Who am i???

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i am among you... look around- do you see me?

i am one of you. But which one. I may be talking to you now. I may be replying to this forum. I may be playing counter strike with someone.

I am a user of this forum. Your job, is to guess who. Discuss who you think i am in this forum, and i will return later to reveal my identity. And no cheating... if you find out who i am through an obvios mistake, keep it to yourself.

here are ome helpful hints:
i like cats.
i have eaten cheese at least once in my life.
i am not dead.
This is borderline spam, but if the thread stays clean then it could be fun. I think i know by the way, but im going to check your i.p :p

I wont tell though.
I mean, really this took some effort that must be considered.

You made that "who | am | I ? | HL2.net" animated .gif and then a new account to post this...I mean really, too much time on your hands..
FarrowleSparrow, I see you have contained feelings on commies...
Hey, Badger, you're right! It is Suicide42! Only he spells 'obvious' like that! Roffle. Just do a search on 'obvios' and voila!
oh great. i spent ages making this thread, a new account, a GIF, and its over within 2 mins... :/
Sprafa said:
You made that "who | am | I ? | HL2.net" animated .gif and then a new account to post this...I mean really, too much time on your hands..
huh? wha the wha? are you talking to me? it was a joke, it's not me..


... or is it?

dum dum DUM!
Suicide42 said:
oh great. i spent ages making this thread, a new account, a GIF, and its over within 2 mins... :/
Oh well... at least you made 5 dollars! :)
Lil' Timmy said:
huh? wha the wha? are you talking to me? it was a joke, it's not me..

I was talking to whoever made this, that is now Suicide42
Grrr @ ComradeBadger. You're not worthy to be called Comrade anymore.
tbh, I didn't actually IP search, if you look Farrow, there are a number of people with that IP. I recognised his spelling, and the way he structures his posts.

So ner.
Well if you notice my post i said i think i know who it is but i was checking the ip as an extra help.

So double ner on you :p
Gluestick and Suicide42, same IP's

This account banned = Read the rules.

Thread closed = spam.
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