Who else is gonna be a virgin episode 3 player?

Uber Kitty

May 22, 2007
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I felt a little bad about all the spoilers that I saw in episode 2 before playing it. Who else is gonna resist watching all the trailers and pictures for episode 3 before it comes out?
I managed my "Half-Life blackout" for pretty much the entire year.

Ok... That's because I uninstalled steam and went back to Quake 4 and FEAR (ducks). I only knew about EP2 being released when Orange Box hit the shelves. I didn't even know anything about Portal back then. (Besides the fact that I played every game in HL series (except Decay since I don't have PS2) in their first release -- including HL1 in 1998).

For anyone who want to guard their EP3 virginity (?), I'd suggest begin maintaining your own "blackout" (such as stop going to HL2.net... :p) when Valve release the first "new" technology demo (for EP2, the Cinematic Physics system, or "Strider blows up house" demo). They tend to be the first sign that more spoilers will follow.
Well I want to at least first see a gameplay video or a trailer and then I'll try to resist more media.
I'd like to be, but I said the same before Ep.2 came out and I failed. It is stronger than me -_-
I'm probably going to still be a virgin by the time Episode 3 is released.
I have seen all the pictures and theories so far as well as posting my own theories, but I will NOT view anything that would allow me to know what is going to happen in-game before I play.
I have a child coming in 3 months so Episode Three will be out much sooner for me than it will for you youngsters who are neglected by your parents and are able to play games all day and eat junk food (lol, I'm 22).
This time around I vow to NOT look at any screenshots and video previews of Episode 3.
I believe that I will actually view some of the media before the game comes out because this is the last episode ending the combine arc, it has to be friggin epic! The countdown until ep3 comes out will be the most glorious minutes of my entire life, at least until the next new half life game comes out.
the ep2 trailers and pictures didnt really spoil anything for me. it acctually just made a great discussion for what everyone thinks will happen.
I'll probably last another month or two on this site doing occasional reading, then the black-out will be back in effect.

I've done this between every Half Life game and have not had anything ruined for me... thank god!

I actually didn't even know Episode 2 was coming out till a few days before the release! Teh win!

... if g-man turns out to be something stupid... i'm going to kick Gabe in the ass.
I have an insatiable appetite for spoilers, coupled with the fact that I'm constantly theorizing what's going to happen next. I tried (a little) to not spoil myself on Episode 2, but...

It don't work.
I'm definately going to try, I'm going to avoid gameplay videos and screenshots for sure. Trouble is I like to know the the release dates :/ The screenshots for Ep2 totally spoiled that Alyx would not die after the Hunter got her and I didn't feel the emotional hit I was probably supposed to.

Me. Or I'll try.

If you run a Half-Life news website how can you avoid spoiling yourself? It's almost obligatory.
I wont be able to resist,but il try...i will watch the E3 2008 trailer...and all the other trailers...
What the heck are we going to talk about in the forums then ;)
I really wish i wouldn't have seen a couple of things, I knew about that bridge a mile away.
The only parts of Episode Two I saw were the teaser trailers and the five officially released gameplay videos. Most of the stuff in these were modified by release anyway, so I pretty happy with my media blackout :D
I have an insatiable appetite for spoilers, coupled with the fact that I'm constantly theorizing what's going to happen next. I tried (a little) to not spoil myself on Episode 2, but...

It don't work.

I spoiled everything in HL2: EP2 as well. I've seen the ending as well as the g-man scene on Youtube before playing the game myself. Just could not resist.
If these trailers and teasers don't come out, I might just lose interest in the game, I mean after all those years and all..maybe..maybe...
I'll get an idea of what's going on from the first pieces of media that come out, then stay away from it until release time. I actually do that for most games I'm interested in, Ep. 2 was the exception...
I avoided every trailer and such for Ep 1, and I had very much fun, not knowing what I was going to see behind the next corner. Although I loved evety second of Ep 2, I think it might have been more of a fun shock without all the trailers and spoilers. I'll try to avoid them completely this time, too. A screenshot or two might slip in but I'll stay away from previews...
Who can resist new Half-Life candy? Its like totally impossible. Pictures are fine, but I actually regreted watching some of the gameplay trailers.
Some major game sequences became a little less astounding than they would've been. The advisor scene in the barn is the perfect example :(
I usually ever had peeked a simple picture before a game is out. Since I ever had no interest to HL2. Now I might just run towards the trailer and hug it.
I'll just watch the trailer no game play videos or anything else cause i was surprised how much i had already seen of episode 2 when i was playing it. I wished i never saw the Alyx Hunter vid or the D0g battle. I'll make it my New Year resolution .
I will do it now, like i did for Half-Life 2. HL2 was very interesting since I only watched some early screens of it, I didn't know shit of the game. After HL1, I had no idea the game would continue like that.

So, I maybe watch first information about Ep3, then I leave. I'll be discussing about Ep2 maybe, but I wont take a look at Ep3 forums.

Episode Two was too spoilered for me. I knew everything of it since the beginning. How the game started, then there were gameplay videos of EVERY ****ing car level, and of course I knew the silo thingy. And since Valve posted the GMan pics to Steam news, they werent surprise either. Also Eli's death was told since the time of Particle Benchmark release.

Valve gave too many interviews to people. Some articles spoiled the whole game. There is going to be new guy Magnusson and blablabla, the magazines didn't think that they were supposed to be surprise.
Will watch the official trailer(s) for Ep 3, but will avoid sites like this one ;) No spoilers!
I'm going to try and avoid it. It's realtively easy not to watch any movies. I won't mind that much at any rate if i do see some new gameplay stuff.
Who can resist new Half-Life candy? Its like totally impossible. Pictures are fine, but I actually regreted watching some of the gameplay trailers.
Some major game sequences became a little less astounding than they would've been. The advisor scene in the barn is the perfect example :(

I was also kinda disappointed of them showing off the Advisor Barn thingy. Because that was like, "ah, now that same scene is going to happen, nothing interesting" while it could've been total surprise.