Who Didn't Expect This?


Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
OK, come on... time to put your hands up and be honest! :p

Who here had never played a game of TF or TFC, or had played 1 or 2 games and decided they didn't like it (that 2nd one's me!) yet are absolutely bloody loving TF2?

I've got a 360 and I was patiently waiting for that version; mainly because I've been playing CoD4 MP beta on it and got well into the control pad, that and the fact I wasn't sure about TF2 running at full specs on ma PC.

I was lured in by everyone else playing the beta too.

Oh and by the way, I got us the 2nd server for 2 reasons; I enjoyed playing on #1 and it was obviously popular enough to warrant a 2nd... and I've been part of this community for years, and never really made an impact so to speak, yet I've got so much out of this site. :p
Never played TF before 2. I wasn't expecting something so ridiculously fun.
I was expecting a much different game than what I got, but it was a pleasant surprise.
I was expecting a much different game than what I got, but it was a pleasant surprise.

The previews made the game look like fun but before any screenshots or videos were released I had the original TF/TFC in mind and didn't give it a second thought.

WOOT TF2! :thumbs:
I liked TFC but it is noooooo where near the quality of TF2 - I love this game loads! Defiantly in my all time favourites.
I played TFC kinda a lot, for the time I own it.
Almost a year that is.

I liked it very much but now I just can't stop playing TF2..
Never played TFC
Played FF a few times, enjoyed it for what it was
Love TF2 so much I can't stop thinking about it!
I really enjoyed playing TFC. I'm thinking I'm the only vet TFC player that isn't complaining about the nades. :p

They are both good games for what they were striving for...and they both did really well.
I really enjoyed playing TFC. I'm thinking I'm the only vet TFC player that isn't complaining about the nades. :p

They are both good games for what they were striving for...and they both did really well.

I don't miss the nades one bit.
I've never played the original TF but TFC came with the Game of The Year edition that i bought back in 2000 and i loved it.
With time and the discovery of mods i eventually moved on but i still played the game occasionally.
Although TF 2 differs in look and features,it's still build around the same game play structure as TFC.
I don't miss the nades one bit.
I've never played the original TF but TFC came with the Game of The Year edition that i bought back in 2000 and i loved it.
With time and the discovery of mods i eventually moved on but i still played the game occasionally.
Although TF 2 differs in look and features,it's still build around the same game play structure as TFC.

That's pretty much the same I got started. Near the end, I started to drift away, and started to just come back to test my skills with conc jumping. Really couldn't get back in the groove. :(
Played TFC since late 1999, and TF2 is pretty much exactly what I was expecting from what I've heard and the videos they showed us. :p (a good thing)
I played a little bit of TFC just to be acquainted with it, but I wasn't really hyped about TF2 at all and now I'm completely hooked playing it.
tfc was my fist game that i played online vs other people, played the hell out of it.

Loving tf2
No Nades :(

I used to pwn playing the Engi in TFC with his EMP grenades...

Oh well, can't wait to play TF2 =)
I didn't care the slightest bit about TF2, but now I can't get enough. I NEED MY FIX
Never played TF. Only played TFC a little bit - liked what I did play of it but at the time I didn't have an Internet connection and at LANs we never had enough players to make it worthwhile.
I played quite a bit of TFC back in the day. It was fun, but lacked polish, focused too much on twitch-shooting rambo tactics for a self-labeled "Team" game, and suffered from both a bloated weapons arsenal, and some serious balance issues(ie, Pyro and Scout being completely useless), so I never took it very seriously. When TF2 was announced, I didn't care much, and thought it would be my least favorite OB game.

When I pre-ordered the OB and got the TF2 beta...I found what is quite possibly the most addicting and non-repetitive online FPS since my old favorite Battlefield 1942. Plus, it's actually Team Fortress now!
It's a repetitious story at this point, but sure enough...

I played TFC a fair amount back in the day - on my wonderful dial-up connection which was arguably one of the slowest telephone lines you can possibly have - and enjoyed it for a while.

But I never found it truly engaging. It was enjoyable for a while, but eventually I just grew bored and left. This is a similar kind of response I've had to nearly every multiplayer game barring, until now, only Natural Selection.

Now, while I'm not saying classic Natural Selection is everybody's cup of tea, Team Fortress 2 is the only game since where I've truly had to force myself not to play it in order to actually get important things dome. It has that quality to it that's just pure addicting fun.

With over 24 hours of playtime under my belt, the number of times I've felt that a situation played out in the exact same way it had before is minimal. The sheer number of ways you can work toward the same set of objectives is somewhat mind-boggling, and the beauty of it is that this is a result of the gameplay even more than that of the maps themselves. This is something usually reliant completely on map design.

That's all I have to say, for now.
i could possibly see myself getting bored of it a bit, servers seem to always be on piece of shit maps like granary or 2fort whenever i join them instead of the awesomeness that is gravelpit or hydro.
i could possibly see myself getting bored of it a bit, servers seem to always be on piece of shit maps like granary or 2fort whenever i join them instead of the awesomeness that is gravelpit or hydro.

I could quite easily change the rotation on server #2. I'm still thinking it over and getting suggestions at the mo.
I could quite easily change the rotation on server #2. I'm still thinking it over and getting suggestions at the mo.

Why don't we put every map on there? It's not like I've experienced a map where I go, "OMFG GAY *leave*"
I could quite easily change the rotation on server #2. I'm still thinking it over and getting suggestions at the mo.
My only suggestion would be to not put Well and Granary next to each other on the map rotation. Although I like both maps they are similar enough that I find it a little annoying when you finish playing one and end up on the other.