Who the heck cares about a HL2 mod when HL2 isn't out yet?


I think that if everyone sticked to this, we could have a much more hyped up community.

edit - no more
I would gladly take more interest in a Mod, if they offered something different for a change. Yeah, I've seen these souped up pink cars with buttons and glowy things, and I have seen an awp before. All these Mods with the exception of the few are pretty much taking all their ideas out of a hat. A hat that has been used for years.... <exit center stage>
Sprafa said:

I think that if everyone sticked to this, we could have a much more hyped up community.

edit - no more tags??[/QUOTE]

The img tags are off due to abuse.

Renders like do look cool. Im not a huge fan of just down right renders on a flat background. I would like more mods to render things in a environment. Looks better.

Takes time but the result is better.