Which will come out first?

who cares what comes out first.

Half-Life > all other games. Simple fact imo.
RoMeRz said:
who cares what comes out first.

Half-Life > all other games. Simple fact imo.

Your going to lose out on a lot of other fun games with an opinion like that I think. But oh well, your loss.

But anyway here's the latest on D3's release date info if anyone wanted it:


Aside from these matters, Carmack reconfirmed Doom 3 is "really close; we'll be shipping it really soon now
Synthaxx R-or said:
Maybe he can use the controllers.. but nobody else can :imu: :D

That would almost, ALMOST be a legitimate argument...if not for the fact that they got rid of the bulkier, original controllers over a year ago now. The newer, slimmer controller-S has been packed in with the system since then.
x84D80Yx said:
i say it comes in this order.

3-stalker (who cares about halo 2?)
i agree, Halo 2 isn't even worthy of licky a elephants a**
Why the sudden hate for Halo 2 in this thread? Seems like everyone is bashing it, and most of the people bashing it give me the impression that they know nothing about it, and do not own an XBox. I'm sure some people may just not like it period, but seems to me like this is a case of sour grapes for most people.
i can't help but feel CS will still be my fav fps game. I never found FPS as fun as other types of games :\
Im most looking forward to playing D3, as i feel it's the most impressive graphics leap in years.

I can't help but think hl2 looks outdated in the graphics department already :( sure a year ago it was amazing, but now? :(
Soundwave said:
Why the sudden hate for Halo 2 in this thread? Seems like everyone is bashing it, and most of the people bashing it give me the impression that they know nothing about it, and do not own an XBox. I'm sure some people may just not like it period, but seems to me like this is a case of sour grapes for most people.

I fully agree with you, Halo rocks and Halo 2 on xbox live will be great
halo was very repetative to me especially the flood, the first few levels were cool the rest of the game sucked

and i have no idea where your getting this doom3 info guys the game's slated to come out in fall...
Sai said:
halo was very repetative to me especially the flood, the first few levels were cool the rest of the game sucked

That's true, the level design was very repetitive as it got later into the game. Bungie has been given alot more time to work on the sequel however so that should no longer be a problem. Halo is one of those games that did alot right, but one or two things (the repetitive level design for one) stopped it from being as good as it could've been. Halo 2 looks to be the game the first one should have been.
i think the most surprising thing about halo was the developers, bungie's last big game was myth 3, a freaking rts bungie was practically unknown for anything outside strategy games and yet they make a really really popular shooter, well that might explain the extra attention they gave to the story

and on what's coming before what unless the big news that valve is gonna announce at e3 is that the game is gonna have another delay, doom3 will definately come out AFTER half life
Stalker, Halo 2 and Doom 3 will all be delayed...
If they do not delay the game, then the game will not be classified as a next - gen game. :p

1) Doom III(if all this June review business is to be believed)

2) Half-Life 2(now that Steam's ready there shouldn't be anything left to delay it)

3) Halo 2(it'll be a great console fps, only a decent pc fps though)

4) Duke Nukem Forever(yes, I do believe it will be out by late 2004, early 2005)

5) TF2(...maybe sometime in 2005?)

6) STALKER(I seriously wouldn't be surprised if it got pushed to early 2006)

7) Perfect Dark 2(bwahahahahahahahaha! I laugh that Microsoft spent so much money on both Rare and Oddworld and haven't got crap to show for it.)