Who is still here from the good old days?


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
Not been around in a while, but see some familiar names!


We've never met, I'm still a n00b here, but welcome back.

I like your avatar.
The name 'lepobz' still makes me think of bouncing boobs.

I..... vaguely. Remember. I do not. Know. This is. Familiar.

Oh yeah, bouncing boobs.
I remember modding art threads. People building gun models, doing ambient occlusion renders but never texturing.
lurking since 2003 ? (reg'd at 2004 i see)I never bothered to post because someone already probably had expressed my opinion and couldn't be bothered to just post +1

and yes.
bouncing boobs plox
I was posting for a few years, you probably don't remember me. After a severe falling out with certain members who I once implicitly trusted, I stopped posting entirely and devoted myself to SPUF. Then, inspired by this thread, I finally returned to find that someone has been using my account to post ever since I quit the site.

i hope you can accept my deepest apologies for everything i have said and done

And can someone change my name back?
What happened? WHO ARE YOU?!^

Oh and you better remember me Pobz. Le lurk moar.
You should never go back. Ever.

That answer your question?

EDIT: it looks terrible on my new monitor. lol

I even check this place when I am on holiday ....
I used to be Kakashi avatar...

I remember you Pobzy! <3
LePobz... unforgettable. Welcome back?
I was posting for a few years, you probably don't remember me. After a severe falling out with certain members who I once implicitly trusted, I stopped posting entirely and devoted myself to SPUF. Then, inspired by this thread, I finally returned to find that someone has been using my account to post ever since I quit the site.

i hope you can accept my deepest apologies for everything i have said and done

And can someone change my name back?

I wish you would just change your name to KA.
I remember the avatar mostly, because it was everyone's favorite. I think I had just started posting regularly as you were slowing down before you left. Much has changed since then. The Stern Ascension almost destroyed us all. The lured banning event finally revealed the limits of Pi's power as moderator, and hardly anybody does christmas avatars anymore.
I remenber the boobs but not the name
I remembered your name roughly 34 milliseconds before the boobs.
I remember. Welcome back.

And Raz, you should make that your new avatar!
Oh yeah, and Banimal was downgraded to just a regular Danimal.
Banning event??

I remember pretty much everyone in here, but the boards seem much quieter now... Pi must have really gone to town.
Yeah, these days it's just hipster Super Mods pretending to not be themselves for the last six months for attention/automated forgiveness towards some kind of transgression in the past.

I usually just stagger around Newbie Central and The Lounge, a toothy-less-kinda' grin, swaggering a clinking cup of coins in my bony hands, asking passers-by for change.
I remember the good old times when you could freely express your opinion and discuss pictures in the Image Dump threads, showing gratitude towards posters and making funny puns and comments on the pictures. Its more like a terrible autocracy now, you dear speak without a picture you get scolded and tortured for all eternity, thus limiting potential fun times.

"oh wow that picture was really funny, too bad i cant express my feelings and thus hopefully promote that user to post more funny pictures"

"i dont get it, i posted this really funny picture and no one is commenting on it, i guess these guys dont like my pictures, il just stop posting them..."
It sucked at first, but I actually think it's far better than it used to be, regarding the image dumps.
We adapted as our overlords knew we would.

Also, welcome back Pobz! You might remember me as the disease avatar.
You shouldn't have come back. Your nostalgia will now be ruined by the current state of things.
I remember a fine set of bouncing mammaries.