Who had the original idea's?

Demon Wraith said:
Healthpack distributors on walls... well, there's two places to put them. On the wall or on the floor. Modern gaming tries to lean a little more towards "realism" so on the wall as an emergency first aid type thing makes more sense than in the middle of nowhere on the floor for no reason. And on the cieling is just plain silly.

I don't know about you guys, by my emergency first aid kit hovers a foot off the floor and rotates continuously...plus it glows this cool green color. Personally, I find medikits in games with their painkillers and wall mounted first aid kits are sooo unrealistic.

Plus, I just walk into it, and all my cuts and scrapes go away. Who needs to actually 'use' their medical supplies? :D
Everyone copied from Doom. Doom started everything.

actually, wolfeinstein 3d started everything AFAIK
The Catacomb Abyss started everything imo, that was the very first 3d first person game i can remember.
NB. said:
The Catacomb Abyss started everything imo, that was the very first 3d first person game i can remember.
i tought i was wolfeinstein... :rolling:
However I'm pretty sure the Green teleporter with green lightning was valves idea

Green teleporter = Doom1
Green teleporter with green lightning = HL
I agree with Mr. Bongo. There are very few 'new' ideas if you strip all other things (innovations, twists, details, etc) away from the idea.
Monsters from hell in Doom was not a new idea. However, it evolved the ancient idea by 1. putting it in a futuristic setting and 2. (more importantly) made fun FPS gameplay out of the idea.
Likewise monsters from another planet was not a new idea in HL, but it evolved the idea by 1. introducing a very real and believable setting (for a video game) 2. adding in a government cover up twist and 3.many other innovations in video game storytelling like scripted sequences, no rigid mission/level system, staying only in first person view, etc.
I don't see why you would want to ignore all the evolutions made of an idea by the developers, look at nothing but the premise and then criticize it.
doom 3's storyline was good. Half life's storyline is good. They've both got the same concept of most sci fi stories. Something is threatening humanity, and you've got to stop it. They may seem like the same story, but once you actually play the two games, and not just rush through them, you realize theyre very different. I liked doom 3's storyline more than hl1's : x (But the hl2's looks a bit better than doom's, who knows now though?)