Which Xbox?


Nov 23, 2008
Reaction score
Well i'm now another unfortunate victim of the Red Ring of Death. Rather then send my Xbox 360 core in for repairs i have decided to just get a new one. so my question is: which version should i get? I'm leaning toward the Arcade version cause it's the cheapest and i don't play Live or have HD but i'm worried about another 'incident'. So what do you guys think?
I dunno but it doesn't matter because I don't own any regular Xbox games.
don't buy a new one! don't waste money buying a new one till you try doin an x-clamp mod (and possibly shroud mod). A friend of mine just had hers RROD on her, no longer covered for fixes, so we took er apart, took out the x-clamps n used simple screws n washers and now it runs prefectly again, its actually much quieter too :)
Why would you not send it in and get it repaired? It's free...
All new versions have hdmi anyway.

Just get an arcade and get a hard drive.

Or...you know...whichever one you want.
I'm pretty sure the warranty on mine has expired by now. I'll probably go with the Arcade but does anyone know if they contain the so-called "Falcon Chip"? I heard that prevents the RRoD or at least lowers the chances of getting it.
I'm pretty sure the warranty on mine has expired by now. I'll probably go with the Arcade but does anyone know if they contain the so-called "Falcon Chip"? I heard that prevents the RRoD or at least lowers the chances of getting it.

That shit has been very over-rated for starters.

Also, yes, if you get a new 360 in stores, chances are it will have the Falcon chipset though. (possibly Jasper, but don't wait just for a freakin' motherboard revision as the current ones are MUCH better already)