Who will have more fun playing Half-Life 2?

It's a worldwide release, although games in the UK are only released on a Friday.

If you want it as soon as possible, use Steam :)
I think those that dont know what to expect will enjoy it the most. Us fans will still love it but we have expectations that may not be met. Whilst the game may be quality, if we're disappointed by the smallest aspect, it could dampen our experience as a whole.

Remember, its only a game and it wont be flawless. Having played HL1 recently, as much as I love it, my expectations and experiences made what was an amazing game, suddenly quite mediocre.
I think the people with the best computers will have the most fun with HL2 :hmph:
I think that the people that just go into a game shop wont enjoy it as much as people like 'us' will.

I think they'll judge the game a bit too much b4 knowing the details because they dnt know wot cool stuff is coming, as we allrdy know the details and we know wot to expect i think we will enjoy the game even if we were disapointed about one thing (say the capabilities of pyhsics) we will still know what the game hyas to offer and therefore enjoy it more and longer.