Which Version to Buy?



Alright, I still haven't goten HL2. I want to purchase it, but I'm wondering which one to get. If you've seen the Steam website, you've seen the Silver Bundle. The one that comes with all the old games, and the new addons to HL2. I was wondering if any of the retail versions are similar to this. Because the "Collectors Edition" of HL2 is much cheaper then the Silver Bundle. Or is buying the silver pack the only way?
Far as I know there's only 2 retail versions, CE and reg Bronze version.
Does the CE include what the Silver Bundle does? Or is it just a fancy Bronze version?
Half Life 2 Collector’s Edition features Half-Life 2 in DVD-ROM format, Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life: Source, a free limited edition t-shirt, and a Half-Life 2 Prima strategy guide book.

No mention of Valve's back catalogue (all the old HL1 games) or Day Of Defeat: Source - which is due out later this year.

Therefore, Steam: Silver would win hands down in my book - you don't really need the HL2 t-shirt or the stripped down strategy guide...
Depends of course on how rich you are? right?

Gold is the best, but I didn't buy any of the boxes, I simply bought all the games apart, then I put em nice on the side of my desk, then I started to buy posters for HL2 (still apart) then I just put em up on my wall like wallpapers

The games I have is : HL2 demo, HL2, HL2 substance, HL2 garrysmod and HL2 the lost coast. All in separated boxes, I can send an image of you want to
czrsink said:
No mention of Valve's back catalogue (all the old HL1 games) or Day Of Defeat: Source - which is due out later this year.

Therefore, Steam: Silver would win hands down in my book - you don't really need the HL2 t-shirt or the stripped down strategy guide...

Does the CE have the back catalogue?
I got Gold. And I loves me some DoD:S when it comes out.
Whatabout the CE? Ok, What I'd like to know, does it include the back catalogue, does it include DOD:S, and if it doesn't is there a way to upgrade to silver from CE or from basic HL2?
yodayodeler said:
Whatabout the CE? Ok, What I'd like to know, does it include the back catalogue, does it include DOD:S, and if it doesn't is there a way to upgrade to silver from CE or from basic HL2?

if u want the back catalogue and DOD Source then just get the Gold package via Steam.
I heard something about being able to upgrade to silver from a standard retail HL2, is that true?