Who Wants Spore And Why?


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Yes there are some threads about Spore, but theyre all on development etc. Why did i bring it up?

Well, heres why:


I think i actually cried with laughter.

I also think this game could redefine what gaming (solo) is all about. I mean, you create your own creature and then everything evolves the way you want it to. Yes its basically the Sims, but who cares when it looks this funny and fun???

Personally i cant wait for this game, and with a scheduled March release date (may slide though, think HL2), i cant see the demo being that far off either.

So i want Spore because its going to change the face of gaming and set a new benchmark on simulation and strategy games. And simply because it could possibly be the most laugh out loud games ever created???
I'm not very excited for it... well maybe a little tiny bit. I'm excited to see the ramifications of procedural programming and it's influence on the gaming world, but that's about it for me. My biggest worry is that there are so many genres mixed into one game. I can't imagine each genre will have the depth that we're used to. For example will the part of the game that is like Civilization be nearly as deep as Civ? I doubt it. Will the Populous parts have the full feature set of Populous or the Sim City parts have everything in Sim City 4? Only time will tell.

I'm not saying one way or the other, it's just a concern of mine that will have to be put to rest before I buy this one. Couple those worries with the fact that the last thing on the planet I feel like doing is creating my own creatures. I hope they have a randomize all features button or something because otherwise this one is a definite no.
I'm not that excited, will just turn out to be like "The Sims", once you have everything and have done everything, the game is useless.

Quake Wars please.
I remember when Robin Williams used to be funny.

Spore is going to be fun the same way people find the Sims fun, because it allows you to mess around with stuff. I prefer sci-fi to drama so that's why I want Spore and not Sims. Simple really.
i actually want this

what kind of laptop is that?
I actually watched the video and it looks awesome but I still feel after you have got to the last phase in the game, it's ended.
I actually watched the video and it looks awesome but I still feel after you have got to the last phase in the game, it's ended.

I dunno, I could sit there for hours and make stupid creatures....so in a way, you could play the entire game with each creature u make....
Must say i wish we had something like spore-game.net bac

a sporenation.net perhaps! :O


Really want this game!
Im not one bit excited because it really isnt my kind of game. But i will have it. I respect what it is and why everyone is hyped about it. Must have for sure, but i dont think ill get into it.
I'm looking forward to it, but it's already reached the point where I don't even really wanna see videos on it since it's just the same stuff over and over. I just wanna play it.
I'm excited to play it just because of sheer creativity it brings to the table.

You can pretty make whatever the hell you want with the creature/vehicle/building editor and if this procedural generating stuff actually works... it'll be insane to see the things you make move and just act realistically as you made it.
I love the idea and can't wait for it frankly. Why? An evolution sim is just a ridiculously great idea for a game. A nightmare for QA though I am sure! :D
I love the idea and the look of it, but I probably won't play it.
I actually watched the video and it looks awesome but I still feel after you have got to the last phase in the game, it's ended.

nono, space is just the beginning!

I'm sorry but it is indeed a sandbox god game. But that is not a bad thing at all. Sim City was originally derided as a "game without a purpose" that you "couldn't win". Well hey, I don't really care if I can win a game or not, as long as I can have fun messing around its a good game.

The fact is, there is so much you can do in the space game, by the time you've gotten bored, you've already played it more than if you had beaten an FPS. The game is infinitley replayable, and there are an infinite number of creatures and stories and worlds to explore.

Personally I cannot wait for this game. To me it represents the perfect game, and I hope that the industry will move towards this kind of design style. I hope that the games of the future aren't traditional shooters and RTS games, but massive meta-games with procedurally generated content.

There is nothing to say you cannot get the amount of depth you normally would in traditional games as you would in a spore-like game.When all of the content is procedurally driven, developers will have the opportunity to develop gameplay to a peak.
I'm looking forward to it. I can't wait to start out as a microscopic organism, then eat some other tiny stuff and finally lay an egg. Then I'll get to make my own creature and teach it skills. Help it evolve and build a small colony which will slowly grow into a city then my minions will cover the planet. Then I'll send them off to some distant planet to bother its inhabitants. Just like the combine. :)
Actually I might try make one of those advisor slug things and see how well it'd survive :D Obviously I will have to give it legs, but it'd be funny to watch some flat blob take over the universe :D

Before this video, I wasn't interested. But now... Robin Williams wins.
Its really sad I know, but I want to make the human race in it, as well as my own.
I want this game badly. I always loved games that allow you to play animals, and to control one from a single-cell to a civilization is just awesome.
I'm going to do that too. Be interesting to see how well they do against some of the other species.

Is it even possible to make a human with that editor, cause after watching that video I get the feeling that you can make only weirdo creatures with it...
Is it even possible to make a human with that editor, cause after watching that video I get the feeling that you can make only weirdo creatures with it...

I reckon it's possible to, in one of the videos they had a care bear they made before.
I want spore because it looks like a good game. Duh
I want Spore because of the editor and the sandbox. But most of all I want it because it looks fun.