Who else did pranks when they left high school? Who did one as good as this?

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Teachers know that prank by heart. If you really want to **** with them, just bring two pigs, and write 1, and 2 on them. Then they'll think there are two more they need to find.

What? I thought you'd write 1 and 3 on them and the teachers go searching for number 2 - which isn't there.
They snuck in at night (I'm assuming), opened all the cartons, emptied them, filled them with water, put a goldfish inside, and resealed them. It was beautiful :D
When they were offering us all free chlamydia tests, some 6th former sent some lime jelly off to be tested.

That's the closest thing to a prank I've heard of here.
My class didn't do anything. Well, my group did a few random pranks but nothing truly organized. I'd rather have no prank than some shit prank.
Unlike previous years we were not allowed to redecorate the upper 6th common room at the start of the year.

On our last day we took paint from the art department and graffiti'd up the whole place. And each other.
Not much of a prank, but it was good fun. Teachers were pissed.
No pranks at our school. I don't think there ever really have been. Boring, I know, but I was just glad to be out of there.
one of the buildings in our school has two floors on it. some seniors managed to trap a cow on the second floor while i was a freshie.

a ****ing cow!

other students got two little box turtles, labeled them "1" and "3", and set them loose on the school. people were looking pretty hard for the 2nd one ;)

for my senior prank i painted fake handicapped parking spots for every spot in the teacher parking lot.
What? I thought you'd write 1 and 3 on them and the teachers go searching for number 2 - which isn't there.

The joke being, that the teachers have grown to always expect four pigs to be released into the school, not just two.
Not exactly after high school, but just before we graduated from elementary school, me and some friends did the old burning dog-shit bag trick on the principal's front doorstep, as well as lit off some smoke bombs. (He lived just down the road from me)

It was during my birthday party (I turned 14), so needless to say, things got cut short when the police pulled up in the yard. My dad was thoroughly pissed. :cheese: Instead of pressing charges, the principal, who also happened to be a farmer, made us work in his fields for a day. That was no fun, and a hell of a way to start off my 14th year on this planet.

He had some sympathy on us saying he was guilty of doing similar pranks when he was young. I guess it also helped that he was also a distant relative of our family too.
On our muck up day we lifted up a teachers car and stuck it lengthways between two trees. ****er had to crane it out...took six of us

Good fun
We bought 4 tonnes of sand and spread it out to make a beach on the playing fields complete with deck chairs, inflatable palm trees, buckets, spades, an inflatable "ocean" and a soapy waterslide. Then we all sat there in the pouring rain in speedos and sunglasses.

We parked about 5 cars in the school dining room (sacrificing several wing mirrors sadly).

We had the typical water balloons, silly string, toilet rolls and "LEAVERS 08" banners all over the school.

We got the keyboard for the electronic notice board and left some hilarious notices.

Then we all went to the pub at about midday, got wasted and messed up the school some more at home time.
On graduation we just threw a couple of water balloons at the crowd, but 2.5 years earlier we did something much more awesome.

The first year in high school me and two friends stuffed the head of a perch (a fish), two opened packages of milk and five broken eggs in an unused locker that we locked with a big ladlock. We left it in there during Christmas break (3 weeks). When everyone returned after the break the basement, where the lockers are located, smelled so horrible that it was nearly impossible to go down there without barfing. It took them another two days to locate the correct locker. They never found out who did it.

We had a great plan of sneaking purgative in the food at the school, and then lock all of the toilets from the outside. But we figured out we could go to prison for it, so it never happened.
Last day of Primary School, all the lads in my year broke out of school via a hedge in the main field and ran for ages, we made it to Nutall Park miles away, the ended up deploying police choppers to find us, eventually we were ratted out when a passerby reported about 18 students running by in dirty school uniforms rofl.
You're not allowed to leave the school, wtf? Is it a prison or what?
My friends and I hacked into the school network and sent a message throughout the whole district network that made a window pop up and say "I'm watching you". It was really funny until the FBI showed up.

you "hacked" it? you mean you opened DOS? that's all you need to send a network-wide message, i know people who did it in high school but they all got in mad trouble for it

uhh on the last day of math class i put ******* on the overhead laptop projector (no ****ing shit, my teacher knew what it was and i got in mad trouble) and then climbed out the classroom window after my math exam was over and was nearly suspended from the last 2 days of school

i'm such an immature asshole
Sorry to bump a three-month-old thread, but we did a semi-funny prank yesterday by sticking hundreds of pencils up on the classroom ceiling with glue sticks. It was funny, until they all started falling down D:
We failed. Our year just padlocked everything.

No creativity, nothing.
Well, I didn't do a whole school prank, but last year one of my teachers went to the restroom, and I got on her computer and set all of her files to "hidden." It was awesome. I was talking about doing it to my friends, and they pressured me into it, and lulz were had. They still don't know who did it. :D
One year the 6th (final) year lads in my old school cemeted the gate shut. Our principle found it hilarious.
We filled our head of sixth form's office entirely with balloons.
hl2.net has corrupted Gemma in a very short period of time.
You're not allowed to leave the school, wtf? Is it a prison or what?

The key is in the fact children are required by law to attend school.
Ah my last day of school is in about 5 weeks, I might put some of these pranks into action!
Some kids at my School for Year 12 muck up day locked up a block of classes us with their own chain and lock so no one could get out or in. Year 12 were kicked out of school by lunch time.
I was barely there the last week of school, didn't enjoy hs too much
At my school the usual thing to do is to make a fake daily bulletin which tends to insult the less liked members of the grade.

Two years ago someone drew (with corn kernels) a huge penis on the school oval.
Wow... my friends made a wall of cups at the top of each stair case so you would have to push through these cups to get to your classes.

That was intense...

Wtf, school just started like last month, you guys are just getting out?
These 2 kids made a water slide down an entire hallway in my last year of HS.
Two years ago someone drew (with corn kernels) a huge penis on the school oval.

That's nothing. The 2002 leavers at my old school drew a giant penis on the playing fields in that stuff that burns grass (anyone know what it's called?) and it finally disappeared in 2007.
I didn't do any pranks when leaving school, but did steal all the mouse balls from the computer lab. One of my prouder moments :)
I didn't do any pranks when leaving school, but did steal all the mouse balls from the computer lab. One of my prouder moments :)

There ya go....a decent prank that can be done by a single person and doesnt involve property damage...