white tooth

i thought there was another kind of bluetooth technology out at first..lol.

paint your teeth white :upstare:
Get some teeth whitening tooth paste.....i know you can get it in the UK at least.

Why would you want your teeth to be white anyway?
I prefer the natural slightly off white colour, and anyway i ahve perfect teeth
you could look for colgate whitening-related stuff in some store
Just brush them.

I think dentists can whiten them for you, but just because they're white it doesn't mean they won't fall out. You have to brush them.
I remember seeing something on tv about how dentist use gel and this light to make your teeth white.

Forgot what it's called, but let me find it.
two times per day of course :P
but when i was little i didnt care about brushing them so often, it was so annoying to do that. :bonce:
where is coruscant?

anyway, yeah is do that thing tr0n jus suggested... worth it.

i felt like you when i was a kid, but mine are white atm, ...weird.
so your from sweden :O?

or maybe not, going off the point of teeth here.. um, well, if i was you do that dentist thing.. good luck!
Ye i might do it later in my life, doing it as a 17 year old guy feels quite strange.
Just pull all of your teeth out, and then insert fake ones. They're white :D
The_Monkey said:
Just pull all of your teeth out, and then insert fake ones. They're white :D

That is what rich people did a hundred years ago in England, replace all of their teeth with enamel ones.