Which trilogy movie are you most anticipating?

Which trilogy movie are you most anticipating?

  • Lord of the Rings 3: Return of the King

    Votes: 18 58.1%
  • Matrix 3: Revolutions

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Star Wars: Episode 3

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

    Votes: 4 12.9%

  • Total voters
Its Revalations not revolutions...isn't it???

yeah Return of The King will be awesome.... :) I love the trilogy, superbly realised....in a beautiful setting, a plot to dream of....... :)
Yes. They didn't get all creative, not even for PC purposes.

Now if we could get the same people to do a Motion Picture of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Matrix Revolutions without a doubt. Can't wait for some more Agent Smith action!
Lord of the Rings is the Star Wars of my generation really... now I come to think of it....
Originally posted by nietzsche
I was the one who voted for Star Wars: Episode III. :dozey: Hey, the series is one of my favourites, dating back to my childhood...

/me rolls away in his screeching wheelchair...

Refer to my JArJAr definition.

What have they done to StarWars! Bastards!
SW IV,V, and XI were awesome, no doubt about that. However, I and II are not, it doesn't even give you the "Star Wars feel" and I'm guessing III won't either. I'm definitely still going to see it when it hits the theaters though.
I voted lord of the rings. Then i would go Matrix, then starwars, then terminater 3.

Lord of the rings books was very good. Better than the films. Although the films do, do the books justice. You should read the silmarilion as well. Sometimes it reads a like history book, but its very good.
Thats one bitch of a choice!
ROTK has to be the one I'd see if I was allowed only one on the big screen.
I'm looking forward to T3 more than SW:episode3
I'll goto SW episode3, not because I'm so hyped about it, but because I want to finaly see the rest of the story. EPisodes 4-6 kicked ass all over episodes 1-2.

The Matrix flick brings up the rear, I'll get it on DVD with the whole set probably, but I aint standing in line for it.
Punisher my man, you got that thread hoppin' about wood splinters.
I fanned the flames a little, but it got pointless,
people were arguing but not disagreeing.

I'm sure Valve will do what's right. I'm hoping for free roaming layout. Something that doesn't restrict your movement to a narrow path within the city.

Cheers :cheers:
I voted Star wars too. I am wanting to see some more light saber action!
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Remember it is still an FPS, not a open ended RPG

Well... I guess I can dream can't I?

As llong as Gordon can slink into a secluded room once in a while to check his funny balls. haaa hoooo haaaa aarrrrhhh my spleen!
You tell em!

I thought episode one was...well crap. Episode 2 was better and i quite liked it.

Anyway, they both are pretty poor compared to LOTR and The Matrix

EDIT: my sides are splitting. Oh the hilarity of it all. Actually it was quite funny.
i tried reading the similarion(sp) I couldnt do it, It was confusing... I do love the books though. And they arent a trilogy, they are all one book, just broken into 3 parts for easier reading.
If you want to get like that. There was infact i think 11 books, that were merged into one. He wrote them during WWII i think. And sent them to his son(?) who was fighting. And anyway the poll is aqbout the films which are a triliogy.
Speaking of trilogies and adventures, has any of you read the Grendel Graphic Novels?
No but on the note of trilogies, i can feel 3 lumps after going to the bathroom.:laugh:
What does this mean?
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
No but on the note of trilogies, i can feel 3 lumps after going to the bathroom.:laugh:
What does this mean?

That depends on where the lumps are.:eek:
Hmm, I just about lost all fate in The Matrix after seing the 2nd movie. Same goes for Star Wars.

Now ROTK should be great, but I'm not in my LOTR mood just yet. So I voted T3 :cheese:
JRR started them in trenches in WWII, he finished them in a pub.
Star wars has lost it abit, ever since George Lucas let his goiter write his scripts for him.

Its all lord of the rings. I was thinking though, that after these movies are out, then are out on DVD, theres no much left anymore. I mean, star wars is finished, Rings is finished, Indys out on DVD, godfather. Once their out on DVD all the old classics of when movies really took off in the 70/80s will be done, and well be left with shitty new movies rehashing original ideas.
Originally posted by urseus
Star wars has lost it abit, ever since George Lucas let his goiter write his scripts for him.

Its all lord of the rings. I was thinking though, that after these movies are out, then are out on DVD, theres no much left anymore. I mean, star wars is finished, Rings is finished, Indys out on DVD, godfather. Once their out on DVD all the old classics of when movies really took off in the 70/80s will be done, and well be left with shitty new movies rehashing original ideas.

Man that's a depressing thought.... but you're right, we'll either have to re-watch the greats or chuckle insipidly at Adam Sandler flicks.

Unless someone does a quality motion picture of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Originally posted by Lordblackadder
Now if we could get the same people to do a Motion Picture of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Now that would be a good movie series! #42, Zaphod Bibilbrox (spelling?), The Heart of Gold, it would be such a great movie series. So wierd yet so amazing. :E
Originally posted by The Mullinator
Now that would be a good movie series! #42, Zaphod Bibilbrox (spelling?), The Heart of Gold, it would be such a great movie series. So wierd yet so amazing. :E

BBC TV tried it, but it was too, Dr. Whoish, ie amateurish spec. effects. Zaphod Beeblebrox! He's so hip he has trouble seeing over his pelvis.:cheese:

Of course it would have to be broken down into at least a trilogy.:bounce:
How would it be broken into a trilogy, Its 5 books for Christs Sake!

There would have to be five movies!

1. The Hich Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy,

2. The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe

3. Life, The Universe And Everything

4. So Long And Thanks For All The Fish

5. Mostly Harmless

and as for the LOTR books, It won't be finished after ROTK, they've still got THE HOBBIT and all the over books to make (i.e. similarion, and all the unfinished tales...)...wishfull thinking :p

There are other books as well that would make great movies such as:

All the Discworld series (or maybe just TCOM and TLF) [Terry Pratchett
Robert Rankin's Armageddon series (this would be good due to the coments in the book about I bet they won't include this in the movie and stuff hehe)
the Similarion.......... as a movie that would be amazing... i reckon they won't ever do it :( ...... Peter Jackson in charge would be good...
Originally posted by Stone
How would it be broken into a trilogy, Its 5 books for Christs Sake!

There would have to be five movies!

1. The Hich Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy,

2. The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe

3. Life, The Universe And Everything

4. So Long And Thanks For All The Fish

5. Mostly Harmless

It is called 'The Five part trilogy' i suspect they could do something similar with films.