Which weapon would you like to see in a tutorial

btw if ur having trouble with the reference ....search for hte steyr aug manual online ...or buy it ...i mean if u could buy a glock a 10$ manual is nothing.....they show all the parts and everything about the gun .....
I have three manuals now. Online versions, but none of them included the ortographic views :( I have read much about the AUG. It's an interesting rifle indeed :) and btw: I didn't buy the glock 20, my cousin owns one ;)
Mikademius said:
and btw: I didn't buy the glock 20, my cousin owns one ;)
omg ur famely is full of gangsters with weapons and stuff all over the place.
I'll report you and ur terrorist family to teh police!11

jeg tulla :bounce:
go ahead stOlve:) They're all legal.
BTW: I have started part 1 "Steyr Mannlicher Company" & "Reference"
Sharasment panda said:
check out the Hecklar&Cosch website. Plenty of reference there

You mean heckler&koch ? They did not manufacture the AUG, Steyr Mannlicher Company did. But thanks anyway.
Parts finished:

I wont be able to continue before I get the Blueprints ;(
Good news. I managed to get in touch with a guy who works at a firing range. He owns the AUG himself with several barrels. He is also contacting others in the area who owns one. If I wont be able to get my hands on the blueprints, I might use the images I take with him as ortographic views. I will of course include this in the image pack I'm going to include. Hopefully I'll manage to release it as a x-masgift to HL2.net :D
Dum dee dum... these done yet :P. I cant wait to have a look :)
heheh hes fallen asleep just like he promised he wudnt ...

wake up mr Mikademius ..wake up and smell the ashes ..

and show us ur progress too .
I haven't fallen asleep, but the guy with the AUG has :( I am still saiting for the rifle to come to Oslo. Don't you worry. I have already written 2-3 pages on the setup. This was as much as I could write at this time. I am going to finish this one off, but as I said... I'm waiting for the reference to show up. I have grabbed a NIKON D70 for the occation so if I manage to learn it's features, you'll get a decent reference- pack... No X-mas gift though :( Maybe the reference will be inhouse december sometime and then I have the vacation (4 days.oooh) to work on it. I hope people will like it although it's a bit delayed. VALVe could blame the anon-hackermoron, I must be able to blame my referenceguy :P
Hehe... but that's not a Desert Eagle... that's a all new and different pistol ;) a cool one though, seen in 'Cowboy Bebop' series.

Real Desert Eagles only come in .357Mag, .44Mag, .440 Carbon and .50AE, as you said above.
dude ur getting a real aug from a real person ?

how do u manage to find people with these guns ?
id just like to know that
u could have easily bought the airsoft version which is as acurate as u need it to be
btw ...why do u feel the need to make a tutorial ? and could u also write up stuff about the feel of the aug when u hold it and other features that u liked?.
thanks its a rather odd shaped gun the first time i saw it in cs i thot it was concept
Good news. I managed to get in touch with a guy who works at a firing range. He owns the AUG himself with several barrels. He is also contacting others in the area who owns one.

u could have easily bought the airsoft version which is as acurate as u need it to be

Why pay $200+ for something just to take pictures of it when you can take pictures of the real thing for free?
Mindless: I searched google for a week to grab photoreference, but I realized they wouldn't match my demands.
I got in touch with the local firing ranges in Oslo and also one of the 2d animators at work goes to that firing range a couple of times a month and he told me one of the guys there owned an AUG. I contacted him and he told me he'd get in touch when he got it back. Simple as that. And an airsoft model isn't accurate enough. I have seen the blueprints of it.
I got good response on the GLOCK 20 I posted in these section of the forums and I have also been asked several times to create a tutorial when I posted the G3A3 and MP5. I am doing an article, not a tutorial I have to add. I like the article form more when I write how I think, how I orgamize, How I plan, how I do this and how I do that. Not a step by step tutorial. I might redo the parts I found hard and capture the screen so you get to see it in motion and you'll also be able to see it several times. E.G. the muzzleflashhider. I have modeled it twice for practise. That is atricky part. I'm going to model it once more to decide which modelingmethod works better. Then... I'll probably capture it :)

Sir Phoenixx: I second that :)
ok are u going to write about the look and feel of the gun ?
im sorry for not reading the whole thread i read it a long time ago and didnt think it went on mch.

anyways mik where do you work at ? ....
oh and btw i know u have a site but its not listed in ur profile?
Mindless_moder:I'll keep that in mind ( look and feel )
I work as an animator. I do model and rig props etc. too, but I am officially hired as an animator at Filmkameratene ( translated: Filmbuddies :) or something like that ) Thanks for pointing out the profile. It's been updated now.

www.final3.com is my website
have you started any tutorial? :o
oh and if you do a norwegian one (if you have a voice on it ;)), then Spillmodding.no would like it I think.
I have started it, but as stated earlier I'm still waiting for the reference. I am going to call the guy today. It can't take this long just to get a rifle back! Norwegian. Probably not, but I can always watch the capture and record a norwegian voice later.
oh its a maya tut ?
any chance u can do it for xsi or max ?
im trying to learn xsi ..quite frankly we all are
Pendragon: :) I've been waiting for you to drop by here. What took you so long ;) maya, maya and maya

mindless_moder: Sure, I'll do it over and over on all platforms :) hehe. I'll try to write it so you can follow it in whatever software. Some parts will be mayaspesific because I know some tricks that might prove to be usefull for the task. e.g. The mel-part will be maya-specific.

thereisaspoon: Where is it? I am probably going to look into XSI later...
Well, hope you'll enjoy it.

The guy with the rifle still hasn't recieved it, but he had some friends with the same rifle and he also has acouple of barrels. It would be nice to get started. He is going to call me back though so I'm still on hold... Modeling a subway while I wait:)
hey mik i wanan be a computer animator int he future.. how many days do u have to work in a week? and how many hours a day? do u get alota free time after work?
eagerly awaiting whatever you produce. Good waepon choise, the AUG is a nice looking gun. :)

I also am interested in the workload of a professional 3d animator. Please do tell -- if you wish...
xxMichael: There's only one way to become a full time animator. Work your ass off :thumbs: I work monday-friday of course and the hours vary from 8-10+ hours a day. LAtely it has been more 7-8, but x-mas is coming so who can blame me :)
I do not get a lot of free time after work. I'm usually not home until 6-7pm and then girlfriend and friends need time with you. Counter Strike needs time with you and cleaning up the appartment needs to be done. The sparetime I manage to squeeze in goes to maya and CS.

Phisionary: The workload of a professional animator is like 4 seconds a week or so depending on how many characters etc. you have in your scene. Our production is set up so we animate about 10 seconds a day which is A LOT. But the quality has to go with the time we get so it's not pixar...
The typical production of an episode goes like this:
LAYOUT/ROUGH ANIMATION: 5 days of layout. What we get when we start animation is sound, storyboard and the script. We study it and have a walkthrough of the episode with the director and the conseptartist/storyboard/camera-assistant dude. He kicks serious ass... What we do in maya is setting up all the cameras to match the storyboard. We set up motionpaths (a lot of motion paths is used because there are boats driving around). Then we act out the scenes. We need to animate the characters so well that you can read the feelings already at this stage. No lipsync, just acting.
CLEAN ANIMATION: 4 days of cleaning. This is where the tweeking goes. Lipsync is made and all the animation you pictured yourself doing in the rough-stadium.....well, here's your chance ;)
CORRECTIONS: 3 days with corrections. This is the time where you fix all the directors comments. You can bet your mom that they always find something that would be better if done this way and better if done that way. But I hardly ever disagree. These guys are pro's and know what they want. I'm just a tool...
BAKING: 1 day. This is the stage where we bake all the boatlocators for the maya fluids effect. What baking does is that it calculates motions, keys it and deletes the expression. Therefore we are left with a nice tweekable graph that settles the movement in the ocean. We also cache hair dynamics etc. at this stage. The animators do this so the render/tech department won't have to worry about any "motion". That's the key. all motion goes through us. They just worry about the water, splashes, light and all the other importand visual stuff.

This is how we produce one episode. Fortunately we have a great database-system that allows us to comment each and every scene so there will be no misunderstandings. We also talk to eachother to fix things :)

As I am still waiting for the pictures I started working on the script that will build the AUG depending on how the user wants to build it. I have written almost two pages on the subject so far. I guess it'll be 4-5 pages in total on the MEL part. I have to learn it while I write so it's going slow. Not to slow. Comfortably slow :)
I can't wait to get started on the model itself. I like writing the article. Hopefully someone will enjoy reading it :)
if i wanted to be a computer modeler do i still have to animate or do i jsut model the characters and objects etc.
Mikademius do you quote me in your signiture? Is it just some random quote from a film? if it is me where is it from?
Pendragon: :) hehe. You'll probably enjoy it.
xxMichael: I'd say that depends which country you wish to work in. In Norway specializing in just one area kind of locks you up in a bad way. Where I work there are 2 animation-teams in a total of 7 animators.4 of us manage modeling, rigging and animating, one of us do modeling and animation and two of us only animate. If you want to work in the States you will probably get further even if you specialize in just one area. There will always be parts you enjoy doing more, but I find modeling, rigging, scripting and animation more fun :) But don't become a generalist that has a decent understanding on everythig. Get a stronger understanding in what you enjoy most.
Itchi: That's a quote from the VTM mate ;)

Here's a teaser for you. This is much like how the whole thing will be written. I write down the most important things, explain why etc. etc. (yes, I'm aware of the typos and such. Remember that this is a draft):

So what tuts are u gonna to write and when?
I'm writing an article about the making of an AUG and an AUG maker that will allow me to chose parts and the rifle will build itself. I'm writing on it now. Depending on when I get the reference images I'll be ready to release it. Probable feb sometime :)
Mikademius said:
...and an AUG maker that will allow me to chose parts and the rifle will build itself.
okay, now this is the part that has me confused. Build itself?? Build itself how?

choose parts/ I'm guessing that you mean that you will design the model with several configurations, Suchas: with a scope, without a scope, different barrel lentgths, stock configuratiosn, etc... Right??

past that... why would you need a script (I gather you do this through scripting) to do this? Maybe not being a modeller I don't understand, but what's the utility? How does this save time? As in: how many times do you expect to need to 'build' it anyway?

And what exactly is building? :rolling:
If you want to I can create an example and videoCapture it. Show/Hide Object will still be so that the parts exists in the scene. I don't want that. What I do is that I model ALL THE PARTS. I save them in certain directories. Then I tell the script to reference the parts the user wants in the scene. If the user doesn't want the butt in the scene or the internal parts, he doesn't check the checkbox for it. So by building itself I do not mean modeling itself :) I simply choose the parts I want, if I want to include the rig. If I want a new rifle or a worn one. (import and apply texture) You are right. The user will choose barrel length, scope etc. The reason I script is just to learn some MEL and a showoff really. But in a workrelated situation: Animators are told to animate the ismantling of an AUG 14" barreled scoped version. They open the file AGUBuilder.ma where the UI is embedded in the file. They choose the parts they need and begin animation. They don't have to localize parts or anythig. They now have a "tool" to work with. If the filepath is changed during a crash or whatever, the script will be fixed and the animator won't even notice anything has happened (if the script is on a server and not local on his machine of course)

That's about it :)
Here's an example. All this script does is create a sphere and delete it, but it's the same thought. In this script the file is "referenced" instantly when the user checks the checkbox. Then it's "unreferenced" when he unchecks it. This is one way to do it. The other way to do it is to let the user check all the parts he wants first and then make a button that checks if the checkboxes are checked or not (a lot of checking :) ) and then it references the parts that are selected. Which I will create.

A little video that shows the example

and "ismantle" is supposed to be "dismantle" of course :)