this subscription fees to download Valve content off of Steam. Could someone explain it to me in lamens terms?

I think Valve is making a big mistake with this. Why can't they just have a normal game with normal MP with normal people making normal mods? Why do they want to **** everything up?

they are not going to **** that up. if you want "a normal game with normal MP with normal people making normal mods", just go for the traditional single-player plus multiplayer SKU, buy a copy with sp&mp at the store and u will be able to play all mods for free. however, since tf2(mabye cs2 and dod2 too) are not mods anymore, u have to buy it later on as a separated product.

For people who go for the subscription, they get everything, but they have to pay every month(man 10$ US. a month is a lot, in china more than half of the people are still not able to pay that every month). Subscription is like renting the games, i think as long as u cancel ur subscription, u lost everything. I will definitly go for the traditional single-player plus multiplayer SKU. I think that the expansion pack such as tf2 will be sold at reasonable price.
A poll like this needs to have all options:

retail SP only
retail SP+MP (mod-able)
retail Special Edition SP+MP (mod-able)
steam SP+MP (mod-able) (one time payment)
steam subscription (get all Valve titles at no extra charge)
i think having a poll here can show clearly what we want to Gabe.
Originally posted by gamevoodoo
i think having a poll here can show clearly what we want to Gabe.

Yeah but there are 5 options. I'm going to get the Collector's edition and that's not on the Poll.
u know that e-mail is a lie, right? A: why would gabe write in blue and in 2 different fonts? B: the grammer and spelling suck donkey balls C: sierra doesnt publish the game vivendi does (and b4 u say vivendi owns sierra, vivendi is publishing it direct, and not thru the sierra branch) D: no matter how long gabe's e-mails are, he never signs them. and why, when he asked a question about pay to play, would he talk about 3 different versions of HL2 and how they are selling the game?
I rest, my case! :p
Originally posted by trantjd
A poll like this needs to have all options:

retail SP only
retail SP+MP (mod-able)
retail Special Edition SP+MP (mod-able)
steam SP+MP (mod-able) (one time payment)
steam subscription (get all Valve titles at no extra charge)

Let's just concentrate on the major part of the SKU thing. with more option that will confuse even more people. besides, retail sp+mp is similar to retail special edition(u just get some bonus stuff) and similar to steam sp+mp(buy it from store or from steam). they are only three major different thing there: SP only, retail SP+MP with free mods and subsription that owns everything.
Originally posted by thehunter1320
u know that e-mail is a lie, right? A: why would gabe write in blue and in 2 different fonts? B: the grammer and spelling suck donkey balls C: sierra doesnt publish the game vivendi does (and b4 u say vivendi owns sierra, vivendi is publishing it direct, and not thru the sierra branch) D: no matter how long gabe's e-mails are, he never signs them. and why, when he asked a question about pay to play, would he talk about 3 different versions of HL2 and how they are selling the game?
I rest, my case! :p

Um, did you see Gabe's actual post regarding this?

This is very real and there has been substantial proof showing that, go look in the other threads, especially the first thread started about this topic.

EDIT: Or maybe your post was a joke...I really hope so, in which case, I guess I've been had... :cheers:
Originally posted by thehunter1320
u know that e-mail is a lie, right? A: why would gabe write in blue and in 2 different fonts? B: the grammer and spelling suck donkey balls C: sierra doesnt publish the game vivendi does (and b4 u say vivendi owns sierra, vivendi is publishing it direct, and not thru the sierra branch) D: no matter how long gabe's e-mails are, he never signs them. and why, when he asked a question about pay to play, would he talk about 3 different versions of HL2 and how they are selling the game?
I rest, my case! :p

it's not a lie, gabe even come to the forum and reply to that thread. now the thread is up everywhere, u can see it from many major hl2 news website. someone just e-mail gabe and get his confirmation for the validity of that thread.
Jeez, pretty unanimous at the moment...

Hunter, stfu you know jack shite about it. You have eyes mate, use them.

Vivendi owns Sierra and has never and probably will never publish a game. Sierra is publishing HL2. You can see evidence of that in the recent photos of preview boxes.

Your spelling and grammar sucks, so?

He spoke about the three payment options to clarify that there will never be a subscription if you buy in a shop - only Steam.

Gabe always signs the e-mails he sends to me.
Originally posted by trantjd
A poll like this needs to have all options:

retail SP only
retail SP+MP (mod-able)
retail Special Edition SP+MP (mod-able)
steam SP+MP (mod-able) (one time payment)
steam subscription (get all Valve titles at no extra charge)

Ok, I just created another poll with all of these options. I hate to clutter the main page, but I think it will be helpful to list all the options available. Mods can delete if they don't think it's worthwhile.
LIES, I SAY! LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and don't go all, "StFu u fackin fraggot, tats Gabe naweeel, biatched!" cause i still doubt it is
Originally posted by trantjd
Ok, I just created another poll with all of these options. I hate to clutter the main page, but I think it will be helpful to list all the options available. Mods can delete if they don't think it's worthwhile.

too many option will just confuse even more people. let's just clear it up and make the options based on the major difference.
im going with the traditional shit and i guess if i want TF2 later on ill buy it. no worries!
So far not a single person has opted for the Steam subscription. I thought maybe 5% of peeps would try this method, but I gues this poll just started too.
people just don't like monthly fee, they don't feel like owning the game if they rent it
I guess we are all addicts and we would end up paying valve for the rest of our lives :D
Someone email Gabe this thread to show him that making an only single player version is just a waste of company spending.
Haha, I'm the only one who only wants the singleplayer game!
No one has proved that Half-Life 2 will be multipul versions yet have they? What about the people who pre-ordered Half-Life 2?
This is another one of those rumors...
IGN: Gabe, can you tell once and for all that Half-Life 2 insn't for PS2?
Gabe: Yes, Half-Life 2 will definetly NOT be on PS2.
IGN: OMG!!!! Half-Life 2 will be on PS2???? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!sddfsfasd
Originally posted by Frank
Haha, I'm the only one who only wants the singleplayer game!

In my day of madness Im considering it quite seriously
Im going for traditional here. SP and MP version. When TF2 and all them goodies come out, im sure they'll be in stores, so I'll buy it in the store. Im not paying Valve for this Steam crap. I have enough things on my charge card already lol
Originally posted by Bass
In my day of madness Im considering it quite seriously

What fun is there about getting your ass kicked and pay for it? *laughs*
i just pre-ordered half life 2 at EB it was 69.99 Canadian dollars. I'm guessin im getting the single/muliplayer SKU:cheers: :bounce: :dork: :cool:
The people at the forums are fans of HL2, of course they want to own the fullest possible version of the game. But the majority of gamers really are just casual gamers (don't have internet connection, don't want to spend 50$ on a game, have crappy computers, etc..). It's really cool that Valve are keeping it simple for them (and cheaper) and still satisfy the hardcore fans.
hahahahah no one wants that dumb subscription crap Gabe!!! Just think about it, after 5 months you are paying more for the game that you would have if you just bought the whole thing at first. Sure I know you guys will release 'extra content' but it would have to be pretty damn good for me to pay an extra $120 a year!!!!!!! You guys at Valve are have finally lost it!
Besides look at the FREE mod Desert Combat, its free, AND they release new content all the time! Match that.
i wasn't going to post in these forums, but you mentioned desert combat. i work on desert combat. =D

hey its not easy, making a mod that alot of people play. would anyone actually want to pay for dc? 98% of our players would say no i'm sure. another 2% of our most gracious fans would prolly give $10 or something one time and thats it. i've actually been offered donations without asking, but its hard to gauge the seriousness of that.

anyway, the poll options are flawed. supposed to have the option of buying hl2 via steam at the full price option. i'll prolly do that, and since my option isn't there, i didn't vote. fix the poll plz =)
Originally posted by Hyped
From this poll's results, perhaps Gabe and Co should reconsider. I understand we're a small demographic when compared to the masses that will eventually flock to get this game, yet we are the crux of the HL community in terms of spending decisions.
I don't know looks like traditional wins and other options are toast. I feel bad for the none informed gamers who buy at those big stores thinking not knowing about this confusing style of sale.

edit: we are a exceptional part of the community so i don't know how accurate this will be in reality. But i can't remember anyone who i've gamed with ever who would rationalize subscription unless the game wasn't good enough to own.
I go for traditional. I like to own it on hard copy.

I'm sure there's lots of people that have steam but don't post on here. They are probably the subscription/steam buyers.
Originally posted by iggy
i wasn't going to post in these forums, but you mentioned desert combat. i work on desert combat. =D

hey its not easy, making a mod that alot of people play. would anyone actually want to pay for dc? 98% of our players would say no i'm sure. another 2% of our most gracious fans would prolly give $10 or something one time and thats it. i've actually been offered donations without asking, but its hard to gauge the seriousness of that.

anyway, the poll options are flawed. supposed to have the option of buying hl2 via steam at the full price option. i'll prolly do that, and since my option isn't there, i didn't vote. fix the poll plz =)

read the first page of this thread, u will find out why i didn't include other options like purchasing the traditional sp + mp on steam.
I would get subscription only if they make it a little cheaper.. otherwise SKU 2