Who were the bad guys in Star Wars?

Farrowlesparrow said:
Do you really need to read into a the film that much? Can't it be left alone as just something thats entertaining?
only if you're not a real fan.. btw, anyone seen my princess le.. i mean.. han solo costume?
I only ever liked it for the saber fights and the games anyway :)
Haha...So what is a real fan?....I wanted a Han Solo costume...you know the one where hes frozen :D

That reminds me of when i was younger. People who are around 16 always go on about that kind of thing, mostly with music. I used to get accused of "Not being a real fan" because i didn't know every song, or my favourite song wasn't off their oldest album...
Farrowlesparrow said:
That reminds me of when i was younger. People who are around 16 always go on about that kind of thing, mostly with music. I used to get accused of "Not being a real fan" because i didn't know every song, or my favourite song wasn't off their oldest album...
ok, right. so you should know what a real fan is by now. :)
Or maybe the logic that exists in the mind of a real fan isn't so obvious to me....being slightly less twisted than what would be considered, a fan.
Apos said:
I'd say the giant Hitler helmet and him running about murdering people is probably the biggest clue we have on that score. :)

or maybe the music...
dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN dun DUn dun DUn dun dundun DUN DUN dun dun
Let me be the first in this thread to say: REBEL SCUM.

Of course, as a guy who's run a clan called [Darkside] for the past five years I've got my bias (;)), but with the Empire around the galaxy had some order to it. Everyone was united under the Empire, oppressed or not. They were only oppressed when they tried to pull some shiz anyway. You mess around, you get shot by a stormtrooper.

Up until RoTJ, then you mess around and get missed by a stormtrooper's blaster bolt by 15ft.

BTW Apos, "Emperor." Not, "Emporer." :p I always hate in games when people call me [Darkside]Emporer. :hmph:
In Episode II,

Count Dooku said that the Republic was indeed being run by the Sith-that is true
Palpatine is actually the Emperor(Obviously)
And uh...
Obi Wan in Ep.2 is like Jesus with a lightsaber...
I are t3h Ultimate SW fan!!!111
The Rebellion has to be the good side.
Admiral Ackbar is just too damn cool to be a bad guy.
what a load of rubbish! the rebel are the bad guys!
someone as far too much time on their hands!
although darth vader was the best character! the dark side was always the best side!
and luke did not know that princess leia was his sister,
anyway han solo got her in the end!
star wars great film and the banter between solo and luke and leia is great,
Rebels were the bad guys, the Empire was just trying to even the galaxy out, its not like the Empire was practicing genocide or anything.
Sprafa said:
Lucas said they were the same person long ago......

Sounds like that's pretty much reinforcingthe point I was making.
Don't suppose you have a link? I know the SW site says Palpatine is the Emperor, but it doesn't state outright that he is also Sidious (even though it's pretty obvious).
Dalamari said:
Rebels were the bad guys, the Empire was just trying to even the galaxy out, its not like the Empire was practicing genocide or anything.

I hope you're being sarcastic, because I'm pretty sure they were practising genocide... In several places at once...

Oh, and they blew up Alderaan just to demonstrate the power of the Death Star. If that's not evil, I dunno what is...
Yeeeeessss... Riiiiigggghhhhtttt... Of cooooouuurrrrssse... Girlfriends solve everything LittleB...
What if we all get nerd girlfriends and argue this stuff with them?
That is what you should do Bad Hat, its nicer that way, then you only have to one way around her and she wont get annoyed by that kind of stuf.

And my say is, the Empire is obviously evil, the whole anger kill anyone they want thing, well thats evil. And the new prequels lead right into the empire being evil. Some people look too much into things and make good points (I have this problem too) but most can be counteracted with, its a movie and the empire is supposed to be bad, there is no hidden message in the series.
slicktick said:
That is what you should do Bad Hat, its nicer that way, then you only have to one way around her and she wont get annoyed by that kind of stuf.

Then we can pretend like we're Luke and Leia :naughty:

...I didn't say that...