Who would ever destroy the very idea of the Statue of Liberty and what it stands for?

99.vikram said:
The green thing conveys a clear message - America belongs to Christians.
Is this not offensive to other communitites? Therefore, shouldn't your citizens and government disallow this?
There is no right 'not to be offended'

Other communities can make one with whatever they want to. They can make a statue of liberty with a giant KKK mask over it if they want. I don't agree with it, but they can if they want.

You obviously don't value your rights very much. I can't believe you'd sacrifice your right to express yourself because what you have to say might offend someone else.
Dalamari said:
Religious fanatics ruin everything, Jesus is prolly all like "lol calm down" and they are like "THE ******S NEED TO DIE FOR ASS SLAMMING EACHOTHER!" I mean cmon, wtf is wrong with them
[backup=Dalamari]Being Christian is ok, but doing this is pretty , how should i put this, oh ok not ordinary...[/backup]
RakuraiTenjin said:
There is no right 'not to be offended'

Other communities can make one with whatever they want to. They can make a statue of liberty with a giant KKK mask over it if they want. I don't agree with it, but they can if they want.
So if I said that a certain person should be assassinated because they aren't Christian, I'm allowed to do that? Hawt :D

(Just an example from an old news post here in Belgium)
RakuraiTenjin said:
I can't believe you'd sacrifice your right to express yourself because what you have to say might offend someone else.

I guess it's just who I am, then. :)
99.vikram said:
I guess it's just who I am, then. :)

I don't think you understand the implications of what you're saying
Beerdude26 said:
So if I said that a certain person should be assassinated because they aren't Christian, I'm allowed to do that? Hawt :D

(Just an example from an old news post here in Belgium)
Yes, depends on generalities. If there was cause to think you're going to carry it out in a literal sense then they'd probably question you based on it,

Otherwise it's akin to "They should all just ****ing die already" which is said all the time.
jondy said:
I don't think you understand the implications of what you're saying

Mmm, some people just don't care about freedom of speech, man.
Why is the statue green? I thought the (real) Statue of Liberty was greenish because of all the acid rain over the years.
I don't think it's acid rain, it's just the same way old pennies turn green. I forget the name for it.
99.vikram said:

That was the Germans...

99.vikram has entered the chatroom

<99.vikram> i need to make 75 thousand dollars
<videogameaholic> removing your head from your ass leaves quite a medical bill, doesn't it.
JellyWorld said:
Why is the statue green? I thought the (real) Statue of Liberty was greenish because of all the acid rain over the years.
The statue is Copper on an Iron frame (yes that is another bit of Deus Ex for you all :P Harley Filben ftw). Copper goes green when it reacts with oxygen to create copper oxide. Many buildings in cities of Europe have copper roofing and it looks like that. Don't know whether the US used copper for roofing as much :)
<[TN]FBMachine> i got kicked out of barnes and noble once for moving all the bibles into the fiction section

I thought Copper (I) oxide was red and Copper (II) oxide was black :/
* message of general benefit *

Gustave Eiffel, the famout French artist, made the skeleton of the Statue of Liberty.

* message of general benefit *
JellyWorld said:
I thought Copper (I) oxide was red and Copper (II) oxide was black :/

Damned Ions. Took me forever to memorize them all, along with nuetrons. :/
15357 said:
Damned Ions. Took me forever to memorize them all, along with nuetrons. :/
And you'll never use them again unless you go into chemistry field.

haha @ waste of time.
kupoartist said:
The statue is Copper on an Iron frame (yes that is another bit of Deus Ex for you all :P Harley Filben ftw). Copper goes green when it reacts with oxygen to create copper oxide. Many buildings in cities of Europe have copper roofing and it looks like that. Don't know whether the US used copper for roofing as much :)

I swear, I learned just about everything from that game :p

And commenting on vikram: Even though it's been said, this is a perfect example of freedom of speech/religion. People are free to believe what they want. Obviously, a lot of people find it offensive because that isn't what America is about. But, we're not going to censor their beliefs. That isn't freedom of speech.
kupoartist said:
Majestic 12. But they pin it on the French Revolutionary group Silhouette in order to have them legitimatise both the classification of Silhouette as a Terrorist organisation, and to establish a secret underground lab, fronted by a squeaky-clean anti-terrorist organisation called UNATCO.

Thats exactly what I thought.
JellyWorld said:
I thought Copper (I) oxide was red and Copper (II) oxide was black :/
U spend too much time in Poly/JC/Uni... go shopping... or LAN
RakuraiTenjin said:
And you'll never use them again unless you go into chemistry field.

haha @ waste of time.


U spend too much time in Poly/JC/Uni... go shopping... or LAN

You are spending too less time studying if you can't name the major ions and the atomic weight of Uranium.
15357 said:
You are spending too less time studying if you can't name the major ions and the atomic weight of Uranium.
I havent learnt that, anyway when copper is burnt it produces greenish stuff i dun know what its called but when u burn arbon it turns green not black...
15357 said:

You are spending too less time studying if you can't name the major ions and the atomic weight of Uranium.
But what's the point if you can look them up when you'll need them?

Unless you're going into a field where you'll need to quickly remember them as a part of your job, there's no point.

Definately study what they mean, how to derive them, and what their significance is YES, but the specific values of each is just useless memorization.

What's important is knowing why and what it's necessary for, not exactly what it is- you can look that up at any time or derive it again if you know how.
But its on the goddamned national testing! Its the tests that are imporatant! You MUST go into a good university or be forced to work menial jobs for the rest of your life!
15357 said:
But its on the goddamned national testing! Its the tests that are imporatant! You MUST go into a good university or be forced to work menial jobs for the rest of your life!
If that was true then what would be the point of having any other universities or colleges, etc than the top ones?
Azner said:
I havent learnt that, anyway when copper is burnt it produces greenish stuff i dun know what its called but when u burn arbon it turns green not black...
When copper burns, it melts.
If that was true then what would be the point of having any other universities or colleges, etc than the top ones?

I have no idea. I think its just to give people a false sense of hope.

When copper burns, it melts.

NOO! It hath flogistons with negative mass that fly away!

Actually, burning = combining with oxygen so its not really the same as melting....