who knows flash and could help me with this ? thanx


Sep 24, 2003
Reaction score
ok , so i am working on this site in flash , i have 4 buttons in the bottom . when u rollover them a simple block rolls beside them , when u click on it a box from the right drops down and stuff , but then when u rollout from it the box and stuff on the right go away becuase i have on rollout gotoandplay (the label) . i would really appreciate it of someone could help me with this , here is a link to the site http://img92.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img92&image=officialdraak9tw.swf thanx
So what's the problem with just getting rid of the on rollout gotoandplay function? What purpose does it serve other than creating this problem?
the problem is that when i rollout , everyhing dissapears , i need it when i rollout after pressing on it , it should stay , but when i rollout before i press it should dissapear
Ok, I am seriously not understanding this.

What you're saying is, that you want it to stay after you click it, even if you rollout of the button. But if you don't click the button and rollout, it should disappear? If you don't click it, it doesn't appear, so how can it disappear?

I seriously don't see the problem with you just getting rid of the on (rollout) function. That way, it'll stay after you rollout of the button.