who is like me and....


Jul 22, 2006
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For some reason just can't play through half-life 2 again?

edit: I guess I wasn't too clear about that, I think that half-life 2 is the best game ever made but for some reason I just can't bring myself to play through it again.
i'd be in the OP camp
the AI is too weak and the loading times still far far too long to tolerate
I just can't sit down and enjoy HL2 in short bursts because of the above

edit - lol unless of course you mean you are having technical difficulties and cannot get the game to start at all, in which case you are on your own
You're not alone, Darkangel. I, having an uncontrollable need for video games, feel the same way.
I am like that after originally completing a game. I played through HL2 only 3 times since its release. Although I have only completed HL1 twice so you are not entirely alone :)

p.s Only played HL2: EP1 once
Well I'm going to try to replay it on my good computer with the graphics set to max everything.
I've replayed it once or twice, but yeah, I started a new file recently and I just didn't want to play it for whatever reason. Maybe my mind just wants me to beat Episode One first :D
Given the amount of games out there with AI far worse, that is kind of a silly reason not to play.
true - but then again its relative superiority is still not enough to add to HL2's replay value - the AI is just not a challenge at all
all in all it detracts very heavily from the game
I've played it through twice, and Episode 1 only once. Me too, i can't play games over and over, despite how good they were. Once i've completed it, it's done. I take ages to finish the game but i do it slowly so that might be why.
I'm the same. I've started a few games but just cba with it. I must have played HL1 50 times but with HL2 I get to the hover craft and just get sick of it.
I've played it through twice, and Episode 1 only once. Me too, i can't play games over and over, despite how good they were. Once i've completed it, it's done. I take ages to finish the game but i do it slowly so that might be why.

ya same here
I've played through Episode 1 three times, I love it, but I stopped because I don't want it to get boring.

Half-Life 2... it's not that I can't stand to play it again, but I never want to play it very often, and if I do, I can't stand to play it from just any part. I need to go from start to finish (not in one session). I think I'll go through Half-Life 1 again, though. :D

Speaking of max settings, can you guys tell me as to why it looks better for me on 4x anti-aliasing than 6x? Doesn't make much sense to me.
I can't replay HL2 either. I play through HL1 all the time, and I've played Episode One three times already (I'd probably play more if it didn't crash all the time), but I can't bring myself to play HL2 again all the way through. I always say, "I love to WATCH HL2...but I don't want to play HL2." I'll go back and watch all the scenes, because I love them to death, but I just can't play HL2 again. It seems like a chore, to be honest.
After my first time playing through half life 2 I havent had the patience to do it all again with out cheats... its just way too long... Im trying to play through it again in Half life 2: substance with out cheats the lack of checkpoints in increadibly frustrateing.
I feel the same way. It does feel like a chore, and it's not really that much fun. It wouldn't be so bad if it didn't take nearly at least five minutes to start the game, and a minute or so loading between maps. The balance of action to waiting time, or idle activity in the game, is way out. The prospect of fighting the Combine mostly makes me feel 'meh' quite strongly.

I've played it all the way through twice, I think, and played up to Nova Prospekt a third time.

I wouldn't say it detracts from the game. :p

Of course you wouldn't, because that would be a criticism!! :hmph:
I played through the game three times all the way through. I don't really play through the whole game anymore, but I do pick up different chapters and start from there.

Like most of you have stated, I avoid Water Hazard and Route Canal. Those chapters are pretty cool the first time you play, but after that you know where everything is and worse yet HOW MUCH MORE OF THE CHAPTER YOU HAVE TO PLAY!

There are cool moments in these chapters, but playing through them all the way through is just boring for some reason.
For some really strange reason... the only game I have ever played through twice, is Rome: Total War.

It took me almost a year to conquer everything, then a month later i was doing it again from scratch.
I started playing through it again yesterday, because for some reason I have no save files from before. I got as far as water hazard where you are navigating the ship yard. I took a break and when I came back the game had crashed sooooo I dunno. Maybe I'll pick it up again when the conditions are right.
I replay it constantly. It's actually a problem- sometimes I'll replay games so much that I don't get to the new ones. This is why I've beaten RE4 over 15 times.
This is why I've beaten RE4 over 15 times.
about 20 times here lol its a good ass game. Oh yeah and as for hl2 I love to play the upsrising chapters like anitcitizen one and follow freeman alot and just the other week I played through to our benefactors but stopped....maybe I should finish lol.
I have replayed the game for more than ten times. It is because whenever you replay Half-Life 2, you can always find something or someplace new, which you have never seen before in your previous play.

minor reason: I don't have money to buy a new game.
Can't count all the times I've played HL
I play HL2 about once every month or so, and I just love it more every time. I never get bored at it, which I guess is good :)
EP1 I've played three times, the last one with commentary, which was an awesome feature!
Well, I thought about playing through all of the Half-Life games once again (because I don’t have any better to do) and so far I managed to get through Half-Life: Source, Opposing Force and Blue Shift. Next up is Half-Life 2, and finally I'll play through Episode 1 which I haven't beaten more than once since the release. I can't decide between playing through with the commentary system or not. Playing with it on kills the excitement a bit with all these floating speech bubbles in thin air but I don't really like to play through it a third time either, at least not for a looong time.

Strangely enough, I can't get enough of Half-Life even if I've beaten the singleplayer. It's exactly the opposite with HL2, once I've made it through the game I don't want to hear about it for a time.

This is why I've beaten RE4 over 15 times.

Same here, except with Devil May Cry instead of RE4. God knows how many times I’ve beaten that.
I've played half-life 1 about 15 times, and I've finally gotten tired of it. I've also done specific parts (and the beginning only, because I'd get interrupted) countless times.

I've played half-life 2 maybe 4 or 5 times, and then a couple times for things like SMOD, and I'm tired of it already.

I've played episode 1 maybe 1 and a half times through, listening to the commentary, so I don't count it as actually having played episode one all the way thorugh yet. I bet I'll like it better without the commentary.
I've been through HL2 three full times. I still haven't bought Ep One, and intend to possibly go through HL2 for a fourth time before I play the episode. So no problem :).
For some reason just can't play through half-life 2 again?

edit: I guess I wasn't too clear about that, I think that half-life 2 is the best game ever made but for some reason I just can't bring myself to play through it again.

I know exactly what you feel. Thing is after some time i do play it. I have this problem with 99% of the games out there. Even tho they are amazing i just have a hard time starting up the game. Im getting out of it tho. I let a few months pass even a year then i play it again.
I've played it through twice, and Episode 1 only once. Me too, i can't play games over and over, despite how good they were. Once i've completed it, it's done. I take ages to finish the game but i do it slowly so that might be why.

The only game that I can reply is HL1, I must of hit my 100th replay :D
This surprises me. I just can't get enough of the HL games. When a month or two has passed I gladly play them over again