Who needs Gordon when you have...


Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
The Vortiguants? Just played Garry's MOD, and the Vortiguants literally raped the Combine (ELITE) in half at medium to long ranges. LOL, who the hell needs Gordon when you have these super soldiers armed with an arm that launches an electrical nuke!
I don't remember any Vorts taking down multiple gunships and storming the citadel...
I can't wait to have Vortigaunt NPC allies in Sven Coop 2. :D They'll have to tone down their attack damage though... the 1-hit kills are pretty cheap. :p
Thats a MOD, not the game I seem to remember valve producing :p
and anyway even if they are that powerful, who says they can take down everything thats Gordon does.
Well, they do teleport around... although that was more likely Mr Nihalith, so...

I really hope we get some Vortigaunt battles in Aftermath. In Substance they had to be toned down so not to kill everything.
I just want 1 Vort on my team who will fight with me and charge me a little, just 1.
Vortigaunts are cool, but they dont let me have any kills :(. Frag stealers.
By the way Shens, that Pepto Bismal avatar or whatever of yours just makes me feel sick. Just thinking of it makes me feel sick! I hate Pepto Bismal :x
Dsty2001 said:
The Vortiguants? Just played Garry's MOD, and the Vortiguants literally raped the Combine

I doubt that very much! :rolleyes:
btw, if you turn vortiguants hostile (using the console, which is a bit hard) and they attack you, you take 50 points of damage.

all other npcs die in 1 hit exept main npcs.
Yeah I was playing with vortigaunts, just sending everything at them. Headcrabs, fast zombies, antlions, antlion guards, anything that I could just to see if I could get em...now Guards did a pretty good job :).

But yeah Vortigaunts were never properly balanced or anything as obviously...they don't use there pimpin powers ingame.....
Thats a MOD, not the game I seem to remember valve producing
True but the health, damage, and ai were done by valve all Garrys Mod does with them is create a easy way to spawn them.
FireCrack said:
Actualy, considering it's garrysmod... :rolleyes:

But yeah, there shoulda been more fun vortiguant zapkilling. Hopefully in Aftermath, I guess.