Which trilogy movie are you most anticipating?

Which trilogy movie are you most anticipating?

  • Lord of the Rings 3: Return of the King

    Votes: 18 58.1%
  • Matrix 3: Revolutions

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Star Wars: Episode 3

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

    Votes: 4 12.9%

  • Total voters
LOTR:ROTK is the absolute choice!
Ever read that book? I can't even emagine how great and extremely strong the feelings will be when I get to see tha armies of Mordor and the combined forces of Rohan and Gondor clashing together on the battlefield.
Damn it's going to be awesome! :bounce:
I don't have words strong and big enough to discribe how it will be.
Originally posted by A.A
I can't even emagine how great and extremely strong the feelings will be when I get to see tha armies of Mordor and the combined forces of Rohan and Gondor clashing together on the battlefield.
Damn it's going to be awesome!
I don't have words strong and big enough to discribe how it will be.

I KNO!!!!!! I'm sooooo looking forward to it... that combined with HL2 makes the end of the year something 2 look forward 2 on the entertainment front....
Originally posted by Stone
How would it be broken into a trilogy, Its 5 books for Christs Sake!

There would have to be five movies!

1. The Hich Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy,

2. The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe

3. Life, The Universe And Everything

4. So Long And Thanks For All The Fish

5. Mostly Harmless

and as for the LOTR books, It won't be finished after ROTK, they've still got THE HOBBIT and all the over books to make (i.e. similarion, and all the unfinished tales...)...wishfull thinking :p

There are other books as well that would make great movies such as:

All the Discworld series (or maybe just TCOM and TLF) [Terry Pratchett
Robert Rankin's Armageddon series (this would be good due to the coments in the book about I bet they won't include this in the movie and stuff hehe)

oh why don't you two just sit there and type:

"just adding 1 to my post count" :p

(i know im no better, but still :cheese: )
There are other books as well that would make great movies such as

How about the Forbidden Boarders trilogy by W. Michael Gear. Anybody read it? THAT would be a badass Sci-Fi story to put on film!
only 3 votes for T3 ;( , ah well everyone thinks differently.

God badger and blackadder you posing mad since I lst saw you :D lol, your gonna soon beat EVIL...:D
only 3 votes for T3 , ah well everyone thinks differently.

I'm with you on that one, I thought T3 would get alot higher vote count. Maybe its an age thing, I remember watching the the first Terminator movie at the theater and I guess it made a huge impression on a young impressionable mind.
Originally posted by Lordblackadder
Won't do it anymor..:burp: anymore, scuse me.

You can get tablets to help with that burping you know. And since if i leave this post as it is I'm gonna get accused of raising my post count.

I liked terminator. But i think that Lord of the rings is just better. I think i said starwars 3 before terminator 3 but Ive changed my mind. The matrix is just cool, so thats gonna be second only to LOTR.

397 posts! Woo!
I would most likely vote for T3 too....but RotK is going to be the final chapter in a trilogy of films adapted from a book I have read about 3 times.....and loved it each time... I read it when I was much younger.... so again, the book left an impression on me....and the films have taken my breath away... sorry if ive rambled a little too much... :p

oh, and it doesn't have a cheesy subtitle like Rise Of The Machines


EDIT: 602 posts...... yay (o the sarcasm)
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
You can get tablets to help with that burping you know.

Yeah I know, but the stuff makes my nuts feel funny, and I have to go someplace private to examine them.:eek:
I am mad so if I pose than it will be a mad pose, seee? Now let me ask you this kid, you feel lucky?

I have no idea what I'm talkin' about:burp: oh that clarifies things.
You arent the only one with problems, i my self suffer from nar...:sleep: zzzz

Originally posted by A.A
LOTR:ROTK is the absolute choice!
Ever read that book? I can't even emagine how great and extremely strong the feelings will be when I get to see tha armies of Mordor and the combined forces of Rohan and Gondor clashing together on the battlefield.
Damn it's going to be awesome! :bounce:
I don't have words strong and big enough to discribe how it will be.

Prepare to be mildly disapointed. There is no scouring of the shire in the movie, which leads me to belive the movie will end shortly after...uhh...i dont want to say spoilers, but that bit after the main bit with gollum and frodo at the end.

There is way too much to fit in, and alot of it is going to be trimmed. Paths of the dead will most likly be cut out as well. The last book itself is highly complicated and long, plus you have to add to that scenes like shelobs lair which were suposed to be in the second movie.

Itl be freakin great make no mistake, but very rushed.
LOTR3, although I'm still curious about Revolutions after waiting thru the credits to see that teaser :)
You could have had LOTR made into 6 movies at 3 hours each and still not have gotten it all in. BUT I am very pleased overall with the choices they made.
As far as the ending goes, the scouring of the shire was sort of like an epilogue anyhow. Didnt the animated version end before the scouring of the shire too? I havent seen it since I was about 10 back in 1980.

And perhaps a new poll could be taken that says "what trilogy movei EXCEPT 'Return of the Knig' do you most want to see?"
Return of the Knig...... doesn't that sound like a really old Hammer horror film :p

(sorry, I pick up on these things..)