Who wants more Combine models?

Oct 27, 2004
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I think it's unfair that the Rebs get 16 different models with faces and everything but the combine are given a generic four. With the recent release of things originally meant for the single player game but cut out who wants unused Combine in there? I've seen screenshots of an "Elite Metro Cop" and Female Assassin fully modeled and textured and I would like to see them in DM. There was also another in grey and orange (In the Hydra E# vid), but I can go without it since it's fug ugly. I'm sure theres more as well.

So come on Valve more combine model options!
The difference between Rebel models is too slight to notice half the time in DM....but the combine is much easier to distinguish between models. :frog:
I think valve needs to fix the current model problem first.. when people stop jumping around as headcrabs in steamlab, then they can work on more models.. but I say if more models doesn't mean less time spent by the valve team on more useful things.. then why not? The more variety the better, right?

--Jim :cheers:
Steam announced they're releasing a fix for the exploit tommorow!

Now how about some more Combine models people? I would love to be an elite Metro Cop. They look uber cool, much better than regular members of Civil Protection.
They don't really need to add anything if you ask me. Every non-major character in the game is in there.
If they added the major characters, you just know that everyone will be Alyx.
I like the way it is. The models make it easy to identify your enemies in Team Deathmatch. :sniper:
Mechagodzilla said:
They don't really need to add anything if you ask me. Every non-major character in the game is in there.
If they added the major characters, you just know that everyone will be Alyx.

Um...did you even read my post? Major characters?
DoctorWeeTodd said:
Um...did you even read my post? Major characters?

I read your post yet I dont understand what you are trying to say..... :|
In the Raising the Bar book, there are a lot of different Combine soldiers.
I want a zombie model!!, or a random street junky, mayby the twitchy dude that was paranoid about the water.

not the heroes, those are lame
Is the elite Metro Cop the one in the big overcoat thing? 'Cause if it is, then I want that in, he looks so cool.
I like the present array of models. Combine guard (which didnt make it into the game) would be a nice, distinct addition.

The rebels all look alike (which I like, so that they dont start looking like "Bob" and "Jerry" models), but the combine are already so distinct - any more variety, and you'll begin to have the UT2004 effect; hoardes of generic models, and everything in-between.

If Valve is to waste the resources needed to improve HL2DM, I would like it to be for maps, weapons, gameplay features, and and things that "expand the game".

The guy who wastes a week making a new model could make 2 guns in the same amount of time, or port a few more maps from the game, like Lockdown and Overwatch.

Both maps come from the Singleplayer campaign, and both are absolutely *perfect* deathmatch maps, that alone blow the whole UT/Quake shopping mall of maps to the moon.
You don't understand what I'm saying people. The characters I've told you about have already been modelled, skinned, given codes and animations then cut out of the game. Valve doesn't need to waste extra time which could be spent on another gun. And the guys I've told you about are just other variations of ordinary members of the Combine Overwatch and not some weird beast or a major character like Alyx.

They can be seen in Raising the Bar and other sources.
^he's talking about a LOT of models. I can only think of 3 that would be playable characters that were cut. Combine Assasin, old Elite, and Guard.
Reaper-X said:
Is the elite Metro Cop the one in the big overcoat thing? 'Cause if it is, then I want that in, he looks so cool.
No, that was the Cremator.
I wouldn't mind having a black Super-Soldier model.

I also don't like how noisy the combine models are. There are at least 2 of them that sound like they've got a huge ****in' janitor's key-ring on or something. TOO JANGLY. The "police" model is pretty quiet though. I usually use that one.
Hey, I like the jangle :angel:

But yeah, be very grateful this isn't Rainbow Six 3... [takes a step], *JANGLE-JANGLE!!* - So much for stealth.
also combine models have bigger heads so to make up 4 that, Valve put a hit box on the rebels that is bigger than thier head but they are all the same height so you can headshot rebels if they are hiding behind something....sure sucks to be a rebel.
BetaMaster said:
No, that was the Cremator.

No, not that picture. There's one of a combine wearing a Matrix style trenchcoat and holding a shotgun.
Found the picture :)
