Who likes my new watch?


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score

I fell in love with it at first sight, so I just had to buy it. :D It's a bit like my old one but I like it more :D

Who likes?
I don't like digital watches for my wrist, I prefer them clock style. Although I rarely wear watches. Cell Phone ftw!
Not something I'd wear, but it is kinda cool I guess.
Seems... expensive. Leave your doors and windows open tonight.

Yes, of course for buttsechs!
Used to be a big digital watch fan, but past year or so moved back to 'classic' watch faces
Never been a digital fan. Always preferred analogue. I'll probably get a new watch soon.
you know, you have to let me examin it first. Just send it to me and i will check if its OK.

*does the scammer facial expression......whatever that is*

lol it looks cool
I've never been a fan of analogue clock faces. It takes me 2-3 seconds to read the time, instead of the half a second it takes me to read the time off a digital face. It all adds up, you know.

The watch has the usual features you expect on most digital watches... I just like it because it's brushed aluminium and black leather - and the styling is something i'd come up with if it was my job to design watches. The LCD face is kinda retro pixelated, which is also pretty sweet. I also like the 'widescreen' effect the black border gives the face.
I've never been a fan of analogue clock faces. It takes me 2-3 seconds to read the time, instead of the half a second it takes me to read the time off a digital face. It all adds up, you know.

Most people (or so I've read) can read analogues much faster than digitals.
I don't like digital watches...I'm a fan of the old stuff.
Urgh, look cheap and nasty D: D: Definately not something I'd disgrace my fine wrist with >_> <_<
Most people (or so I've read) can read analogues much faster than digitals.
Well I guess i'm not most people, then. Besides, the idea of telling the time by seeing two hands pointing at numbers on a clockface all seems too old fashioned to me anyway.
I can read digital much faster but I like the stylish old ones.
Well I guess i'm not most people, then.
I'm not one of those people either. Digital displays FTW.

Sorry, lePobz, I don't like it. I prefer my watches to look something like these

Not that it matters to me anymore I've been using my phone to tell the time for years now.
I don't like watches, its like wristbands, only tighter. Irritating stuff...
If you're over 18 and have a digital watch, then I believe that the Bible says you're gay and should be struck down.
I'd prefer a fake Rolex, only ?5 off eBay, who needs to know? :D

EDIT: OMG HL2.net killed my pound symbol! D:
Its a digital clock :\
Defination of watch: Well one part of it is that you wear it around your hand shurdders
Would you like to play a game of reversi?

But are you serious? You should read page 2.